
Anti-racism in Scotland: progress review 2023

Detailed examination of progress made on commitments contained within the Race Equality Framework (2016-2030) and the Immediate Priorities Plan (2021-2023).

6. Overview of REF Goals and Actions

Theme 1: Overarching work


Goal 1: An accountable approach to support and drive forward the implementation of the Race Equality Framework is established


1.1 Develop our overarching approach to implementation and monitoring in partnership with key stakeholders, including governance and review arrangements, over the first six months of the Framework's life cycle.






Goal 1: An accountable approach to support and drive forward the implementation of the Race Equality Framework is established


1.2 Develop implementation planning mechanisms to cover the initial four-year phase of work, with ongoing reviews and updates of the Framework built into longer-term planning over the 15-year period.




On track


Goal 1: An accountable approach to support and drive forward the implementation of the Race Equality Framework is established


1.3 Develop progress reporting mechanisms establishing a transparent, accountable approach to monitoring.




On track


Goal 1: An accountable approach to support and drive forward the implementation of the Race Equality Framework is established


1.4 Work with stakeholders to further explore intersectional issues around the goals and actions set out in the Framework.




On track


Goal 2: Strategic work within Scotland's public sector better addresses race equality, including through more effective practice linked to the Scottish Specific Public Sector Equality Duties


2.1 Support the wider public sector to improve equality practice through the work of the Scottish National Equality Improvement Project (SNEIP).


Mainstreaming & Inclusion


On track


Goal 2: Strategic work within Scotland's public sector better addresses race equality, including through more effective practice linked to the Scottish Specific Public Sector Equality Duties


2.2 Work with public authorities to improve the gathering, monitoring and use of ethnic data in policy and practice.


Communities Analysis


On track


Goal 2: Strategic work within Scotland's public sector better addresses race equality, including through more effective practice linked to the Scottish Specific Public Sector Equality Duties


2.3 Collect and share examples of innovative race equality workplace practices, including best practice in the use of positive action.


Fair Work & Labour Market Strategy


On track


Goal 2: Strategic work within Scotland's public sector better addresses race equality, including through more effective practice linked to the Scottish Specific Public Sector Equality Duties


2.4 Explore opportunities to further consider the role that external scrutiny can and should play in supporting improvement on equality issues through discussions with audit and inspection bodies about future development of approaches to scrutiny.


Mainstreaming & Inclusion


On track

Goal 3: Scotland's public sector has improved capacity to tackle racial inequality and meet the needs of minority ethnic people

Goal 3: Scotland's public sector has improved capacity to tackle racial inequality and meet the needs of minority ethnic people

3.1 Ensure that public sector service delivery is respectful, person-centred and responsive to the challenges, barriers and discrimination experienced by minority ethnic service users by working with public sector partners to look at what can be done to: - Review current approaches to training and development on race equality including within higher education programmes designed for future public sector workers. - Embed race equality effectively into induction and CPD for public sector staff.

3.2 Work with the Scottish Councils Equality Network to explore potential ways in which Scottish Local Authorities could contribute towards meeting the goals and visions of the Race Equality Framework.

Mainstreaming & Inclusion


On track

On track

Goal 3: Scotland's public sector has improved capacity to tackle racial inequality and meet the needs of minority ethnic people

Goal 3: Scotland's public sector has improved capacity to tackle racial inequality and meet the needs of minority ethnic people

3.1 Ensure that public sector service delivery is respectful, person-centred and responsive to the challenges, barriers and discrimination experienced by minority ethnic service users by working with public sector partners to look at what can be done to: - Review current approaches to training and development on race equality including within higher education programmes designed for future public sector workers. - Embed race equality effectively into induction and CPD for public sector staff.

3.3 Engage with senior public body leaders to promote race equality and diversity issues through their senior management forums, equality and HR networks and with the Scottish Government sponsors.

