
Annual performance reports: guidance - easy read version

Easy read version of the health and social care annual performance reports: statutory guidance, which supports the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) 2014 Act.

Health and Social Care Integration : Annual performance reports: guidance : Easy Read Version

What are performance reports?

Health and Social Care Partnerships were started so that local NHS and Council services work better together.

A performance report shows how well an organisation is doing.

Annual means it happens once a year.

A law called the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 or 'the 2014 Act' for short, says that all Health and Social Care Partnerships must make a performance report each year.

Reporting for the year starts from 1 April.

The report must be:

  • put online
  • as accessible as possible using different formats and different ways to put the information out

Checking how well work is going

The 2014 Act says what information must be in annual performance reports.

The rules say that performance reports must include:

  • a check on how well work is going linked to the strategic plan of the Health and Social Care Partnership area

A strategic plan is a big plan that says what an organisation wants to achieve and the work they will do.

  • a check on how well work is going linked to the national health and wellbeing outcomes, including:
    • information about how work in the strategic plan and the money given to it, has worked to achieve the national health and wellbeing outcomes

Wellbeing means feeling comfortable, healthy and happy.

The national health and wellbeing outcomes show how we want to make the quality of care better for people who use health and social care services.

  • information about how the Health and Social Care Partnership has worked to achieve the national indicators

This must include information that compares the reporting year and the 5 years before it.

The national indicators describe the type of Scotland we want to build.

  • information about how many important decisions have been made that are not part of the strategic plan

This must include the reasons for these decisions.

Each performance report must include information about:

  • consulting and involving people in the local area

Consulting means asking people what they think.

  • information about how asking local people what they think has changed how services are provided
  • how much money was spent in each local area

… and finally

Performance reporting is a chance to check on what is and is not working.

Reports are expected to include as much information as possible.



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