Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2016-2017

This publication provides estimates of average farm business incomes for the accounting year 2016-17, which relates to the 2016 crop year. For the most recent data, visit the Scottish farm business income (FBI) collection page below.

Table 5: Percentage distribution of farms according to Farm Business Incomes per unpaid labour (FTE), relative to the minimum agricultural wage (MAW): 2016-17

Type of farm Farm Business Income in 2016/17
<£0 ≥£0
<2 x MAW
≥2 x MAW
<5 x MAW
≥5 x MAW
<10 x MAW
≥10 x MAW
Specialist sheep (LFA) 22.9 25.0 29.2 10.4 12.5 .
Specialist cattle (LFA) 21.0 27.4 22.6 24.2 4.0 0.8
Cattle and sheep (LFA) 9.7 12.9 32.3 38.7 6.5 .
Cereals 24.1 31.0 8.6 27.6 8.6 .
General cropping 15.1 13.2 17.0 34.0 13.2 7.6
Dairy 29.6 22.7 15.9 18.2 11.4 2.3
Lowland cattle and sheep 20.7 34.5 31.0 10.3 3.5 .
Mixed 29.2 20.8 18.1 25.0 5.6 1.4
All farm types 21 23 21 25 8 1

Minimum Agricultural Wage is £7.20 per hour
≥ greater than or equal to
< less than
The minimum agricultural wage (MAW) is the weighted average for 2016 calendar year.


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