Mainstreaming & Inclusion


On track

To be actioned

Goal 3: Scotland's public sector has improved capacity to tackle racial inequality and meet the needs of minority ethnic people

Goal 3: Scotland's public sector has improved capacity to tackle racial inequality and meet the needs of minority ethnic people

3.1 Ensure that public sector service delivery is respectful, person-centred and responsive to the challenges, barriers and discrimination experienced by minority ethnic service users by working with public sector partners to look at what can be done to: - Review current approaches to training and development on race equality including within higher education programmes designed for future public sector workers. - Embed race equality effectively into induction and CPD for public sector staff.

3.4 Explore with partners across the Public Sector the potential opportunities to improve on translation and interpretation practice, so that service users can be supported more reliably and consistently.

Mainstreaming & Inclusion


On track

On track

Goal 3: Scotland's public sector has improved capacity to tackle racial inequality and meet the needs of minority ethnic people

Goal 4: Policy processes in Scotland are based on a robust range of data on ethnicity

3.1 Ensure that public sector service delivery is respectful, person-centred and responsive to the challenges, barriers and discrimination experienced by minority ethnic service users by working with public sector partners to look at what can be done to: - Review current approaches to training and development on race equality including within higher education programmes designed for future public sector workers. - Embed race equality effectively into induction and CPD for public sector staff.

4.1 Build on the current Evidence Finder approach to continue to bring together a comprehensive range of evidence on ethnicity which can be used in policy development and review throughout Scotland's public sector, working in partnership with experts across sectors to identify relevant content and improve presentation.

Mainstreaming & Inclusion

Communities Analysis

On track

On track

Goal 3: Scotland's public sector has improved capacity to tackle racial inequality and meet the needs of minority ethnic people

Goal 4: Policy processes in Scotland are based on a robust range of data on ethnicity

3.1 Ensure that public sector service delivery is respectful, person-centred and responsive to the challenges, barriers and discrimination experienced by minority ethnic service users by working with public sector partners to look at what can be done to: - Review current approaches to training and development on race equality including within higher education programmes designed for future public sector workers. - Embed race equality effectively into induction and CPD for public sector staff.

4.2 Identify opportunities to improve the range and scope of the disaggregated ethnicity data available and make this available to policy makers across the Scottish Government and the wider public sector.

Mainstreaming & Inclusion

Communities Analysis

On track

On track

Goal 3: Scotland's public sector has improved capacity to tackle racial inequality and meet the needs of minority ethnic people

Goal 4: Policy processes in Scotland are based on a robust range of data on ethnicity

3.1 Ensure that public sector service delivery is respectful, person-centred and responsive to the challenges, barriers and discrimination experienced by minority ethnic service users by working with public sector partners to look at what can be done to: - Review current approaches to training and development on race equality including within higher education programmes designed for future public sector workers. - Embed race equality effectively into induction and CPD for public sector staff.

4.3 Ensure that ethnicity statistics and social research findings are effectively used to inform action, including through building it into the implementation process for the Framework.

Mainstreaming & Inclusion

Communities Analysis

On track

On track

Goal 5: Scotland's minority ethnic voluntary sector is stronger, more effective and sustainable

Goal 5: Scotland's minority ethnic voluntary sector is stronger, more effective and sustainable

5.1 Review Scottish Government's approach to funding work on race equality to drive forward the actions within the Race Equality Framework and to meet Ministerial priorities for equality.

5.2 Build on our understanding of the contribution that minority ethnic voluntary organisations make to communities and public services in Scotland to support our Race Equality Framework and to inform future funding processes.



On track

On track

Theme 2: Community Cohesion and Safety


Goal 6: There is greater cohesion between all communities in Scotland


6.1 Undertake work to better understand the context of community cohesion in Scotland and identify effective practice in community cohesion work, using the results to inform collaborative approaches with key partners in the public and third sectors.


Mainstreaming & Inclusion – Hate Crimes


On track


Goal 6: There is greater cohesion between all communities in Scotland


6.2 Explore ways to support public bodies in implementing the 'fostering good relations' element of the Public Sector Equality Duties with regard to race equality and community cohesion.


Mainstreaming & Inclusion – Hate Crimes


On track


Goal 7: Access to justice and safety for minority ethnic individuals is improved and the effectiveness of the justice process in dealing with racism is reviewed


7.1 Ensure effective engagement of minority ethnic communities, particularly young people, in considering what more can be done to tackle issues of discrimination and hate crime, to ensure their lived experience informs this work.


