
Annual NHS Scotland Climate Emergency & Sustainability Report 2024

This year’s report shows how NHS Scotland is working to reduce its environmental impact and adapting its infrastructure and services to the address the risks presented by climate change. It also shows that many changes the NHS seeks to deliver have other potential benefits.

Part 2 – Data From Scotland’s Health Boards

1. Building Energy Emissions

Table 1a – Overall Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) for NHS Scotland Source: NHS National Services Scotland - National Energy Management System
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use 310,657 296,808 319,482 300,682 321,266 323,097 313,164 304,105 -2%
District heat networks and biomass 9,045 7,693 3,975 3,233 3,374 3,212 3,196 3,350 -63%
Electricity generation transmissi-on and distribution 271,198 231,391 185,420 144,723 126,089 114,184 105,824 95,365 -65%
Total 591,290 535,892 508,877 448,638 451,089 440,493 422,184 402,782 -32%
Table 1b - NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 78,154 63,361 61,936 -21%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 5,558 5 4 -100%
Electricity emissions 83,061 29,010 28,578 -66%
Totals 166,773 92,376 90,518 -46%
Table 1c - NHS Lothian Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS National Services Scotland - National Energy Management System
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 46,878 47,812 44,001 -6%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 0 72 86 N/A
Electricity emissions 41,755 17,633 16,144 -61%
Totals 88,633 65,517 60,231 -32%
Table 1d - NHS Grampian Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS Grampian Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 38,589 35,120 34,296 -12%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 67 87 65 -4%
Electricity emissions 22,647 5,667 4,826 -79%
Totals 61,303 40,874 39,187 -36%
Table 1e - NHS Tayside Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS Tayside Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 32,179 39,314 37,119 15%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 0 0 0 N/A
Electricity emissions 23,358 4,564 4,164 -82%
Totals 55,537 43,878 41,283 -26%
Table 1f - NHS Lanarkshire Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS Lanarkshire Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 16,409 15,761 15,689 -4%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 0 0 0 N/A
Electricity emissions 15,528 10,054 8,817 -43%
Homeworking 3,569 1,126 N/A
Totals 31,937 29,384 25,632 -20%
Table 1g - NHS Highland Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS National Services Scotland - National Energy Management System
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 21,444 20,346 20,851 -3%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 650 975 902 39%
Electricity emissions 13,639 6,260 5,710 -58%
Totals 35,733 27,581 27,463 -23%
Table 1h - NHS Ayrshire & Arran Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS Ayrshire & Arran Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use * 15,795 14,566 12,158 -23%
District heat networks and biomass emissions
Grid electricity* 16,420 7,463 6,917 -58%
Totals 32,215 22,029 19,075 -41%

*Includes WTT emissions and power T&D, grid losses, WTT generation, WTT grid losses

Table 1i - NHS Fife Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS Fife Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 16,041 14,899 15,211 -5%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 354 167 66 -82%
Electricity emissions 11,969 5,329 4587 -62%
Totals 28,364 20,395 19,864 -30%
Table 1j - NHS Forth Valley Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS Forth Valley Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use (gas) 10,575 9,344 9,472 -10%
District heat networks and biomass emissions N/A N/A N/A N/A
Grid electricity (does not include transmission and distribution emissions) 11,562 4,979 4,632 -60%
Totals 22,138 14,323 14,104 -36%
Table 1k - NHS Dumfries & Galloway Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS National Services Scotland - National Energy Management System
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 7,399 11,179 11,499 55%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 193 145 124 -36%
Electricity emissions 6,274 3,024 2,659 -58%
Totals 13,866 14,348 14,281 3%
Table 1l - NHS Golden Jubilee Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS National Services Scotland - National Energy Management System
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 5,423 4,802 4,990 -8%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 0 0 0 N/A
Electricity emissions 6,920 3,420 3,133 -55%
Totals 12,343 8,222 8,123 -34%
Table 1m - NHS Borders Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS Borders Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 4,681 5,226 5,220 12%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 130 83 69 -47%
Electricity emissions 4,341 1,872 1,659 -62%
Totals 9,152 7,181 6,948 -24%
Table 1n - NHS National Services Scotland Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS National Services Scotland Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 1,499 2,811 2,158 44%
District heat networks and biomass emissions N/A N/A N/A N/A
Electricity emissions 4,391 2,765 1,678 -62%
Totals 5,890 5,575 3,836 -35%
Table 1o - Scottish Ambulance Service Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: Scottish Ambulance Service Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 1,446 1,390 1,251 -13%
District heat networks and biomass emissions N/A N/A N/A N/A
Electricity emissions 2,161 979 931 -57%
Totals 3,607 2,369 2,182 -40%
Table 1p - NHS Western Isles Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS Western Isles Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 2,118 2,454 2,414 14%
District heat networks and biomass emissions N/A N/A N/A N/A
Electricity emissions 712 686 668 -6%
Totals 2,830 3,140 3,082 9%
Table 1p - The State Hospital Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: The State Hospital Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 833 1066 1015 22%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 57 29 25 -57%
Electricity emissions 1425 553 508 -64%
Totals 2315 1648 1548 -33%
Table 1r - NHS Shetland Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS National Services Scotland - National Energy Management System
2015/16 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 547 522 419 -23%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 792 696 715 -10%
Electricity emissions 1148 538 456 -60%
Totals 2487 1756 1590 -36%
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Table 1s - NHS Orkney Building Energy Use Emissions (tCO2e) Source: NHS Orkney Annual Health Board Climate Emergency and Sustainability report 2022/23
2015/16 2021/22* 2022/23 % change 2015/16 to 2022/23
Building fossil fuel use emissions 1509 767 645 -57%
District heat networks and biomass emissions 0 0 0 N/A
Electricity emissions 690 1070 957 39%
Totals 2199 1838 1602 -27%

