
Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group to Develop National Anti-Racism Infrastructure minutes: January 2023

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 25 January 2023.

Attendees and apologies

  • Moi Ali, author and expert on communications and marketing
  • Dr Addy Adelaine, International Social Worker and expert in action research and inclusive accountability
  • Tuoyo Ayiku, Head, Heart of Africa charity and manager, Heart in the Community Café
  • Ndaye Lisa Badji, Head of Advocacy and Partnerships, Intercultural Youth Scotland
  • Robin Fallas, Partner, MacRoberts LLP
  • Jatin Haria, Executive Director, Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights
  • Professor Ima Jackson, Co-Chair, Senior Lecturer, Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Monica Lee-McPherson, Head, Scottish Highlands and Islands and Moray Chinese Association (SHIMCA)
  • Miura Lima, Youth Advocacy Lead, Intercultural Youth Scotland
  • Professor Nasar Meer, Professor of Race, Identity and Citizenship, University of Edinburgh
  • Kate Miguda, Professor Ima Jackson’s Mentee
  • Chris Murphy, Solicitor, MacRoberts LLP
  • Hazel Peters, young person with anti-racist expertise and lived experience
  • Adebusola Ramsay, Information Analyst and expert in racialised data
  • Dr Mark Wong, Senior Lecturer, Public Policy and Research Methods, Glasgow University 
  • Talat Yaqoob, Co-Chair, Independent Consultant and Social Researcher across equalities issues


  • Dr Halima Begum, CEO, Runnymede Trust
  • Professor Kevin Fenton, Regional Director for London, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) within the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
  • Dr Gina Netto, Reader, International and Forced Migration, Heriot-Watt University

Scottish Government

  • Jeff Macdonald, Secretariat
  • Frankie McLean, Race Equality Team Lead

Items and actions

Key discussion points

The actions from the previous meeting were presented in a visual tracker format and verbally agreed.

Community Research Short Life Working Group (SLWG) – presented slides regarding their research questions, noting ethics approval has been granted. Methodologies include using a Community Participation Action Group (CPAG) to make sense of the community research survey responses.

MacRoberts LLP provided an overview of the previous modelling information provided, including outlining different accountability models, processes and governance structures.

Group members were interested in identifying which legal model would provide the most independence. MacRoberts advised The Promise (model option one) provided the highest degree of independence.

The group noted they will require deeper information from MacRoberts regarding further Observatory modelling. MacRoberts advised the next step would involve the group members creating a bulleted list of points of what they want included, referenced as a ‘Promise Plus’ model, and they can respond to specific questions the group wish to ask.

The group have a hybrid/Edinburgh workshop planned for 6 February – bulleted legal questions will be discussed during the workshop, however, the group may also seek further legal advice in advance of the workshop date. MacRoberts confirmed the suggested timeline was suitable.

Group members were asked to attend the workshop in person where possible. The purpose is to develop and determine the timeline and first year of the Observatory.

Infrastructure and Observatory Modelling SLWG – Intercultural Youth Scotland (IYS) provided feedback from the young people who attended a recent meeting. This included the importance of understanding how Observatory accountability processes and governance structures are accessible and community focussed.

A discussion followed regarding the composition of the CPAG in relation to the definitions outlined in the group’s Terms of Reference (ToR) and the Observatory’s wider focus. It was proposed a glossary of terminology to accompany the community research approach would be welcome, for review and approval by the group.

The community researchers noted the importance of the discussion and proposed arranging a separate community research SLWG meeting to explore further.

It was noted the hybrid workshop may include dedicated time and space to explore the issues raised today in more detail.


  • group members to create a bulleted list of points/questions of what they propose should be included in a Observatory model and share with Secretariat
  • secretariat to send above bulleted points/questions to MacRoberts LLP to review and respond to
  • MacRoberts LLP to provide feedback to Secretariat regarding above bullet points/questions to share with group members
  • secretariat to issue hybrid/Edinburgh workshop meeting details and MS Teams link to group members
  • secretariat to set up community research meeting as instructed by community researchers, to allow further discussion of CPAG, glossary of terminology and Terms of Reference
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