
Anti-racism in Scotland: progress review 2023

Detailed examination of progress made on commitments contained within the Race Equality Framework (2016-2030) and the Immediate Priorities Plan (2021-2023).

13. Outstanding actions/commitments from the REF and the IPP

In the previous sections of this report, we have described what we have done, or are currently undertaking to achieve the systemic change required to deliver racial equality and equity for all in a sustained way. In this section, we set out the outstanding IPP and REF actions and where possible, how we intend to progress these.

Outstanding IPP actions

Action #: 23 Systemic Recommendation 12 – A measure of racism



Plans to progress action

A measure of racism is yet to be developed, and further work will need to be undertaken to progress this recommendation. We will look to explore this further with the Anti-Racism Observatory once it is established and investigate how it can be progressed.

Intended start date

Once Observatory is established - 2024

Intended end date


Outstanding IPP actions

Action #: 34 Data Recommendation 13 – Reporting Data by Ethnicity 13a - A dashboard is created by the Scottish Government to report regularly on the impact of decisions made by the public bodies on minority ethnic people and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, this should also include data from the disruption to health and social care (second-order effects), and financial poverty (third-order effects).


Health improvement/ Public Health Scotland/ Communities Analysis

Plans to progress action

There has not been the resource to develop and maintain a separate dashboard as proposed in this recommendation.

However, the Scottish Government works closely with partners to monitor the impact of COVID-19, including Public Health Scotland (PHS) who published data by ethnicity on a regular basis as part of its weekly national respiratory infection and COVID-19 statistical report. This included:

  • data on the uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations released as part of the equalities analysis on the Flu and COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Scotland dashboard.
  • data relating to ethnicity of hospital admissions released as part of the COVID-19 & Respiratory Surveillance in Scotland interactive dashboard.

In March 2022, PHS published a report on monitoring ethnic health inequalities in Scotland during COVID-19, collating available data, setting out the actions that PHS had undertaken or planned with partners in response to the emerging data and evidence and summarising the current status of ethnic data collection in health datasets and plans for improvement.

The Scottish Government, in conjunction with key stakeholders, also established an Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP) in April 2021. This was designed to improve and strengthen data on the equality characteristics collected and utilised across the public sector. The first phase of this programme comprised a series of projects led by the Scottish Government and was undertaken over the period to March 2023. The publication of Scotland's new Equality Evidence Strategy (covering the years 2023 to 2025) in March 2023 marked the conclusion of the first phase of the EDIP. To inform this strategy, the Scottish Government carried out a public consultation in summer 2022 on a draft action plan to improve equality data and commissioned the external analysis of responses. The responses received through this consultation helped to shape the new equality evidence strategy. Alongside the written consultation, Scottish Government equality analysts also carried out a series of stakeholder engagement events to develop a shared vision for equality data improvement, and to further understand what practical steps can be taken to address the barriers to collecting, analysing and using equality evidence.

Intended start date


Intended end date


Outstanding IPP actions

Action #: 30 Develop a CHI field for ethnicity (Health & Social Care)


Digital Health and Care

Plans to progress action

As part of the SLWG on Ethnicity Data for Health & Social Care, the Scottish Government is working with Public Health Scotland and others to consider the most appropriate approach to the normalisation of ethnicity data capture and use of ethnicity data across health and social care, in a way the considers individuals own preferences and identity.

Intended start date


Intended end date


Outstanding IPP actions

Action #: 31 Primary Care Ethnicity Data Collection (Health & Social Care)


Primary Health

Plans to progress action

As part of the SLWG on Ethnicity Data for Health & Social Care, the Scottish Government is working with Public Health Scotland and others to consider the most appropriate approach to the normalisation of ethnicity data capture and use of ethnicity data across health and social care, in a way the takes into account individuals own preferences and identity.

Intended start date


Intended end date


Outstanding REF actions

3.3 Engage with senior public body leaders to promote race equality and diversity issues through their senior management forums, equality and HR networks and with the Scottish Government sponsors



Plans to progress action

We will look to explore this recommendation further in conjunction with the Anti-Racism Observatory once established and investigate how it can be progressed.

Intended start date

Once Observatory is established - 2024

Intended end date


Outstanding REF actions

10.3 Further review the Scottish Government grant funding process to see what more can be done to promote equal opportunities, for example by making action to progress board diversity a requirement of funding


Fair Work

Plans to progress action

The Minority Ethnic Recruitment toolkit is a tool “for recruitment managers in the public sector looking to improve the diversity of their workforce by recruiting more people from minority ethnic backgrounds”. The toolkit can help lead to recruitment into governance and decision-making structures, such as public boards. Guidance has been published to support grant makers and recipients to adopt Fair Work criteria, including creating diverse and inclusive workplaces.

Intended start date


Intended end date


Outstanding REF actions

11.3 Work with stakeholders with expertise in race equality and community engagement to develop a relevant resource to sit alongside the National Standards for Community Engagement which addresses the issues raised in the framework development process around public sector engagement with minority ethnic communities



Plans to progress action

We will look to explore this recommendation further in conjunction with the Anti-Racism Observatory once established and investigate how it can be progressed.

Intended start date

Once Observatory is established - 2024

Intended end date


Outstanding REF actions

23.1 Work with Skills Development Scotland (SDS) in their delivery of the Equality Action Plan for Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland, to ensure that the number of individuals from minority ethnic backgrounds who are apprentices increases to equal the population share by 2021. This will be reviewed annually



Plans to progress action

The Equalities Action Plan (EAP) for Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland ended in April 2021. The EAP aimed to ensure the number of apprentices from racialised communities increases to equal the population share. Work is ongoing to promote equal access and increase opportunities for individuals from racialised communities to enter into apprenticeships. We are committed to working with Skills Development Scotland and Scottish Funding Council to identify and understand how we can improve participation in apprenticeships for all underrepresented groups.

Intended start date


Intended end date


Outstanding REF actions

25.3 Consider the role that targets might play to address under-representation of minority ethnic staff within the public sector


Health Workforce/Fair Work and Labour Market Strategy

Plans to progress action

Health Workforce are still considering setting a diversity recruitment target relating to senior executive (non-medical and dental) roles in health. Exploratory work is underway and expected to complete soon.

Consideration of targets to address under-representation was made during the development of the Anti-Racist Employment Strategy that was published in December 2022. Considering the challenges noted around the availability and quality of organisational-level data, the stakeholder group co-producing the strategy agreed that the immediate focus for employers should be on improving their data to evaluate progress, rather than setting targets. The Strategy supports employers to do this through outlining practical advice, case studies and suggested actions, whilst supporting them to review their practices across recruitment, retention and progress; and monitor progress and impact.

Intended start date


Intended end date




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