*During this period, NHS Orkney opened the new Balfour Hospital which uses heat pumps (powered by electricity) as its primary source of heat. This explains the significant decrease in fossil fuel emissions and the increase in electricity emissions. As the electricity supply decarbonises, electricity emissions should decrease.

2. Medical Gas Emissions

Table 2a - N20 emissions (including Entonox) by Health Board, tCO2e Source – Scottish Government
Health Board 2018/19 (baseline) 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
NHS Golden Jubilee (National Waiting Times Centre) 192 315 91 105
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 1344 1480 1257 916
NHS Borders 632 489 548 549
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 722 500 565 487
NHS Fife 1493 1542 1465 1297
NHS Forth Valley 1199 1188 1090 1339
NHS Grampian 4112 3337 3985 4023
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 6448 5524 5065 5710
NHS Highland 1191 885 1258 902
NHS Lanarkshire 2409 1943 2016 1807
NHS Lothian 4608 4179 4272 4087
NHS Orkney 90 69 109 86
NHS Shetland 114 75 100 155
NHS Tayside 2259 2237 2231 2419
NHS Western Isles 127 111 202 169
Scottish Ambulance Service 1336 1133 1211 1277
Total 28,276 25,007 25,465 25,328
Table 2b: Volatile gas (desflurane, sevoflurane and isoflurane) emissions by Health Board, tCO2e Source: Scottish Government
Health Board 2017/18 Baseline 2018/19 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
NHS Golden Jubilee (National Waiting Times Centre) 29 24 19 22 26
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 685 569 105 78 76
NHS Borders 70 49 11 16 16
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 111 74 22 27 17
NHS Fife 151 123 56 50 41
NHS Forth Valley 419 171 38 41 41
NHS Grampian 1350 1015 209 222 133
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 3954 2885 497 394 470
NHS Highland 349 154 36 43 43
NHS Lanarkshire 916 901 84 77 108
NHS Lothian 1403 1175 289 308 257
NHS Orkney 22 18 21 10 26
NHS Shetland 25 15 16 14 7
NHS Tayside 669 232 98 55 89
NHS Western Isles 19 17 1 9 7
Total 10170 7423 1502 1366 1356
Table 2c: Desflurane emissions by Health Board, tCO2e Source: Scottish Government
Health Board 2017/18 (Baseline) 2018/19 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
NHS Golden Jubilee (National Waiting Times Centre) 13 5 6 5 2
NHS Ayrshire and Arran 620 508 79 35 25
NHS Borders 55 33 4 6 5
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 87 52 5 7 1
NHS Fife 95 68 25 9 -4
NHS Forth Valley 365 115 8 0 0
NHS Grampian 1235 897 146 152 58
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 3576 2499 274 112 142
NHS Highland 297 101 0 0 0
NHS Lanarkshire 816 796 34 9 21
NHS Lothian 1128 914 127 158 87
NHS Orkney 20 16 20 7 22
NHS Shetland 22 12 13 11 4
NHS Tayside 591 150 47 -5 12
NHS Western Isles 16 13 -1 5 3
Total 8,937 6,178 787 511 378

Negative numbers represent pharmacy returns.

