
Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2015-2016

Farm business level estimates of average incomes for the accounting year 2015 to 2016, which relates to the 2015 crop year. For the most recent data, visit the Scottish farm business income (FBI) collection page below.

Table 6e: Farm Business Income, outputs and inputs performance bands by quartile: 2015-16

Type of farm All Farm Types
Performance band Lower 25% Average Upper 25%
Number of farms in sample 125 500 125
Average size of business ( SLR) 3 3 4
Average size of farm (hectares) 305 311 330
Area of cereals (hectares) 34 33 42
Area of potatoes (hectares) 1 1 1
Area of oilseed rape (hectares) 2 2 4
Area of other crops (hectares) 1 1 2
Area of fodder 3 3 5
Area of grass 79 88 117
Number of ewes 214 251 321
Number of suckler cows 32 40 54
Number of dairy cows 13 13 17
Output yield per dairy cow (ltrs)
Revenue value pence per litre
Number of other cattle 94 94 137
Headcount of unpaid workers 2.1 2.0 2.3
Number of unpaid workers ( FTE) 1.5 1.5 1.7
Average output £ per farm
Total crop output 35,655 35,672 49,192
Total livestock output 69,674 88,996 145,067
Miscellaneous output 12,373 12,047 28,915
Total average output 117,702 136,715 223,173
Subsidy and Payments 34,117 38,092 50,404
Average inputs - £ per farm
Crop expenses 28,848 26,582 35,068
Livestock expenses 43,235 43,064 57,847
Other fixed costs 111,607 95,363 120,685
Total average inputs 183,690 165,009 213,600
Diversification Margin 1,176 2,818 6,582
of which: Diversification Output 6,047 6,882 13,608
Diversification Input 4,870 4,064 7,027
Farm Business Income ( FBI) -30,696 12,615 66,559
FBI per unpaid worker ( FTE) -20,328 8,581 40,339
Output:Input ratio (including subsidies) 0.8 1.1 1.3
Output:Input ratio (excluding subsidies) 0.6 0.8 1.1
Off farm income ( OFI) 15,642 11,188 8,812
OFI per unpaid worker ( FTE) 10,359 7,611 5,341

Full-Time equivalent ( FTE) is 1,900 hours.

Off farm Income is only collected for farmers and their spouse as the midpoint of the range in which their income falls.



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