
Annual performance reports: statutory guidance - consultation

We are seeking views on this re-drafted statutory guidance, focused on annual performance reports, which supports the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) 2014 Act.

Glossary of key terms

Core suite of integration indicators

Indicators collated by Public Health Scotland, which are intended to measure performance against the national health and wellbeing outcomes

Integration authority

General term that encompasses both models of integration under the 2014 Act

Integration joint board

One of two possible models for forming an integration authority. Functions and resources are delegated by the health board and local authority to a body corporate

Lead agency model

One of two possible models for forming an integration authority. Functions and resources are delegated between the health board and local authority

National health and wellbeing outcomes

A set of outcomes, defined by regulations under the 2014 Act, which provide a national framework for measuring the impact of integrated health and social care on the health and wellbeing of individuals


A smaller area within the borders of an integration authority, used as an organisational mechanism for local service planning that feeds upwards into an integration authority's strategic plan



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