Table 2d: Piped Nitrous Oxide emissions by Health Boards, tCO2e Source: Scottish Government
Health Board 2017/18 (Baseline) 2018/19 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
NHS Golden Jubilee (National Waiting Times Centre) 180 130 290
NHS Ayrshire and Arran 538 558 699 542 272
NHS Borders 241 344 251 241 246
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 231 118 98 157 98
NHS Fife 188 316 393 217 217
NHS Forth Valley 246 447 197 64 472
NHS Grampian 1,601 1,687 981 1,310 1,274
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 2,509 2,263 2,106 1,706 2,013
NHS Highland 359 364 251 403 148
NHS Lanarkshire 733 320 256 192 251
NHS Lothian 1,750 1,566 1,238 971 455
NHS Orkney 30 54 39 10
NHS Shetland 30 10 10 30 74
NHS Tayside 895 1,095 932 716 848
NHS Western Isles 59 113 64 128 108
Total 9,590 9,385 7,766 6,716 6,486

3. Metered dose inhaler propellant

Table 3a: Emissions from PMDI propellant prescribed and dispensed in primary care Source – Scottish Government
Health Board Inhaler numbers and emissions 2018/19 (baseline) 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
NHS Ayrshire & Arran PMDI Total inhalers 334,078 339,877 310,561 320,120 332,804
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 5,766 5,854 5,348 5,508 5,717
NHS Borders PMDI Total inhalers 103,885 110,470 103,213 104,747 110,710
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 1,794 1,905 1,779 1,803 1,905
NHS Dumfries & Galloway PMDI Total inhalers 156,713 172,516 159,708 163,961 169,964
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 2,794 3,056 2,828 2,892 2,980
NHS Fife PMDI Total inhalers 304,315 332,426 307,689 326,654 341,922
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 5,359 5,818 5,381 5,676 5,915
NHS Forth Valley PMDI Total inhalers 212,979 232,832 219,531 230,742 244,459
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 3,894 4,258 4,020 4,198 4,418
NHS Grampian PMDI Total inhalers 382,977 411,507 375,105 387,606 407,528
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 7,197 7,751 7,152 7,381 7,725
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde PMDI Total inhalers 1,050,874 1,122,505 1,052,601 1,091,159 1,128,024
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 18,055 19,261 18,066 18,714 19,333
NHS Highland PMDI Total inhalers 249,335 264,171 234,890 236,437 240,387
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 4,395 4,655 4,154 4,173 4,221
NHS Lanarkshire PMDI Total inhalers 552,118 594,257 560,166 578,915 618,091
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 9,555 10,255 9,663 9,972 10,631
NHS Lothian PMDI Total inhalers 694,388 734,674 666,006 676,863 689,928
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 11,855 12,542 11,369 11,554 11,774
NHS Orkney PMDI Total inhalers 16,716 17,892 14,793 15,045 16,126
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 311 336 285 291 307
NHS Shetland PMDI Total inhalers 19,231 19,946 17,956 18,461 19,063
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 358 376 346 356 365
NHS Tayside PMDI Total inhalers 370,026 381,658 356,662 369,440 381,914
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 6,460 6,650 6,213 6,420 6,617
NHS Western Isles PMDI Total inhalers 22,417 24,637 22,531 23,405 24,593
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 388 428 392 408 428
Annual Total CO2 Equivalent (tonnes) 78,182 83,145 76,996 79,346 82,337
Table 3b: Emissions from PMDI propellant prescribed and dispensed in secondary care Source – Scottish Government
Health Board Inhaler numbers and emissions 2018/19 (baseline) 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
NHS Ayrshire & Arran pMDI Total inhalers 8874 8343 5995 7160 7573
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 152 142 103 122 129
NHS Borders pMDI Total inhalers 2444 2287 1618 2070 2157
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 42 39 28 35 37
NHS Dumfries & Galloway pMDI Total inhalers 2915 3204 2771 2852 2620
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 51 55 48 49 45
NHS Fife pMDI Total inhalers 6484 6752 5229 6438 7058
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 112 116 90 111 121
NHS Forth Valley pMDI Total inhalers 5417 5674 4199 5532 5577
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 94 98 74 96 97
NHS Grampian pMDI Total inhalers 7123 7961 5028 6298 7394
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 127 141 91 112 132
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde pMDI Total inhalers 35985 32735 25992 35141 36522
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 616 559 444 600 624
NHS Highland pMDI Total inhalers 5999 6474 2902 4142 4362
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 103 111 50 71 75
NHS Lanarkshire pMDI Total inhalers 11919 12074 10231 12874 13318
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 205 207 176 221 228
NHS Lothian pMDI Total inhalers 20285 20939 13737 20143 20633
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 346 357 234 343 352
NHS Orkney pMDI Total inhalers 173 193 166 231 267
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 3 3 3 4 5
NHS Shetland pMDI Total inhalers 225 307 299 265 309
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 4 5 5 5 5
NHS Tayside pMDI Total inhalers 9164 9663 6856 8633 8381
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 158 166 117 148 144
NHS Western Isles pMDI Total inhalers 463 521 381 453 627
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 8 9 6 8 11
State Hospital pMDI Total inhalers NA NA NA 203 NA
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) NA NA NA 3.5 NA
NHS Golden Jubilee (National Waiting Times Centre) PMDI Total inhalers NA NA NA 526 NA
CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) NA NA NA 9.0 NA
All Scotland CO2 Equivalent (tCO2e) 2,021 2,010 1,469 1,939 2,003