Mainstreaming & Inclusion – Hate Crimes


On track


Goal 7: Access to justice and safety for minority ethnic individuals is improved and the effectiveness of the justice process in dealing with racism is reviewed


7.2 Work with Police Scotland and other key stakeholders to identify ways of encouraging better reporting of hate crime, including exploring potential improvements in the Third-Party Reporting system.


Mainstreaming & Inclusion – Hate Crimes


On track


Goal 7: Access to justice and safety for minority ethnic individuals is improved and the effectiveness of the justice process in dealing with racism is reviewed


7.3 Ensure effective engagement of minority ethnic communities in the development of the Scottish Government's Strategic Police Priorities.


Police Division


On track


Goal 7: Access to justice and safety for minority ethnic individuals is improved and the effectiveness of the justice process in dealing with racism is reviewed


7.4 Work with Police Scotland and other key stakeholders, including the Scottish Police Authority, equalities and human rights organisations and organisations representing the interests of children and young people, to develop an effective process for monitoring and evaluating the impact of stop and search practice on minority ethnic communities.


Police Division


On track


Goal 8: Scotland's police workforce is better able to tackle racism and promote equality and community cohesion in the delivery of police services


8.1 Work with the Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland to promote effective equality and intercultural competency training within initial training for the police workforce, combined with appropriate CPD for those already in post.


Police Division


On track


Goal 9: Police Scotland's workforce better reflects the diversity of its communities


9.1 Work with the Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland to promote positive action to increase the number of minority ethnic entrants to the police workforce, and to improve opportunities for development and promotion, to reflect the minority ethnic population in Scotland.


Police Division


On track

Theme 3: Participation and Representation


Goal 10: Increase participation and representation of minority ethnic individuals in governance and influence in decision making at local and national level


10.1 Through our Public Boards and Corporate Diversity Programme, continue to drive forward activity to improve the diversity of Scotland's boardrooms, including outreach activity with disabled people and minority ethnic communities.


People Advice


On track


Goal 10: Increase participation and representation of minority ethnic individuals in governance and influence in decision making at local and national level


10.2 Co-produce with equality stakeholders and communities a plan of action to increase diversity in elected office.


Elections and FOI Division


On track


Goal 10: Increase participation and representation of minority ethnic individuals in governance and influence in decision making at local and national level


10.3 Further review the Scottish Government grant funding process to see what more can be done to promote equal opportunities, for example by making action to progress board diversity a requirement of funding.


Fair Work & Labour Market Strategy


To be actioned


Goal 10: Increase participation and representation of minority ethnic individuals in governance and influence in decision making at local and national level


10.4 Review the existing consultation good practice guidance through an equality’s lens. This will include a focus on improving consultation (including digital engagement) with all equality groups, including addressing concerns raised by minority ethnic communities.


Public Service Reform


On track


Goal 10: Increase participation and representation of minority ethnic individuals in governance and influence in decision making at local and national level


10.5 Work to ensure that the Honours system recognises the contributions made by people across all of Scottish society, including those from minority ethnic individuals. We will consider the use of undertake work to ensure that all diversity targets are met and that lists are representative of Scotland's minority ethnic population at large.[6]


Protocol & Honours


On track


Goal 11: Minority ethnic people have a fair and proportionate influence on community planning


11.1 Further encourage Community Planning Partnerships to embed effective minority ethnic community participation as part of good community planning; and to consider the needs, circumstances and aspirations of minority ethnic communities in the priorities they set for improving local outcomes and tackling inequalities in their area and in their actions to deliver improvement on these priorities.


Public Service Reform – Community Planning




Goal 11: Minority ethnic people have a fair and proportionate influence on community planning


11.2 Review the role of third sector interfaces in linking minority ethnic community groups into community planning structures, with recommendations for improvements based on the findings of the review, to inform future development.


