
NHS Scotland assets and facilities 2017: annual report

Seventh edition of the state of NHS Scotland assets and facilities report (SAFR).

Annex B

Review of NHSScotland’s Vehicle Assets

Analysis of vehicle assets is based on annual pro-forma information returned by each NHS Board. NHSScotland’s vehicle assets comprise of approximately 9,600 vehicles, the majority of which are staff car scheme vehicles (54%) and operational cars (17%). The chart below provides a breakdown of NHSScotland's vehicle assets by type.

2017 Analysis of Vehicle assets by type (9,579 total vehicles)

This excludes national logistics vehicles

The distribution of these vehicle assets and their ownership arrangements across NHS Boards and National Health Boards is shown in the following two charts.

2017 Distribution of vehicles and ownership arrangements across NHS Boards 2017 Distribution of vehicles and ownership arrangements across Special Health Boards

The vehicle age profile for all NHS Boards is shown in the charts that follow and shows that circa 85% of the vehicles are less than five years old. This represents a reasonable age profile for this asset group and indicates that investment is currently maintaining a reasonable standard of vehicle asset provision.

2017 Vehicle Age Profile

Comparative information on vehicle mileage is sufficient this year to monitor annual changes from the previous year (see table below).

Total Vehicle Mileage 2017 2016 % Change in Total Mileage
Total (million) Per Vehicle Total (million) Per Vehicle
Owned 28.82 15,315 32.90 16,976 +7%
Leased 24.11 10,468 19.84 8,764 -18%
Staff Car Scheme 27.42 5,321 21.53 4,020 -20%
Staff Private Car 49.35   51.09   -1%
TOTAL Mileage 129.70   125.37    

The type of fuel used by these vehicles is also an important consideration and the following chart shows the current reliance on diesel fuel (77% of vehicles). However, there continues to be a gradual increase in the number of alternatively fueled vehicles, which is now at 100 vehicles, a 50% increase from last year.

2017 Fuel Type used by Vehicles

Electric accounts for 1%, and the other alternatives 0.14%



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