NA= Not Available

4. Travel and Transport

Table 4a: Health Board fleet greenhouse gas emissions, tCO2e Source: Health Board Annual Climate Emergency and Sustainability Reports 2022/23
Health Board 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2019/20 to 2022/23
NHS Ayrshire & Arran* 797 665 1,462 1,461 83
NHS Borders 220 265 248 303 38
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 321 275 317 279 -13
NHS Fife - - 502 468 N/A
NHS Forth Valley** 379 453 296 401 6
NHS Grampian 1,026 941 1,084 800 -22
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - 4,628 1,365 1,278 N/A
NHS Highland - - - - N/A
NHS Lanarkshire*** 756 739 783 715 -5
NHS Lothian - 1,402 1,319 1,497 N/A
NHS Orkney 66 67 46 36 -45
NHS Shetland - - - - N/A
NHS Tayside 769 754 768 720 -6
NHS Western Isles - - - - N/A
NHS Golden Jubilee (National Waiting Times Centre) - - 53 53 N/A
The State Hospital - 8 19 9 N/A
Public Health Scotland N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Healthcare Improvement Scotland**** 20 N/A 0 0 -100
NHS Education for Scotland N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
NHS National Services Scotland 1,584 1,586 1,737 1,606 1
NHS 24 12 - - - N/A
Scottish Ambulance Service 20,557 17,956 19,791 20,974 2

*21/22 and 22/23 figures include WTT emissions for 5 categories – Van class 1, Van average, HGV average, HGV Laiden, Car's petrol small. No pool car data so small petrol car emissions factor used until data improves. EV impact unknown.

**22/23 total includes hired and leased vehicles for the first time

***21/22 figures revised since last year

****20/21 Offices Closed

NA = Not Available

Table 4b – Health Board business travel greenhouse gas emissions, tCO2e Source: Health Board Annual Climate Emergency and Sustainability Reports 2022/23
Health Board 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2019/20 to 2022/23
NHS Ayrshire & Arran* 1,886 870 1,223 1,147 -39%
NHS Borders 586 358 376 381 -35%
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 714 458 485 473 -34%
NHS Fife - - - - N/A
NHS Forth Valley 602 420 439 485 -19%
NHS Grampian - - - 936 N/A
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - - 2873 3290 N/A
NHS Highland - - - - N/A
NHS Lanarkshire** - - 1640 1305 N/A
NHS Lothian - 1172 1338 1324 N/A
NHS Orkney - - - - N/A
NHS Shetland - - - - N/A
NHS Tayside - - 878 1078 N/A
NHS Western Isles - - - 96 N/A
NHS Golden Jubilee (National Waiting Times Centre) - - - - N/A
The State Hospital - - - 4 N/A
Public Health Scotland*** N/A 3 5 25 N/A
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 132 - - 15 -89%
NHS Education for Scotland 493 58 53 115 -77%
NHS National Services Scotland 974 99 148 165 -83%
NHS 24 118 - - - N/A
Scottish Ambulance Service**** 637 473 363 1065 67%

*Includes WTT emissions for all travel activities – ferries, taxis, planes, trains, buses.

**2021/22 figures revised since last year

***Organisation formed 2020, no previous data available

****This increase is attributed to obtaining actual mileage of hire vehicles for the first time, specifically for the Mobile Testing Units used during the Covid periods. This figure should reduce significantly as these vehicles are being taken out of use.