Public Service Reform – Third Sector


On track


Goal 11: Minority ethnic people have a fair and proportionate influence on community planning


11.3 Work with stakeholders with expertise in race equality and community engagement to develop a relevant resource to sit alongside the National Standards for Community Engagement which addresses the issues raised in the framework development process around public sector engagement with minority ethnic communities.


Equality/Public Service Reform – Community Empowerment


To be actioned


Goal 11: Minority ethnic people have a fair and proportionate influence on community planning


11.4 Work with stakeholders and minority ethnic communities to develop the statutory guidance for Participation Requests ready for the Community Empowerment Act coming into force in late summer 2016.


Public Service Reform – Community Empowerment


On track


Goal 12: Informal community action within minority ethnic communities is better understood and valued


12.1 Consider whether there is a need for a programme of research into informal minority ethnic led approaches to community action that identifies the benefits and impact of this work for individuals, communities and wider society.




On track


Goal: 13 Promote inclusiveness and participation by making better connections between minority ethnic communities, organisations and institutions involved in heritage, culture, sports and media


31.1 Continue to support engagement with minority ethnic communities in the Themed Years and Scotland's Winter Festivals, the refreshed 2016/17 Youth Music Initiative and Scotland's first Youth Arts Strategy, Time to Shine in order to increase and widen the participation of Scotland's minority ethnic population in culture activities.


Cultural Access & Organisations


On track


Goal: 13 Promote inclusiveness and participation by making better connections between minority ethnic communities, organisations and institutions involved in heritage, culture, sports and media


13.2 Encourage our funded bodies and other key partners (e.g., Historic Environment Scotland, Creative Scotland, VisitScotland, local authorities, National Performing Companies and organisations which manage our national collections) to share good practice around targeted marketing and promotion and also to consider other opportunities to proactively work together to promote their programmes to minority ethnic communities.


Cultural Access & Organisations


On track


Goal: 13 Promote inclusiveness and participation by making better connections between minority ethnic communities, organisations and institutions involved in heritage, culture, sports and media


13.3 Engage with Scotland's minority ethnic communities around their involvement in the culture and heritage sectors - at board/senior level, at management/operational level, as artists and performers, volunteers, visitors and audiences.


Cultural Access & Organisations


On track


Goal: 13 Promote inclusiveness and participation by making better connections between minority ethnic communities, organisations and institutions involved in heritage, culture, sports and media


13.4 Encourage our funded bodies and other key partners (e.g. Historic Environment Scotland, Creative Scotland, VisitScotland, Local Authorities, National Performing Companies (NPC) and organisations which manage our national collections) to review their strategies to ensure that arrangements are in place to help broaden the participation of minority ethnic communities, and where gaps are identified to address these.


Directorate For Culture & Major Events


On track


Goal: 13 Promote inclusiveness and participation by making better connections between minority ethnic communities, organisations and institutions involved in heritage, culture, sports and media


13.5 Advance work with sportscotland, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), and other partners to reduce inequality and increase participation of minority ethnic communities in physical activity and sport, in line with our Active Scotland Outcomes Framework and building on the recent report published by sportscotland into equality in Scottish sport.


Strategic Capabilities Division


On track


Goal: 13 Promote inclusiveness and participation by making better connections between minority ethnic communities, organisations and institutions involved in heritage, culture, sports and media


13.6 Work to improve ethnic diversity in the media workforce and how minority ethnic communities are represented and portrayed including through the Scottish Government's proactive negotiations on the BBC Charter renewal.


Cultural Futures & Major Events


On track

Theme 4: Education and Life-long Learning


Goal 14: Innovative, inclusive and effective approaches to education (whether through teaching or pupil support) which take account of the individual needs and experiences of pupils in all ethnic groups are embedded throughout Scotland’s education system.


14.1 Development and implementation of the Anti-Racism in Education Programme and its focus on professional learning and leadership, curriculum reform, tackling racism and racist incidents and diversity in the workforce.[7]


Curriculum and Qualifications and Improvement, Attainment and Wellbeing


On track


Goal 14: Innovative, inclusive and effective approaches to education (whether through teaching or pupil support) which take account of the individual needs and experiences of pupils in all ethnic groups are embedded throughout Scotland’s education system.


