Annual report on procurement activity in Scotland: 2019

An overview of public procurement activity in Scotland, based on information contained in individual procurement reports prepared by public bodies.

2. Highlights

Infographic (text version below image)

Infographic text version:

Good for the economy

  • Public procurement spend generates around £10 billion of economic activity for Scotland, contributing £6 billion to Scottish Gross Domestic Product (GDP), supporting around 100,000 full time equivalent jobs.
  • Over 20,700 businesses in Scotland, approximately 19,500 (94%) of which were SMEs, directly benefitted from 2016-17 spend in Scotland, with many more businesses indirectly benefiting within our supply chains.

Good for businesses and their employees

  • There were 15,400 new public sector contract opportunities advertised in 2017-18.
  • 87% of suppliers awarded onto collaborative agreements for the Scottish public sector and local government sector will pay the real Living Wage (78% of these suppliers are SMEs).
  • Individual annual procurement reports show that over 5,700 regulated contracts were awarded with a total estimated value of over £11 billion.
  • Three out of four suppliers awarded contracts in Scotland in 2017-18 were SMEs.
  • 60 pence of every pound spent with a Scottish supplier in 2017-18 went to an SME.

Good for places and communities

  • More than £11 billion worth of spend on goods, services and works supporting the delivery of public services that touch on many aspects of everyday life and benefit communities across Scotland.
  • A ten-fold increase in the number of contract notices with community benefit requirements between 2015-16 and 2017-18.



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