
Annual Population Survey in Scotland 2005

This summary publication presents analysis on the labour market, education and training. Results are presented here at Scotland and sub-Scotland levels.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Annual Population Survey ( APS) data for the UK for the 2005 calendar year were published on 29 June 2006. This report focuses on the 2005 results for Scotland. The Scottish APS data are sourced from the annual Labour Force Survey ( LFS) data (with a boost to the sample in Scotland). The LFS is the official source of labour market statistics such as employment, economic activity and unemployment.

This summary publication presents analysis on the labour market, education and training.Results are presented here at Scotland and sub-Scotland levels.

This is the third publication of this series. The previous publications summarised results from the Annual Scottish Labour Force Survey ( ASLFS) data. This publication launches the APS data. More detail on survey methodology and the move from the ASLFS to the APS can be found in Annex A.

This report presents results for the 2004 and the 2005 calendar year. However annual data are available on a quarterly rolling annual basis thus a time series of the main economic indicators for the intervening time periods can be found in Chapter 4.

As survey results, these are subject to a degree of error and implied changes between the 2004 and 2005 results may not be significant and instead be within a given error range. Confidence limits for estimates should be taken into account, especially for changes over time ( see Annex A for confidence limits).

Annex A provides information on the methodology underpinning the data and the reliability of results, Annex B outlines future developments, Annex C is a list of definitions and Annex D details the geographies used in the report.

In this publication, all levels are rounded to the nearest thousand. Proportions are calculated on un-rounded figures and are rounded to the first decimal place. Totals may not equal the sum of individual components due to rounding. All results are based on the area of residence unless otherwise stated.

APS data (including confidence limits) for the whole of the UK and the regional/local areas within are available free of charge from the Nomis ® website - The Nomis website also holds data on claimants of benefits, vacancies and employees.

Tabulations are also available from:

Labour Market Statistics Branch
Scottish Executive
5 Cadogan Street
G2 6AT

Tel: 0141 242 5446

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