14.2 As the additional language policy is moving into a new phase, we will review how we can integrate cultural awareness whether at home or abroad which could support Goal 6: There is greater cohesion between all communities in Scotland.[8]


Curriculum & Qualifications


On track


Goal 14: Innovative, inclusive and effective approaches to education (whether through teaching or pupil support) which take account of the individual needs and experiences of pupils in all ethnic groups are embedded throughout Scotland’s education system.


14.3 Work with the National Parent Forum of Scotland to ensure that the experiences and views of minority ethnic parents and pupils are reflected within the NPFS review of the impact of parental engagement policy and legislation, and continue to support early learning and childcare settings and schools in Scotland to fully involve parents from minority ethnic communities in the life of the establishment and in their children's learning.


Education Reform


On track


Goal 14: Innovative, inclusive and effective approaches to education (whether through teaching or pupil support) which take account of the individual needs and experiences of pupils in all ethnic groups are embedded throughout Scotland’s education system.


14.4 Continue to work with delivery partners to ensure the Education Maintenance Allowance programme is promoted so that young people and parents (including those from minority ethnic communities) are aware of the programme, as a means to help 16–19-year-olds overcome financial barriers to access and remain in learning.




On track


Goal 15: Minority ethnic pupils are provided with careers guidance that helps to improve transition into employment and tackles occupational segregation in relation to race


15.1 Work with Education Scotland and Skills Development Scotland to ensure that all age careers service delivered in Scotland meets the needs of all people including those from minority ethnic communities.




On track


Goal 15: Minority ethnic pupils are provided with careers guidance that helps to improve transition into employment and tackles occupational segregation in relation to race


15.2 Along with national partners, ensure the Career Education Standard 3-18, the Work Placements Standard and the Guidance for School/Employer Partnerships supports delivery of the best quality careers guidance for minority ethnic young people, transitions to employment and, as part of their broader career education, contributes to tackling occupational segregation.


Education reform


On track


Goal 15: Minority ethnic pupils are provided with careers guidance that helps to improve transition into employment and tackles occupational segregation in relation to race


15.3 Work with Education Scotland and national partners to ensure that the experiences and views of minority ethnic parents and pupils are reflected when the Career Education Standard 3-18 and Work Placement Standard are revisited as part of Developing the Young Workforce commitments.




On track


Goal 16: Minority ethnic pupils have confidence in, and are effectively supported by, approaches in schools to prevent and respond to prejudice-based bullying and racist behaviour or incidents


16.1 Continue to support anti-bullying services, to build confidence and capacity to address bullying effectively, aligned ‘Respect for All: The National Approach to Anti-bullying.’

Continue to carry out review of ‘Respect for All’, to include consideration of prejudice-based bullying, engaging with a working group of stakeholders including respectme, Scotland’s anti-bullying service.

Continue to work with a wide range of anti-racism organisations to further strengthen resources and approaches to prevent and respond to racist incidents through the Anti-Racism in Education Programme. This includes developing guidance on a whole-school approach to anti-racism.[9]


Improvement, Attainment &Wellbeing


On track


Goal 16: Minority ethnic pupils have confidence in, and are effectively supported by, approaches in schools to prevent and respond to prejudice-based bullying and racist behaviour or incidents


16. 2. Continue to work closely with Education Scotland to provide support around promoting positive relationships with children and young people, and resources around anti-bullying strategies (including around prejudice-based bullying).


Improvement, Attainment &Wellbeing


On track


Goal 16: Minority ethnic pupils have confidence in, and are effectively supported by, approaches in schools to prevent and respond to prejudice-based bullying and racist behaviour or incidents


16.3 Continue to work closely with Education Scotland to support local authorities to review, develop, plan and implement policy frameworks on positive relationships and behaviour including consideration of racism and racist incidents, linked to related key policies and frameworks.[10]


Improvement, Attainment &Wellbeing


On track


Goal 16: Minority ethnic pupils have confidence in, and are effectively supported by, approaches in schools to prevent and respond to prejudice-based bullying and racist behaviour or incidents


16.4 Work with Education Scotland on reviewing and further developing its process of inspection, taking into account race equality considerations.


