
Anti-Racism in Education Programme Board minutes: March 2023

Minutes from the group's meeting on 30 March 2023.

Attendees and apologies


  • Khadija Mohammed, Chair 
  • Nuzhat Uthmani, Diversity in the Teaching Profession and Education Workforce Subgroup (DITPEW)
  • Jovan Rao Rydder, Curriculum Reform Subgroup 
  • Farah Farzana, Racism and Racist Incidents Subgroup (RRI)
  • Samir Sharma, Education Leadership and Professional Learning Subgroup (ELPL)
  • Monica Medina, Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) 
  • Asif Chishti, General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS)
  • Peter McNaughton, Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES)
  • Louise Barrett, Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE)
  • Carol Young, Coalition for Race Equality and Rights (CRER)
  • Ndaye Lisa Badji, Intercultural Youth Scotland (IYS)
  • Nikhat Yusaf, Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Network 
  • Judith Ballantine, Learning Directorate, Scottish Government
  • Pauline Hendry, Secretariat, Scottish Government

In attendance

  • Hakim Din, Calabar Education Consultants Ltd
  • Colin Duff, Calabar Education Consultants Ltd


  • Laura-Ann Currie, Education Scotland 
  • Crisantos Ike, Member of Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP)
  • Rosy Burgess, Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP)
  • Victoria Smith, General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS)

Items and actions

Welcome, introductions and apologies

The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies and substitutes were noted, as below: 

  • Laura-Ann Currie, Education Scotland
  • Crisantos Ike, Member of Scottish Youth Parliament
  • Rosy Burgess, Scottish Youth Parliament
  • Asif Chishti attending in place of Victoria Smith, General Teaching Council for Scotland#

Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes from the previous meeting were distributed with the papers for this one. Updates were provided on the actions as follows:

  • Secretariat to share SCDE’s ITE framework with members once published. Carried forwards – framework not yet published
  • Secretariat to set up a meeting with interested bodies to discuss CYP engagement further –  Closed – members can consider emerging themes which arise from any engagement which IYS take forward, and look at how to pursue them with the organisations suggested, which were as follows:
    • Al Masaar in Forth Valley
    • SCOREscotland
    • Active Life ClubAnyiso
    • Be United
    • Crossroads Youth and Community Association
    • DRC Generations
    • Glasgow Ansar / Ansar Scotland
    • Glasgow Somali Youth
    • Govan Community Project
    • Isaro
    • Multi-cultural Family Base
    • Pollokshields Development Agency
    • REEM
    • SEMSA
    • YCSA 
  • Secretariat to ask policy colleagues to set up a meeting with RRI co-chairs to discuss further. Closed – The vacancy in the RRI Secretariat has now been filled and the policy lead has reached out to co-chairs to organise meeting
  • Secretariat to attach the TOR to the agenda for all future meetings – Closed – attached to the agenda today and going forward
  • Secretariat to contact SG colleagues in the Trauma, ACEs & Resilience Team to explore how best to access training –  Ongoing – Secretariat reported back to  members on discussions with the Trauma, ACEs and Resilience Team and outlined the National  Trauma Training Framework (a link is embedded in the ToR) developed by SG and NHS Education Scotland (NES).  The framework is the starting point for all public sector organisations to consider how policy development and delivery can be trauma informed.  Members should consider the framework as part of wider thinking around becoming a trauma informed group
  • Chair to restate the text relating to respectful dialogue at the beginning of every meeting – Closed – this will be done at each meeting
  • Secretariat to clarify the topics which will be discussed with Professor Hayward’s Secretariat – Closed – the AREP Secretariat made Professor Hayward’s Secretariat aware in advance that AREP members would be looking to focus on the areas where their expertise could be brought to bear
  • DITPEW Secretariat to append detail around the review of the Memorandum on Entry Requirements to Programmes of Initial Teacher Education in Scotland provided to the DITPEW subgroup to these minutes – Closed – that information was appended to the minutes
  • Secretariat to add:  Chair; group membership; and dates of previous meetings to workstream templates – Closed – this information has been added to the templates
  • Secretariat: A feedback loop for comments made on the pledge was requested, so that members know that their input has been actioned – Closed - A feedback loop has been implemented and all comments already made have been captured
  • Secretariat to contact colleagues with responsibility for ITE and CPL teacher training to discuss how they might develop training on racial trauma –  Ongoing – Secretariat reported back to members on their discussions with Education Scotland who deliver trauma informed training to qualified teachers.  It’s not clear whether similar exists as part of ITE. Members indicated it would be useful to give more consideration to how to include training on racial trauma.  Secretariat will flag this to the ELPL subgroup. Action - Secretariat

Members were content with additions to the minutes and they were agreed.

