
Anti-Racism in Education Programme Board minutes: 28 February 2024

Minutes from the group's meeting on 28 February 2024.

Anti-Racism in Education Programme  

Attendees and apologies


Khadija Mohammed, Chair
Louise Barrett, Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE)
Carol Young, Coalition for Race Equality and Rights (CRER)
Ndaye Lisa Badji-Churchill, Intercultural Youth Scotland (IYS)
Pauline Stephen, General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS)
Mélina Valdelièvre, Education Scotland
Laura-Ann Currie, Education Scotland
Judith Ballantine, Scottish Government
Emma Bunting, Scottish Government (Secretariat)



Jovan Rao Rydder, Curriculum Reform Subgroup
Nikhat Yusaf, Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Network
Monica Medina, Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were noted as above.

Guided mindfulness

The Chair outlined the rules regarding respectful dialogue.

Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes from the last meeting were distributed with the papers for this meeting.  An update was provided on the actions:

  • DYW Live working group to investigate how City of Edinburgh Council educators can participate in DYW live sessions, as they do not use Glow – Ongoing, there was no update at this time
  • Members were asked to submit any examples of best practice of positive action to – Ongoing, Asif remains content to receive examples
  • Secretariat agreed to flag the issue of lack of signposting in a range of languages on all SG publications to Corporate Comms colleagues, in order that they can consider how to address – Closed, it was agreed that this work is being taken forward by colleagues leading on the Public Sector Equality Duty Review
  • Members are encouraged to send further thoughts on the finance proposals via email to Secretariat – Ongoing, to be discussed further under agenda item 6
  • Members are asked to send in examples of emerging practice for illustration purposes in the summit commitment, in order that the document is as illustrative as possible – Closed, the Secretariat thanked members for examples sent to date and whilst it was agreed to close this action the secretariat remain open to receiving further examples
  • Secretariat to circulate information related to the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development: Call for Evidence – Practitioners and members to agree on how to respond – Closed, this was circulated with the minutes from the 1 Feb meeting
  • Secretariat to ensure that workstream written updates are consistent in format and content – Closed, a new template has been implemented following feedback
  • Secretariat to circulate high level summit commitment statement with minutes and to add discussion on these to the next meeting’s agenda – Closed, this was discussed in more detail under agenda item 8
  • Secretariat to consider how to engage young people in the work of the Programme following the withdrawal of the Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament – Ongoing, no update

Recap of previous meeting and overview of this one

The Chair offered a brief overview of what was discussed at the meeting of the Programme Board on 1 Feb 2024 and outlined the agenda for this one.

Education Reform (including National Discussion and Reform  of Assessment and Qualifications)

A Scottish Government debate on the recommendations of the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessments was underway at the same time as this meeting. It is expected that during it, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills will set out her thinking with regards to next steps.

Members are keen to be kept informed of developments in relation to the proposed Centre for Teaching Excellence. 


The Secretariat gave an overview of the strategic fiscal picture. She advised that Scottish Government budgets for financial year 2024/25 are being finalised. Stage 3 Proceedings Budget (Scotland) (No. 3) Bill was held on 27 February 2024, this sets out the overarching financial ambitions. 

An update was given on specific pieces of funded work:

  • work is underway on the development of the anti-racism framework for employers (the name of this document is still to be confirmed). Hakim Din of Calabar Education Consultants has been contracted to develop the document. This is due to conclude in May 2024
  • work is ongoing with regards to the development of a website/page on which to host the AREP’s outputs and activity. Thought is being given to the need for sustainability in the context of migrating IT platforms as part of the Education Reform process. Members reflected that there is a definite need for a centralised location to host AREP materials, in order to avoid a disjointed approach

There was a concern raised that the definition of racism being used by the four subgroups is not necessarily consistent and that this has the potential to cause confusion.  

Progress updates from each of the chairs of the AREP subgroups

Each subgroup chair was asked to provide a verbal update on progress in their subgroups, based upon the written updates provided as annexes to these minutes.

Diversity in the Teaching Profession and Education Workforce (see Annex A)

The Co-Chair updated on the recent meeting of this group, at which they were joined by Alana Crawford (a PhD student from Strathclyde University) and Hakim Din (of Calabar Education Consultants). Alana gave an update at the meeting on the research that she is undertaking into the experiences of early career minority ethnic teachers. Hakim updated at the meeting on his progress to date on the development of the framework for employers.

The group met with the Youth Ambassadors, facilitated by IYS, in December and work is ongoing with regards to responding to their recommendations for the DiTPEW.

The annual Diversity in the Teaching Profession Data Report is scheduled for publication on 29 May 2024. The group are taking forward engagement with UCAS with regards to whether they can provide additional, more granular data, in relation to ITE applications for minority ethnic prospective teachers. The idea is that this will enable the group to better understand where the barriers are for minority ethnic applicants and to inform policy interventions.

The group continue to support the implementation of the SCDE anti-racism framework.

Education Leadership and Professional Learning

There was no update from this group as they have not met since the last Programme Board meeting.

Racism and Racist Incidents (Annex B)

The Co-Chair updated for this group. The group last met in January 2024 and are currently working to identify a date for the next meeting. The group recently met with the Youth Ambassadors, during this engagement they discussed the proposed Whole School Approach and what the young people felt should be included. This was a very rich discussion.

The group are currently undergoing a review of their chairing arrangements since Farah left. Work is underway with CEMVO to see whether they wish to continue Co-Chairing.

Work continues on developing the Whole School Approach to tackling racism.

