Child poverty strategy: annual report, 2016

The third annual report on the Child Poverty Strategy for Scotland, which was published in March 2014.

6. Annex: Child Poverty Measurement Framework - Data Sources And Years

Maximising financial resources of families on low incomes (Pockets)
Baseline Most recent Baseline source year Most recent source year Data source
Maximised financial entitlements of families on low incomes
1.1 Percentage of working people earning less than Living Wage 18.6% [14] 20.1% 2013 2016 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings ( ASHE)
Reduced household spend of families on low incomes
2.1 Average cost of 25 hours per week private nursery care for children aged two or over £100.07 [15] £104.06 2013 2015 Childcare Costs Survey
Families on low incomes are managing finances appropriately and are accessing all financial entitlements
3.1 Percentage of households with children in bottom three income deciles who are not managing well financially 35% 25% 2012 2015 Scottish Household Survey ( SHS)
3.2 Percentage of households with children in bottom three income deciles where someone has a bank account 90% 95% 2011 2015 SHS
Parents are in good quality, sustained employment in line with skills and ambitions
4.1 Employment rate of adults with dependent children 79.3% 81.8% 2012 2014 Annual Population Survey ( APS) Household dataset
4.2 Underemployment rate of adults with dependent children 8.4% 6.8% 2012 2014 APS Household dataset
4.3 Earnings that go to the top 10% of earners, divided by the earnings of the bottom 10% (S90/S10) 16.4 15.4 2013 2016 ASHE
4.4 Percentage of adults with dependent children with low [16] or no qualifications ( SCQF level 4 or below) 9.2% 8.1% 2012 2014 APS Household dataset
Improved life chances of children in poverty (Prospects)
Baseline Most recent Baseline source year Most recent source year Data source
Children from low income households have improving levels of mental and physical health
5.1 Percentage of children aged 2-15 from households in bottom three income deciles with good or very good parent-assessed health 91.8% 91.3% 2010 & 2011 (combined) 2014 & 2015 (combined) Scottish Health Survey ( SHeS)
5.2 Percentage of 13 and 15 year olds from the 20% most deprived SIMD datazones with below average scores (14-40) on the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale ( WEMWBS) 19% (revised [17] ) 18% 2010 2015 Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey ( SALSUS)
5.3 Percentage of children aged 2-15 from households in bottom three income deciles eating five portions of fruit and vegetables per day 10.2% 9.2% 2010 & 2011 (combined) 2014 & 2015 (combined) SHeS
5.4 Percentage of children aged 2-15 from households in bottom three income deciles spending four or more hours at a screen per day 14.1% 14.6% 2008 & 2010 (combined) 2014 & 2015 (combined) SHeS
5.5 Percentage of 15 year olds from the 20% most deprived SIMD datazones smoking at least one cigarette a week 16% (revised [18] ) 10% 2010 2015 SALSUS
Children from low income households experience social inclusion and display social competence
6.1 Percentage of children aged 2-15 from households in bottom three income deciles who have played sport in the last week 58.2% 56.4% 2010 & 2011 (combined) 2014 & 2015 (combined) SHeS
6.2 Percentage of 11, 13 and 15 year olds from bottom third of family affluence scale that find it easy to talk to mother or stepmother 80.0% 79.4% 2010 2014 Health Behaviours of School-aged Children Study ( HBSC)
6.3 Percentage of 11, 13 and 15 year olds from bottom third of family affluence scale [19] who agree that pupils in class accept them as they are 71.1% 62.6% 2010 2014 HBSC
Children from low income households have improving relative levels of educational attainment, achieving their full potential
7.1 Percentage of P7 pupils from the 30% most deprived SIMD datazones performing well or very well in numeracy 61.4% 54.3% 2011 2015 Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy ( SSLN)
7.2 Percentage of P7 pupils from the 30% most deprived SIMD datazones performing well or very well in reading 81.6% 81.4% 2012 2014 SSLN
7.3 Percentage of P7 pupils from the 30% most deprived SIMD datazones performing well, very well or beyond the level in writing 60.9% 56.3% 2012 2014 SSLN
7.4 Mean Strengths and Difficulties score for children aged 4-12 from households in bottom three income deciles 9.4 9.1 2010 & 2011 (combined) 2014 & 2015 (combined) SHeS
7.5 Percentage of adults from households with children in bottom three income deciles that are satisfied with local schools 91% 86% 2012 2015 SHS
Children from low income backgrounds are in good quality, sustained employment in line with skills and ambitions
8.1 Percentage of school leavers from 15% most deprived SIMD datazones who are in a positive destination approximately nine months after leaving school 82.4% (revised [20] ) 86.1% 2012/13 2014/15 Scottish Government publication: Summary statistics for attainment, leaver destinations and healthy living
8.2 Percentage of 15 year olds from bottom third of family affluence scale who think they will be in positive destinations after leaving school 86.4% 86.6% 2010 2014 HBSC
8.3 Modern Apprenticeship starts 25,284 25,818 2013/14 2015/16 Skills Development Scotland
8.4 Modern Apprenticeship completion rate 77% 76% 2013/14 2015/16 Skills Development Scotland
Children from low income households live in well-designed sustainable places (Places)
Baseline Most recent Baseline source year Most recent source year Data source
Children from low income households live in high quality, sustainable housing
9.1 Average percentage of income spent on housing 9.8% 9.1% 2011/12 2014/15 Family Resources Survey ( FRS)
9.2 Percentage of households in 15% most deprived SIMD datazones satisfied with condition of home 69% 71% 2012 2015 SHS
Children from low income households grow up in places that are socially sustainable
10.1 Percentage of adults in 15% most deprived SIMD datazones who agree they can influence decisions affecting their local area 21% 24% 2012 2015 SHS
10.2 Percentage of 13 and 15 years olds from 15% most deprived SIMD datazones who agree that people in their area say hello and talk to each other on the street 63.8% 64.0% 2010 2014 HBSC
10.3 Percentage of adults in 15% most deprived SIMD datazones who have been the victim of one or more crimes in the past year 21.3% 21.2% 2012/13 2014/15 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey ( SCJS)
10.4 Percentage of adults in 15% most deprived SIMD datazones who say drug misuse or dealing is common in their neighbourhood 34% 27% 2012 2015 SHS
Children from low income households grow up in places that are physically sustainable
11.1 Percentage of adults in 15% most deprived SIMD datazones who say their neighbourhood is a good place to live 80% 84% 2012 2015 SHS
11.2 Percentage of households in 15% most deprived SIMD datazones satisfied with quality of local public transport 76% 80% 2012 2015 SHS
11.3 Percentage of adults in 15% most deprived SIMD datazones who can access green space within a five-minute walk or less 60% (change in indicator from 2012) 59% 2013 (change in indicator from 2012) 2015 SHS
Children from low income households grow up in places that are economically sustainable
12.1 Gap in employment rate between 15% most deprived and rest of Scotland 19.5 percentage points 16.0 percentage points 2012 2015 APS
12.2 Gap in percentage of adults with low or no qualifications between 15% most deprived SIMD datazones and rest of Scotland 15.8 percentage points 14.2 percentage points 2012 2015 APS
12.3 Gap in personal internet use between 15% most deprived SIMD datazones and rest of Scotland 12 percentage points 12 percentage points 2012 2015 SHS


Email: Alison Stout

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