Update and overview of today's meeting

The Chair re-stated the requirements around respectful dialogue which are set out in the Terms of Reference. 

Members were reminded that during the previous meeting they discussed:

  • The upcoming meeting with Professor Hayward, which has now taken place. 
  • IYS’ proposal for engagement with children and young people, which members have been scrutinising.
  • The anti-racism in education summit, which was planned for 22 March, but postponed in light of the former First Minister’s resignation

The Chair noted that today’s meeting will welcome Hakim Din and Colin Duff of Calabar Education Consultants to present the completed AREP evaluation framework which members commissioned them to develop. 


Secretariat outlined spend on Anti Racism in Education projects which came from Curriculum Unit’s budget in financial year 2022-23. This spend is in addition to that which came from the dedicated AREP budget during the same period.

Education reform (including National Discussion and Reform of Assessment and Qualifications)

At the meeting on 14 March between AREP members and Professor Hayward to consider emerging thinking on Phase 3 of the review of qualifications and assessment, sub group chairs elected to take the information back to their groups and return to today’s meeting with feedback, which, after further consideration will be submitted to Professor Hayward via email (deadline is close of play on 14 April. Action – sub group leads to confirm to Secretariat whether they will send the written submissions themselves or whether they wish the Secretariat to collate them (noting that RRI sub group chairs are keen to see how comments already made are being incorporated by Prof Hayward before submitting a written response in order to avoid duplicating comments made during the meeting)).CRER indicated that they would be happy for others to see their response to the original consultation request. Some members expressed disappointment that the 14 March meeting didn’t meet their expectations with Professor Hayward not addressing anti-racism explicitly. 

Progress updates from each of the chairs of the AREP subgroups

Each subgroup chair was asked to provide a verbal update on progress (written updates appended in Annexes). 

Curriculum Reform (Annex A)

The chair requested clarity on funding, stating that lack of confirmation around budgets for 2023-24 posed a risk to the ambitions of the their workstream.

Secretariat acknowledged the lack of clarity available regarding SG budgets generally, due to the significant fiscal challenges being faced by the organisation currently. The SG remains committed to delivering vital public services, but also has an obligation to balance the budget each year, which will require some difficult decisions and robust spending control. Secretariat were clear that they would confirm the details of the available AREP Budget as soon as it has been signed off.

Arrangements for publication of the draft Anti-Racist Curriculum Principles were queried, essentially when they will be published on ES’ website and whether ES Comms have any plans in place to promote them. ACTION: Secretariat will ask Curriculum Unit colleagues to share ES’ publication date and any associated promotion plans.

Diversity in the Teaching Profession and Education Workforce (See Annex B)

The Chair suggested that SAMEE may have some contacts to share in connection with upcoming DYW Live sessions. 

Some reservations were expressed about standalone activities, and the perception that the DYW Live sessions could be viewed as such. It was explained that the sessions are being developed as a tool to reach out to young people to promote teaching as a career, while outlining the challenges experienced and the offers of support available. A recording of the presentation section of the sessions will be made available, with the intention to evaluate and increase the number of sessions.

Education Leadership and Professional Learning (See Annex C)

Racism and Racist Incidents

One of the co-chairs of the group expressed concern and frustration about the lack of communication in terms of the detail, timescale and resolution of Support and Wellbeing Unit’s staffing issues and the ability to make progress within the RRI sub group. 

Secretariat advised that while frustration around staff resourcing issues is wholly understandable, it would not be appropriate to provide detail regarding internal decisions on staffing. However, the comments made will be fed back to Support and Wellbeing Unit.

Presentation from Calabar Consultants - AREP evaluation framework

The Chair welcomed Hakim Din and Colin Duff of Calabar Education Consultants to the meeting and invited them to present the completed evaluation framework and associated findings from the work they have undertaken with members during the last 6 months

Calabar presented the summary document, outlining the framework construction process, reminding members of the collaboration undertaken to create it, in the form of workshops and consultation.

As the programme actions have the potential to continue to evolve, a template was devised to create theories of change for activities as they develop within each workstream. This is illustrated in the evaluation framework report, and is designed to create a set of outcomes

Members expressed some uncertainty around how to use the framework document, and indicated that they were unclear on the difference between evaluative processes and theory of change.

The consultants agreed that the framework does not represent a simple process, as there are multiple complex subjects to be considered, along with how they interact with each other. There was also a challenge in dealing with a set of actions which are open to some change. These reasons may illustrate why the evaluation framework document appears relatively dense.