Improvement, Attainment & Wellbeing


On track


Goal 17: Scotland's educators are confident and empowered to promote equality, foster good relations and prevent and deal with racism


17.1 Ensure that equality and intercultural competency training resources are developed and made available to practitioners at all stages of their careers - through initial teacher education, induction and career long professional learning.


Workforce, Infrastructure & Digital / Education Scotland Professional Learning & Leadership Directorate


On track


Goal 18: Scotland's education workforce better reflects the diversity of its communities


18.1 Work with the DiTP&EW to consider how to address the lack of diversity in the Scottish education workforce - in particular the gender balance and the ethnic diversity of the workforce.[11]


Workforce, Infrastructure & Digital


On track


Goal 19: Minority ethnic people experience better outcomes in completing further and higher education, and in transitioning to the labour market after completion


19.1 Through college and university Outcome Agreements, ensure that minority ethnic people do not face barriers to full participation and successful outcomes across Further (FE) and Higher Education (HE) that other students might not face.


Lifelong Learning and Skills


On track


Goal 19: Minority ethnic people experience better outcomes in completing further and higher education, and in transitioning to the labour market after completion


19. 2 Ensure that minority ethnic people continue to be represented across FE and HE proportionately to the general population, and continue to experience positive outcomes in completing courses.


Lifelong Learning and Skills


On track


Goal 19: Minority ethnic people experience better outcomes in completing further and higher education, and in transitioning to the labour market after completion


19. 3 Ensure access to effective careers guidance and employability support for minority ethnic people in FE and HE to enable positive transitioning to the labour market after completion.


Lifelong Learning and Skills


On track

Theme 5: Employability, Employment and Income


Goal 20: Identify and promote practice that works in reducing employment inequalities, discrimination and barriers for minority ethnic people, including in career paths, recruitment, progression and retention


20.1 Respond to the Fair Work Convention Framework and its recommendations, and address the issues raised in the engagement process of the development of the Race Equality Framework including recruitment, retention, career progression, occupational segregation and in work poverty.


Fair Work & Labour Market Strategy


On track


Goal 20: Identify and promote practice that works in reducing employment inequalities, discrimination and barriers for minority ethnic people, including in career paths, recruitment, progression and retention


20.2 As part of our response to the Fair Work Convention Framework, establish approaches to drive good practice for all equality groups in the workplace.


Fair Work & Labour Market Strategy


On track


Goal 20: Identify and promote practice that works in reducing employment inequalities, discrimination and barriers for minority ethnic people, including in career paths, recruitment, progression and retention


20.3 Review current approaches to supporting in-work training, including Individual Learning Accounts; within this, we will identify the level of take up amongst minority ethnic learners and ensure that any future approaches consider how under represented groups could better access these.




On track


Goal 21: Ensure robust policy responses that support race equality in relation to income and poverty


21.1 Ensure that our response and approach to Social Justice considers measures to tackle poverty across all ethnicities reflecting the public input into our National Conversation on 'A Fairer Scotland' and building on the First Minister's Poverty Adviser's report 'Shifting the Curve'.


Tackling Child Poverty Financial Wellbeing


On track


Goal 21: Ensure robust policy responses that support race equality in relation to income and poverty


21.2 Work to fill the gaps in current knowledge on how and to what extent minority ethnic people are accessing the benefits they are entitled to and work to ensure that relevant policies developed to address benefits take up and provide access to advice services (including financial advice) are equality impact assessed, with a programme of activity developed to address the results.


Social Security Scotland/ Programme Management & Delivery


On track


Goal 21: Ensure robust policy responses that support race equality in relation to income and poverty


21.3 Implement the powers being devolved as a result of the Scotland Bill 2015-16 in a way that makes full use of those powers to tackle poverty across all ethnicities.


Social Security Scotland/ Programme Management & Delivery


On track


Goal 21: Ensure robust policy responses that support race equality in relation to income and poverty


21.4 Make all possible efforts to assess, understand and where we can, mitigate the impact of any UK policies out with our control which have a financial impact on minority ethnic people with low incomes.


