
NHSScotland assets and facilities 2015: annual report

Fifth edition of the state of NHS Scotland assets and facilities report (SAFR).

5.0 Forward Look to 2016 and 2017

5.1 Future State of the NHSScotland Assets and Facilities Reports

The work on future State of the NHSScotland Assets and Facilities Reports will continue to provide an opportunity to identify and find solutions to some of the issues and barriers to performance improvement that have been identified to date. They will focus on demonstrating success, and ensuring that important seeds are sown for the delivery of longer term benefits, performance and efficiency improvements in the assets and facilities services across NHSScotland.

More specifically, the development of the 2016 State of NHSScotland Assets and Facilities Report will:

  • Continue to challenge and ensure pace, momentum and impact on asset and facilities performance in pursuit of the NHSScoltand Quality Ambitions and its 2020 Vision. This will include continued arrangements to review and provide feedback on the quality of Board's PAMS and changes in asset performance.
  • Highlight Boards' expectations on the impact on assets in support of the new Integration Joint Boards.
  • Highlight the improvements already made in asset and facilities performance that underpin delivery of the Quality Strategy and the 2020 Vision.
  • Continue to monitor performance against the National Asset Performance Framework to measure national improvement towards the Quality Ambitions and the 2020 Vision.
  • Align Boards' strategic plans with the new SCIM requirements; including the need for Strategic Assessments for all existing and new investment proposals, and the prioritisation of Boards' investment against NHSScotland's strategic investment priorities using the new Capital Planning System.
  • Highlight opportunities for changes to NHSScotland's assets in support of service change and NHSScotland's developing clinical strategy which may project beyond the 2020 Vision.
  • Continue to monitor the quality and consistency of information on assets and facilities, particularly in respect of the wider range of assets (vehicles, medical equipment and IM&T). This will include the implementation of further measures to improve the alignment of the ISD Cost Book with the operational assets and facilities information systems such as EAMS.
  • Monitor how asset management workforce strategies are being developed to support implementation of proposals contained within Boards' Property & Asset Management Strategies and capital investment plans, particularly reflecting on the impact of the national Capital Planning Review currently underway.
  • Progress work on establishing a library of best practice case studies and presenting them in this report. The aim being to draw on the outcomes from these studies to provide an evidence base for informing decisions on future investment in assets and for modelling the potential for future performance improvement.
  • Identifying and sharing lessons to be learnt from the delivery of NHSScotland's strategic investment programme; taken from Boards' project and service benefits evaluation reports.
  • Continue to include the work and outcomes of the NHSScotland Soft FM and Shared Services reviews.
  • Monitor Board's performance on delivering their PAMS and the impact that this has had on both Board and national level performance.

This annual report is, therefore, expected to continue to develop as the key reference document for monitoring asset and facilities services performance across NHSScotland.


Email: Alan Morrison,

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