Members were advised that the framework would be discussed at future Programme Board meetings. Further questions and comments can be submitted to the Secretariat as members process the report.

IYS proposal - engagement with children and young people

IYS’ revised proposal, which takes in to account members’ comments submitted during the scrutiny process was discussed. 

Members highlighted the age range of participants (16-20) as an ongoing concern. IYS advised that consideration is being given to reaching wider age groups, but noted a lack of organisations carrying out work with younger people of colour around race and racism in a safe space.

During a previous Programme Board meeting, members created a list of organisations engaging with children and young people. It was requested that this list be shared with IYS (list is included in section 2, above).

Clarification was sought on the selection of young people. It was noted that IYS have a wide ranging networks through their engagement with schools, but members wondered whether a wider network of participants would be sought. IYS confirmed that the intention was not only to recruit from their networks, and that other third sector organisations would be included. 

It was noted that IYS’ openness and transparency around the format and make up of the group has been useful and appreciated.

Members indicated that they were content for the proposal to go to Ministers for consideration.

Next steps and any other business

The Chair expressed her appreciation to all participants for their time and input and outlined the immediate next steps: 

  • Secretariat will circulate the minutes of the meeting by 11 April

The next meeting of this group will be on Thursday 27 April 2023 from 15:00-16:30.

Any other business

  • members were reminded of plans to engage with SG officials taking forward the Human Rights Bill. Due to the change in Ministers , work on the proposed Bill has been paused in order that new Ministers can give it their full consideration and it is likely to be re-started later in the spring. Human Rights Bill colleagues are still happy to attend a future meeting of the AREP once that happens
  • consideration is being given to changing the day/time of the AREP Board meeting, due to it being unsuitable for some members. Members are asked to consider whether Wednesdays would be more convenient and let Secretariat know of any concerns

Annex A

Workstream reporting - Curriculum reform

Key achievements

  • the Anti-Racist Curriculum Principles have been signed off by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skill for publication in their current form with a commitment to continue review and refinement with the sector. They will be added to the Education Scotland website next month and will be aligned with a range of supporting material and an introductory context
  • just over £16,000 has been allocated to eight schools for children and young people-led anti-racism activity in their schools (see table below for brief details). The process was supported by three MSYPs on the SubGroup and IYS and they will meet again soon to consider what has been learned from the pilot and how it can help shape a further phase
  • a small working group has met to consider the first draft of the report capturing information and activity captured by Hakim Din on anti-racist curriculum in schools

Forward look

  • plans are ongoing to develop an outline for Early Years and PSE resources led by WOSDEC and ScotDEC and with collaboration and engagement being fundamental to the approach
  • the SubGroup will meet on 19 April to capture updates across four small working groups designed to progress priorities and from key agencies. We will also hear from SQA about their recent questionnaire to history teachers and SubGroup members providing opportunities to raise issues of inclusion and decolonisation
  • optimistic that the appointment of Humza Yousaf as First Minister will present exciting opportunities to develop the programme based on Mr Yousaf’s plans in relation to culture, noting ‘New programmes and projects exploring the country’s colonial past and "ongoing radical justice" will be developed with schools and museums under his cultural blue print’
  • hope that the output of the National Discission – its vision and call to action – provide a new platform for articulating and amplifying anti-racism and the curriculum


  • lack of clarity on funding for 2023/24 presents considerable risks to the delivery of SubGroup ambitions and expectations

