
Annual energy statement: 2020

This year’s energy statement highlights the key developments in the sector that have influenced the Scottish Government's ability to deliver the targets set out in the current Energy Strategy, published in December 2017.

6. System Security and Flexibility

Electricity security

In winter 2018/19, Scotland had secure non-intermittent electricity supply capacity of 10.0 GW.

This met peak demand of 5.3 GW in 2018/19.

Scotland’s own electricity generation is sufficient to meet demand almost all of the time (98.4% in 2019).

74.4% of demand is met only with low carbon generation.

42.3% of demand is met only with renewable generation.


  • The interconnectors between Scotland and England/Northern Ireland remain hugely important – ensuring that Scotland is not only able to export very significant quantities of electricity to the rest of the GB network, but also able to import power during the small number of hours when our generation is less than demand, as well as providing a route to market for Scottish renewable power. In 2019, Scotland exported 17.1 TWh of power and imported just 1.2 TWh, resulting in net exports of 15.9 TWh from Scotland to the rest of the UK.
  • The Scottish Government is committed to working with all key stakeholders to ensure that an increasingly decarbonised and renewable electricity system remains able to meet demand and operate safely and securely.
  • We will prioritise efforts to support “sustainable security of supply”, including the innovation and demonstration necessary to ensure that renewable generation can provide vital system services.

Electricity exports

In 2019, there was a net export of 15.9 TWh of electricity (17.1 TWh exports, 1.2 TWh imports).

This had an estimated wholesale market value of £0.74 billion.



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