
Report for the five Scottish national performing companies: April 2015 to March 2016

Annual report on National Theatre of Scotland, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Scottish Ballet, Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Scottish Opera.

3. Facts and Figures for the Financial Year April 2015 to March 2016

3.1 Alongside the artistic and educational achievements of the Companies described above, this Annual Report also details the financial performance of each Company in the financial year 2015/16 and their reach demographically and geographically. This year continued to be a successful one for all the Companies, demonstrated through the information detailed within the tables below, and through the individual Company Annual Reports published each year and available from Companies House.

Funding Allocations: Funding for the National Performing Companies was allocated as follows:

Company 2014/15 (£m) 2015/16 (£m)
National Theatre of Scotland £4.252 £4.303
Royal Scottish National Orchestra £4.025 £4.084
Scottish Ballet £4.382 £4.504
Scottish Chamber Orchestra £2.050 £2.054
Scottish Opera £8.148 £8.247
Total £22.86 £23.19
(1.44% increase)

3.2 International Touring Fund ( ITF): Each Company was also eligible to apply to the dedicated International Touring Fund of £350,000. This Fund was used to support the Companies' performing activities overseas, with priority given for tours to areas of significance to the Scottish Government.

International Touring Funding was approved as follows:

Company 2015/16 (£) Touring destinations supported
National Theatre of Scotland 184,000 Australia, Adelaide and New Zealand, Auckland
Scottish Opera 110,000 Canada, Toronto
Scottish Ballet 6,000 Singapore
Total 300,000


3.3 In 2015/16 the five Companies had a combined income of £37m of which 64% was received from Scottish Government revenue and project funding. These figures do not include Scottish Government capital project income detailed at 3.5. Of earned income, £12.6m in 2015/16 was generated by the Companies from performances, education work, merchandising and fundraising, and from other public grants. Box office and performance fees accounted for £7.9m (21% of total turnover of all the Companies), income from charitable donations and commercial sponsorship reduced to £3.7m and support from local authorities also decreased to just 1% of turnover.

A summary breakdown of income as a percentage of overall turnover for all the Companies is shown below:

Income Total (£m) 2014/15 % of total urnover Total (£m) 2015/16 % of total turnover
Total box office income 8.1 20% 7.5 20%
Education income (fees) 0.4 1% 0.4 1%
Merchandising 0.8 2% 0.7 2%
Sponsorship / Fundraising 5.4 13% 3.7 10%
Local authority core 0.4 1% 0.3 1%
Local authority project 0.07 0.2% 0.01 0.03%
Other grant income 0.7 2% 0.4 1%
Scottish Government core 23 57% 23.2 63%
Scottish Government project 1 2% 0.3 1%
Total income across all five National Performing Companies 40 37

Note: Any difference in total is an allowance for the rounding of figures.

3.4 Scottish Government capital commitments continue to address the National Performing Company production and presentation needs. Capital funding spans financial years. However the majority of the support listed below was agreed within the financial year 2014/15 and 2015/16. A summary of support can be found below:

  • Royal Scottish National Orchestra: capital grant contribution of over £9.2m to redevelop the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall completed in 2015.
  • National Theatre of Scotland: capital grant contribution of £2m committed for the Rockvilla project to be completed in 2016.

3.5 To support the fundraising requirements of capital projects a loan of £4m for Scottish Opera and £2m for National Theatre of Scotland was agreed to be provided from Scottish Government. Further details on this are available at


3.6 In 2015/16 the five Companies expended a total of £36m, in comparison to £39m in 2014/15. A high proportion of this spend went directly into the purchase of goods, services and activity which contribute directly to the Scottish economy, i.e. through contracts with Scottish companies and suppliers.

3.7 As touring Companies, these organisations make a significant contribution to the economy of the local areas into which they travel, achieving both financial investment and equality of opportunity across the country. In addition, the five companies together had 1,865 employees in 2015/16. The Companies are leading investors in the training and skills development of Scottish-based creative individuals at all levels, be they of school-age, in higher education, professionals or in the community. They also invest in the training and skills development of Scotland's technical, administrative and producing talent.