Mainstreaming & Inclusion


On track


Goal 21: Ensure robust policy responses that support race equality in relation to income and poverty


21.5 Stipulate in future funding and procurement arrangements for money advice services that grant recipients collect data and monitor how far their services meet the needs of people across all ethnicities; we will use this information to feed into future policy development.


Tackling Child Poverty Financial Wellbeing


On track


Goal 21: Ensure robust policy responses that support race equality in relation to income and poverty


21.6 Work with the Credit Union Working Group to take forward its recommendations, ensuring that this work takes account of needs across all ethnicities.


Third Sector And Public Bodies – Social Enterprise




Goal 22: Ensure access to appropriate early learning and childcare for minority ethnic families


22.1 Work to develop policy and practice so that early learning and childcare meets the needs of parents and children across all ethnicities.


Early Learning & Childcare


On track


Goal 22: Ensure access to appropriate early learning and childcare for minority ethnic families


22.2 Consider the feasibility of collecting accurate ethnicity information on children within early learning and childcare as part of our current data transformation work


Education Analytical Services


On track


Goal 22: Ensure access to appropriate early learning and childcare for minority ethnic families


22.3 Work with key stakeholders to promote greater diversity during our expansion of across the early learning and childcare workforce.[12]


Early Learning & Childcare


On track


Goal 23: Reduce barriers and provide support for minority ethnic people who are new to the labour market, including school leavers and new migrants


23.1 Work with Skills Development Scotland (SDS) in their delivery of the Equality Action Plan for Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland, to ensure that the number of individuals from minority ethnic backgrounds who are apprentices increases to equal the population share by 2021. This will be reviewed annually.




Target not met


Goal 23: Reduce barriers and provide support for minority ethnic people who are new to the labour market, including school leavers and new migrants


23.2 Develop a long-term 2020 vision for employability services. Our devolved employability services are person centred and consider participant’s individual needs, experiences, and barriers to gaining and sustaining fair work. We will use feedback from service users and race equality stakeholders to continue to develop our offer to those groups with protected characteristics with a view to tackling inequalities in the labour market.[13]




On track


Goal 23: Reduce barriers and provide support for minority ethnic people who are new to the labour market, including school leavers and new migrants


23.3 Include measures to improve access to high quality advanced, vocational and conversational ESOL provision, linked to both employability schemes and with employers across all sectors to promote uptake for staff in post within the Implementation plan for the refreshed ESOL Strategy.


Adult Learning


On track


Goal 23: Reduce barriers and provide support for minority ethnic people who are new to the labour market, including school leavers and new migrants


23.4 Work with partner organisations through the Refugee Integration Forum and New Scots working groups to explore what more we can do on the recognition of overseas qualifications including commissioning a short project to review and update the recommendations of the 2010 'Scoping Study on Support Mechanisms for the Recognition of Skills, Learning and Qualifications of Migrant Workers and Refugees' within the current context.




On track


Goal 24: Minority ethnic entrepreneurs and business owners have equal access to business and enterprise support


24.1 Map information and data needs around self-employment and minority ethnic enterprise in order to better understand minority ethnic entrepreneurship to inform a programme of future activities.


Third Sector & Public Bodies – Social Enterprise


On track


Goal 24: Minority ethnic entrepreneurs and business owners have equal access to business and enterprise support


24.2 Ensure effective engagement of minority ethnic communities in the development of the Scottish Government Social Enterprise Strategy to ensure issues relevant to race are considered as part of this wider review.


Third Sector & Public Bodies – Social Enterprise


On track


Goal 24: Minority ethnic entrepreneurs and business owners have equal access to business and enterprise support


24.3 Consider future approaches to gathering and reporting data on ethnicity in relation to social enterprises.


Third Sector & Public Bodies – Social Enterprise


On track


Goal 25: Scotland's public sector workforce is representative of its communities


25.1 Review the Scottish Specific Equality Duties and their role in improving race equality in employment across the public sector in Scotland.


Mainstreaming & Inclusion


On track


Goal 25: Scotland's public sector workforce is representative of its communities


25.2 Work to ensure that by 2025 the Scottish Government's own workforce reflects the minority ethnic population in Scotland at every level.


