
NHS Scotland - climate emergency and sustainability: annual report 2021 to 2022

Report for 2021 to 2022 providing information on; greenhouse gas emissions arising from the operations of NHS Scotland, actions which have been taken or are underway to reduce NHS Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact, and actions to adapt to climate change.

6.3 Actions underway

Work is underway to support NHS Scotland to take a more consistent and comprehensive approach to improving its greenspace. Public Health Scotland has been working with Health Boards to build a digital mapping tool to allow them to capture the different land use types on their properties. Public Health Scotland and NatureScot have also commissioned work on developing a natural capital assessment approach, to assess the health and wellbeing benefits of greenspace which could be used by the NHS and other organisations. This will allow a method for measuring the progress of improving the outdoor estate’s contribution to health, wellbeing and biodiversity.



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