3.8 All five of the National Performing Companies focus as much of their resources as possible to support for artists and the creative process. In 2015/16, £26.6m (74% of turnover) was spent across all the Companies directly on putting work onto stages and into education events for audiences and participants. This work was supported by marketing and fundraising activity to the value of 11% of total spend.

A summary breakdown of expenditure as a percentage of overall spend for all the Companies is shown below:

Expenditure Total (£m) 2014/15 Percentage of total turnover Total (£m) 2015/16 Percentage of total turnover
Productions and performances 25.8 66% 24.4 68%
Education activity 3.2 8% 2.2 6%
Marketing 2.4 6% 2.7 8%
Sponsorship and fundraising 1.3 3% 1.4 4%
Overheads 3.1 8% 3.1 9%
Staff salaries 3.2 8% 2 6%
Governance 0.2 1% 0.3 1%
Total expenditure across all National Performing Companies 39 36

Note: Any difference in total is an allowance for the rounding of figures.


3.9 The National Performing Companies are all committed to delivering their work across the whole of Scotland. This work includes medium to large scale work in towns and cities, and a range of smaller projects which are delivered to smaller communities in their schools and halls. In 2015/16 the Companies worked in 31 of Scotland's 32 local authority areas. Clackmannanshire was the only area that received no visits, although box office data indicates that people living in this area enjoyed the Companies' work in other locations. The programme of work changes annually, so major community projects will influence the scale of activity in local authority areas.

3.10 Overall, the number of people attending a performance, or participating in an education event, by the National Performing Companies reduced by 19%, from 737,215 in 2014/15 to 596,939 in 2015/16. The number of performances also reduced by 28%, from 1,214 in 2014/15 to 879 in 2015/16. The number of performances and education events each Company produces each year will vary according to repertoire, venue availability, annual touring patterns, relationships with partners and stakeholders, and funding from schemes and projects. A comparison of attendance figures from year to year may not tell the whole story of any one Company's output and impact. However it should be noted that 2014/15 was the year of the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games and additional activity was programmed as part of the wider offer.

A summary breakdown of performances and audiences are shown in the tables below:

Total no. of performances 2014/15 Total no. of education events 2014/15
Scotland UK International Scotland UK International
National Theatre of Scotland 414 240 147 316 6
Royal Scottish National Orchestra 93 863
Scottish Ballet 87 13 22 1,163
Scottish Chamber Orchestra 94 9 170
Scottish Opera 92 3 516 5
Total 780 256 178 3,028 11
Total audience and participation levels 2014/15
Scotland UK International
National Theatre of Scotland 90,679 102,959 58,188
Royal Scottish National Orchestra 149,802
Scottish Ballet 123,497 10,990 23,007
Scottish Chamber Orchestra 70,098 10,723
Scottish Opera 93,455 2,242 1,575 Total
Total 527,531 116,191 93,493 737,215
Total no. of performances 2015/16 Total no. of education events 2015/16
Scotland UK International Scotland UK International
National Theatre of Scotland 246 87 176 277 6
Royal Scottish National Orchestra 96 1 892
Scottish Ballet 58 2 14 1096 14 76
Scottish Chamber Orchestra 100 196
Scottish Opera 98 0 3 426 4
Total 596 90 193 2,887 14 86
Total audience and participation levels 2015/16
Scotland UK International
National Theatre of Scotland 77,420 16,495 60,320
Royal Scottish National Orchestra 156,807 4,800
Scottish Ballet 85,084 2,891 17,937
Scottish Chamber Orchestra 73,185
Scottish Opera 97,848 4,152 Total
Total 490,344 24,186 82,409 596,939

3.11 All data is drawn from information supplied by the Companies at the end of each year, as part of their annual review and completion of Schedule 1 of their grant award letters. Education participations records a participant in an education programme each time they attend a session, this figure therefore includes some repeat visits.


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