NA = Not Available

Table 4c Composition of NHS Fleet by Health Board, March 2023 Source: NHS National Services Scotland (National Fleet Management System), NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Scottish Ambulance Service
Health Board Class EV Fossil Fuel/Hybrid Total % EV
NHS Ayrshire & Arran Cars 45 161 206 22%
Light Commercial Vehicles 0 94 94 0%
Heavy Vehicles 0 8 8 0%
NHS Borders Cars 11 16 27 41%
Light Commercial Vehicles 6 32 38 16%
Heavy Vehicles 0 1 1 0%
NHS Dumfries & Galloway Cars 1 91 92 1%
Light Commercial Vehicles 2 33 35 6%
Heavy Vehicles 0 1 1 0%
NHS Fife Cars 3 50 53 6%
Light Commercial Vehicles 25 48 73 34%
Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0%
NHS Forth Valley Cars 18 34 52 35%
Light Commercial Vehicles 25 49 74 34%
Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0%
NHS Grampian Cars 4 177 181 2%
Light Commercial Vehicles 4 123 127 3%
Heavy Vehicles 0 13 13 0%
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Cars 43 71 114 38%
Light Commercial Vehicles 66 208 274 24%
Heavy Vehicles 7 23 30 23%
NHS Highland Cars 42 347 389 11%
Light Commercial Vehicles 11 217 228 5%
Heavy Vehicles 0 3 3 0%
NHS Lanarkshire Cars 0 11 11 0%
Light Commercial Vehicles 52 22 74 70%
Heavy Vehicles 0 9 9 0%
NHS Lothian Cars 150 256 406 37%
Light Commercial Vehicles 57 110 167 34%
Heavy Vehicles 0 27 27 0%
NHS Orkney Cars 22 14 36 61%
Light Commercial Vehicles 5 0 5 100%
Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0%
NHS Shetland Cars 13 30 43 30%
Light Commercial Vehicles 5 10 15 33%
Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0%
NHS Tayside Cars 81 47 128 63%
Light Commercial Vehicles 32 48 80 40%
Heavy Vehicles 1 15 16 6%
NHS Western Isles Cars 0 6 6 0%
Light Commercial Vehicles 0 22 22 0%
Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0%
NHS National Services Scotland Cars 0 22 22 0%
Light Commercial Vehicles 3 45 48 6%
Heavy Vehicles 0 9 9 0%
Scottish Ambulance Service Cars 223 190 413 54%
Light Commercial Vehicles 43 245 288 15%
Heavy Vehicles 0 852 852 0%
Motorbikes 0 0 0 0%
State Hospital Cars 0 1 1 0%
Light Commercial Vehicles 2 5 7 29%
Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0%
Total Cars 711 1343 2054 35%
Light Commercial Vehicles 342 1750 2092 16%
Heavy Vehicles 8 519 527 1%
Motorbikes 0 0 0 0%
Table 4d: Bike Use in NHS Scotland Health Boards as at March 2023 Source: Health Board Annual Climate Emergency and Sustainability Reports 2022/23
Health Board Bikes ebikes
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 0 0
NHS Borders 0 0
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 21 19
NHS Fife 0 0
NHS Forth Valley 0 0
NHS Grampian 0 31
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 500 0
NHS Highland - -
NHS Lanarkshire - -
NHS Lothian 0 27
NHS Orkney 0 0
NHS Shetland - -
NHS Tayside 4 12

5. Waste.

Note: For Western Isles, figures given for clinical waste only. N/A=Not available.

Table 5 – NHS greenhouse gas emissions from waste disposal, tCO2e Source: Health Board Annual Climate Emergency and Sustainability Reports 2022/23
Health Board 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 % change 2019/20 to 2022/23
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 325 389 384 445 36.9%
NHS Borders - 27 37 136 N/A
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 235 200 176 168 -28.6%
NHS Fife - 715 1089 1150 N/A
NHS Forth Valley 271 650 233 199 -26.7%
NHS Grampian 590 624 545 583 -1.2%
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 148 351 1766 1660 1021.6%
NHS Highland - - - - N/A
NHS Lanarkshire 54 51 652 983 1720.4%
NHS Lothian - - 967 950 N/A
NHS Orkney 48 39 42 16 -66.7%
NHS Shetland - - - - N/A
NHS Tayside 1242 188 627 1210 -2.6%
NHS Western Isles - 2 1 - N/A
State Hospital 38 44 37 44 15.7%
Scottish Ambulance Service 13 22 24 74 469.2%
Health Improvement Scotland 6 N/A - 0.1 N/A
Golden Jubilee - - - - N/A
NHS 24 11 - - - N/A
National Services Scotland 28 31 47 38 35.7%
Public Health Scotland N/A - - - N/A
National Education Scotland - - - - N/A



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