
Annual Population Survey in Scotland 2005

This summary publication presents analysis on the labour market, education and training. Results are presented here at Scotland and sub-Scotland levels.

Table 34: Highest qualification allocation to SVQ levels and SCQF levels

Highest Qualification Obtained

SVQ Level

SCQF Level

Higher degree


11 to 12

NVQ level 5

First degree/foundation degree

Above 4 / Degree

9 to 10

Other degree

NVQ level 4


7 to 8

Diploma in higher education

HNC, HND, BTEC etc higher

Teaching, further education

Teaching, secondary education

Teaching, primary education

Teaching, level not stated

Nursing etc

RSA higher diploma

Other higher education below degree

NVQ level 3



Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate

International Baccalaureate

GNVQ/ GSVQ advanced

A-level or equivalent

RSA advanced diploma

OND/ ONC/ BTEC/ SCOTVEC National etc

City & Guilds Advanced Craft/Part 1

Scottish 6 year certificate/ CSYS

SCE higher or equivalent

Access qualifications

AS-level or equivalent

Trade apprenticeship

NVQ level 2



Intermediate Welsh Baccalaureate

GNVQ/ GSVQ intermediate

RSA diploma

City & Guilds Craft/Part 2

BTEC/ SCOTVEC First or General diploma etc

O-level, GCSE grade A*-C or equivalent

NVQ level 1


1 to 4

GNVQ/ GSVQ foundation level

CSE below grade 1, GCSE below grade C

BTEC/ SCOTVEC First or General certificate

SCOTVEC modules

RSA other

City & Guilds foundation/Part 1

YT/ YTP certificate

Key skills qualification

Basic skills qualification

Entry level qualification

Other Qualifications




An adult learner is someone aged 16 and over who has done some taught and/or non-taught adult learning over the last year.

Taught adult learning: taught courses that were meant to lead to a qualification; taught courses designed to help develop skills used in a job; courses, instructions or tuition in driving, playing a musical instrument, art or craft, sport or any practical skill; evening classes; learning involving an individual working on their own from a package of materials provided by an employer, college, commercial organisation or other training provider; other taught course, instruction or tuition.

Non-taught adult learning: studying for qualifications without taking part in a taught course; supervised training while doing a job; time spent keeping up-to-date with developments in one's work or profession e.g. by reading books or attending seminars; deliberately trying to improve one's knowledge about anything or teach oneself a skill without taking part in a taught course.


Respondents in the LFS who are of working age and who are not still at school or on government training programmes which are 'college-based programmes' are asked whether they received any job-related training or education in the last four weeks and the last 13 weeks.

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