Leith Academy - Culture Day - £1400 - Funding to encourage participation and engagement. All learners engaged. Parents invited
Royal High School - Culture Week - £850 - Fashion show and culture fair for all learners and invitation to parents. Budget will cover decorations, food and creative resources
Shawlands Academy 1 - Culture Day - £1320 - Culture fair with food, decorations and activities teaching about history and culture. Fashion show and talent show. Parents and carers invited to aspects
Shawlands Academy 2 - Our Shared History Exhibition - £1400 - Exhibition and engagement with focus on South Asian and particularly Pakistani history and culture. Whole school and wider community reach. Illustrator and creative writing workshop to explore storytelling, writing and collaboration
Rosshall Academy - Culture Day - £500 - Reflection and celebration of the diversity among staff and pupils through dress, music, quiz, food and drink
Liberton High School - Culture Day - £1000 - Celebrate diversity of school through culture, food and fashion
Kirkwall Grammar - Making Noise Against Discrimination/Racism Music Festival - £900 - Support for musician recording an anti-racist anthem and funding towards advertising the events. Two shows at Kirkwall Grammar and two shows for the local community
Kirkwall Grammar - Anti-Racism speaker - £650 - Professor Simon Aihiokhai to speak (live online) with pupils and teachers at Kirkwall Grammar. Schools and wider Orkney community will be invited to join
Kirkwall Grammar - Anti-Racism Hoodies - £928 - Hoodies with antiracist quote as prizes for ‘Challenge racism: Action not words’ poster competition that will be open to pupils from every education setting in Orkney
Kirkwall Grammar - Anti-racism books/films in library - £1008 - Kirkwall Grammar School and the local community will benefit from carefully selected books and films that provide young people and adults the language and sensitivity they need to talk about racism
Kirkwall Grammar - Writing an anti-racist story book for children - £550 - Work with Slade Njoku, an author based in the USA, to join the Group to help write an Orcadian tale for children
Broughton High School - Culture Fayre - £2000 - Celebration and education of culture, history and identity in the school. Potential to engage others schools and wider community. Funding for music, dance, food, decorations, speakers, poetry and storytelling
Newark Primary School - Creation of animation and video to present the voices and experiences of pupils - £5000 - Newark Primary Anti-Racism Pupil Voice Group bid for funds to allow the creation and distribution of a child-led animation film which will be used in schools across Scotland to raise the profile of Anti-Racism and effect positive change in schools and communities

Annex B

Workstream reporting - Diversity in the teaching profession and education workforce

Key achievements

  • the seventeenth meeting of the DITPEW subgroup took place on 22 March 2023. The new Commissioner for Widening Access to Scotland’s Universities, Professor John McKendrick, came to the meeting. There was a very fruitful discussion about the intersects between his work and that of the DITPEW
  • the group also discussed further the development of a response to the GTC Scotland’s review of its memorandum of understanding on entry into initial teacher education. This response will specifically focus upon the case for equivalence between English and ESOL at SCQF Level 6 when applying for Primary teaching and undergraduate programmes. Currently, ESOL has equivalence only for secondary programmes
  • the publication of the annual Diversity in the Teaching Profession Data Report has been pushed back to the 18 April due to the change in Scottish First Minister
  • work was started on developing a support document for employers on encouraging declaration of ethnicity data, whilst being mindful of the difference between coercion and informed-consent

Forward look

  • work is underway to develop a session to be delivered as part of the Developing the Young Workforce programme. This will be focused on a range of issues such as pathways/how to be a teacher, what it means to be a teacher and support for teachers – all with a focus on encouraging minority ethnic children and young people into the profession. A small working group has been established to take this forward
  • we expect the Anti-Racism in ITE framework, that Khadija has developed for SCDE to be published on Twitter and their website imminently. The working group stand ready to support SCDE, Khadija and ITE institutions in implementing this. Asif and Louise updated the group on plans to form a collaborative network co-hosted by SCDE and the National Race Diversity Lead focused on taking forward work to increase race diversity in ITE and taking forward the SCDE’s anti-racist ITE framework. The framework is due for formal publication in June. All 11 ITE institutions have nominated a link to engage with the NRDL and to join the network, which will have its first meeting on 19th April


  • no known risks currently

Annex C

Workstream reporting - Education leadership and professional learning

Key achievements

  • the ELPL workstream met in March to review and refine the ELPL action plan
  • the third cohort of BRL completed the programme last week, with approx. 200 participants, alumni and guests joining the Sharing the Learning Summit last week
  • participants shared their anti-racist action plans in regional groups, with opportunities to continue collaborating as support networks and past participants from Cohorts 1 and 2 shared their progress since completing the programme
  • the afternoon panel discussion included the inspiring perspective of a Black secondary pupil from an anti-racist club set up by a Cohort 1 past participant, illustrating the wider, empowering impact BRL can have on children and young people

Forward look

  • with the BRL Programme Lead moving on to a new Equalities role within Education Scotland, applications for the role close on 2nd April 
  • an ITE anti-racist network is beginning to emerge to support the implementation of the Anti-Racism in ITE Framework. Racial Literacy of teacher educators was identified as a key area of work
  • the anti-racism pledge at the Scottish Government Anti-Racism in Education Summit could strengthen engagement of local authorities and educators who have not engaged so far with anti-racist professional learning


  • delays in recruitment of a new BRL programme lead and budget transfers could reduce the number of BRL participants that can be welcomed in 2023-2024 (e.g. only on cohort instead of two or more between August 2023 and March 2024)
  • 0 secondary headteachers have completed BRL over the past three cohorts, with no more than a dozen primary headteachers. Further consideration should be given to engage headteachers and support anti-racist leadership
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