Curriculum Reform (Annex C)

The Co-Chair updated for this group. They have not met since the last Programme Board. At their meeting in January they had an update from the SQA with regards to language changes in relation social studies qualifications (for example in history moving from the term slaves towards enslaved person). The subgroup are considering establishing a smaller working group to facilitate support for this work.

The group also had an update on the Empire, Slavery and Scotland’s Museums review.

Applications for the small grants fund are now closed, there have been lots of interesting applications related to children and young people led activities.

The subgroup will meet next week with the Youth Ambassadors group facilitated by IYS.

Update on Anti-Racism in Education Summit


Invitations from the First Minister to the Anti-Racism in Education Summit, scheduled for 08 May 2024, have now been issued.

The Secretariat advised that, whilst registration opens at 09:00, that is to provide an opportunity for networking and refreshments, the event itself will start at 09:45.

An information pack, including the agreed commitment and supporting documentation, will be issued to attendees closer to the date of the event. As per the invitation, there is likely to be comms activity on the day and attendees should make Scottish Government aware if they do not wish to be included in photos etc. It is also standard at an event attended by the First Minister that a full attendee list will be published and that photographic ID is required for entry. Members should get in touch with the Secretariat if this creates any barriers to attending or if they do not wish to be named.


Following discussion at the last Programme Board meeting, it was agreed that a simple one or two line statement should sit above the eight page guidance document as the overarching commitment.

A discussion followed on what needed to be in the two line overarching statement. Members were clear that this needed to be a call for anti-racist action and should acknowledge the existence of racism in Scottish education.

The following was agreed: Racism exists within our education system. Interpersonally and institutionally. We commit to eradicating racism through our anti-racist actions and policies.

Action: Secretariat to circulate the 2 line commitment with the minute.

The Secretariat explained that the next steps are that this, alongside the guidance document, will be shared with the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills and the First Minister for their comments. Members reflected that they would be keen to receive any feedback that ministers gave on the wording of the commitment.

Members raised concerns about the tone and logistics of the event changing between now and 8 May. The Secretariat advised that this is not uncommon with a ministerial event but that the Secretariat would work closely with ministers to ensure that the Summit meets with the expectations of the AREP Board and smaller summit steering group.

Any other business

  • Mélina updated members on a recent development day, that allowed an opportunity for local authorities to come together and collaborate with regards to embedding anti-racist practice. There was lots of positive discussion. It was felt that the local authority network is going well and would be a good thing to announce at the summit.
  • there was a question raised around whether there is a children’s group, younger than the IYS’ Youth Ambassadors, being run by the Children’s Parliament on behalf of the AREP. It was suggested that this might be linked to the potential development of a child-friendly version of the Curriculum Principles however Mélina advised that there was currently no formal agreement with the Children’s Parliament

Annex A - workstream reporting - Diversity in the Teaching Profession and Education Workforce

Key updates

  • the twenty-fifth meeting of the DITPEW subgroup took place on 21 February 2024. The agenda covered the following:
    • a guest speaker slot from a PhD student at the University of Strathclyde who is researching the experiences of early career BAME teachers
    • an update from Hakim Din on development of the Anti-Racism Framework for Education Employers
    • a short update on the recently received recommendations from the children and young people’s group facilitated by IYS
  • Hakim Din, of Calabar Education Consultants has been formally contracted, on behalf of the DiTPEW, to undertake the development of the Anti-Racism Framework for Education Employers
  • the Young People’s Group, facilitated by IYS, submitted a set of recommendations to the DiTPEW. These will be reviewed carefully and a formal response issued to the young people
  • work has commenced on the development of the 2024 iteration of the Annual Diversity in the Teaching Profession Data Report, due for publication on 29 May 2024

Forward look

  • the group have submitted a proposal to UCAS for additional data sets to include in the annual data report. To date UCAS have no responded
  • the group will continue to support Khadija and SCDE to drive engagement with and support the ITE framework
  • work with GTCS on their plan to gather additional data on previously registered teachers
  • the DiTPEW are engaging with Alana Crawford, a PhD student at University of Strathclyde who is researching the experiences of minority ethnic students going through the ITE process. Alana intends to attend the Feb meeting of the DiTPEW to speak about her work


  • no new risks identified

Annex B - workstream reporting - Racism and Racist Incidents

Key updates

  • the IYS youth engagement project focused on the topic of racism and racist incidents during the focus group held on 7 February. Three members of the RRI sub-group attended and participated in discussions
  • there have been staff changes/absence at CEMVO and existing co-chairs plan to meet with new CEMVO staff member shortly to discuss chairing arrangements

Forward look

  • work is continuing on drafting the whole school approach to preventing and responding to racism and racist incidents


  • the Secretariat for the working group began maternity leave in mid-February. A replacement is expected to be in place in April. It is not anticipated that this will lead to any significant delays to the workstream

Annex C - workstream reporting - Curriculum Reform

Key updates

  • work on-going with SQA providing feedback on language changes to social studies qualifications and early consideration of next steps in medium-long-term
  • updates on the education recommendation of the Empire, Slavery and Scotland’s Museums report – Scottish Government Response accepting all recommendations published 22 January 2024
  • updates on the development of new resources for anti-racism and early years/early level and health and wellbeing and personal and social education, being led by the Development Education Centres (DECs) with support from Scottish Government

Forward look

  • Above + Small Grants Fund for children and young people-led anti-racism in education. A summary of approved grants awarded (totalling up to £25k) will be shared with the Board later in the month
  • consideration of anti-racism in the curriculum budget for 2024-25
  • second session on anti-racism and the curriculum led by Education Scotland for local authority leads on 26 February
  • some members of the subgroup are meeting with the IYS AREP Youth Ambassadors on 6 March


  • no new risks identified
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