People Development


On track


Goal 25: Scotland's public sector workforce is representative of its communities


25.3 Consider the role that targets might play to address under-representation of minority ethnic staff within the public sector.


Health Workforce/ Fair Work & Labour Market Strategy


To be actioned


Goal 25: Scotland's public sector workforce is representative of its communities


25.4 With partners, consider scoping a programme of work around improvements in workplace equality practice which might include:

Theme 6: Health and Housing


Goal 26: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience better health and wellbeing outcomes


26.1 As recommended by the Expert Reference Group on Covid-19 and Ethnicity, Scottish Government must take action to ensure inclusivity of public health messaging, taking into account language barriers, literacy levels, cultural factors, religious beliefs and differential access to health-related information among diverse communities.[14]


DG Health & Social Care


On track


Goal 26: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience better health and wellbeing outcomes


26.2 [15]


On track


Goal 26: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience better health and wellbeing outcomes


26.3 Ensure effective engagement with minority ethnic communities and action to address racialised health inequalities in the development of the Scottish Government’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Delivery Plan.[16]


Directorate for Mental Health


On track


Goal 26: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience better health and wellbeing outcomes


26.4 Ensure effective engagement so that minority ethnic voices are heard and meaningfully involved in improving health and social care services.[17]


DG Health & Social Care


On track

Goal 27: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience improved access to health and social care services at a local and national level to support their needs

Goal 27: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience improved access to health and social care services at a local and national level to support their needs

27.1 Promote action to address racialised health inequalities through integration authorities strategic planning.[18]

27.2 Work with Public Health Scotland (PHS), NHS Boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships, anti-racism experts and other stakeholders to improve the collection and use of ethnicity data.[19]

Directorate for Social Care & National Care Service

Directorate for Digital Health & Care, Population Health Directorate, Directorate for Social Care & National Care Service

On track

On track

Goal 27: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience improved access to health and social care services at a local and national level to support their needs

Goal 27: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience improved access to health and social care services at a local and national level to support their needs

27.1 Promote action to address racialised health inequalities through integration authorities strategic planning.[18]

27.3 Develop an impactful action plan with stakeholders to address racism and racialised health inequalities in health and social care, with a focus on improving access, experience and outcomes for minority ethnic staff, patients and service users.[20]

Directorate for Social Care & National Care Service

DG Health & Social Care

On track

On track

Goal 27: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience improved access to health and social care services at a local and national level to support their needs

Goal 28: Scotland's health and social care workers are better able to tackle racism and promote equality and community cohesion in delivery of health and social care services

27.1 Promote action to address racialised health inequalities through integration authorities strategic planning.[18]

28.1 Ensure that every NHS Board can demonstrate that it requires all staff to participate in training on equality, diversity and human rights, including anti-racism and other protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.[21]

Directorate for Social Care & National Care Service

Directorate for Health Workforce

On track

On track

Goal 27: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience improved access to health and social care services at a local and national level to support their needs

Goal 28: Scotland's health and social care workers are better able to tackle racism and promote equality and community cohesion in delivery of health and social care services

27.1 Promote action to address racialised health inequalities through integration authorities strategic planning.[18]

28.2 Encourage social services employers to provide opportunities for their staff to participate in training on equality, diversity and human rights, and encourage NHS Boards to ensure staff have access to up-to-date training on anti-racism and our responsibility to support people from all protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.[22]

Directorate for Social Care & National Care Service

Directorate for Health Workforce/ Adult Social Care Workforce & Fair Work

On track

On track

Goal 27: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience improved access to health and social care services at a local and national level to support their needs

Goal 29: Scotland's health and social care workforce better reflects the diversity of its communities

27.1 Promote action to address racialised health inequalities through integration authorities strategic planning.[18]

29.1 Work with relevant bodies to take positive action to encourage a greater representation of the minority ethnic population within the workforce of NHS Scotland.

Directorate for Social Care & National Care Service

Directorate for Health Workforce

On track

On track

Goal 27: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience improved access to health and social care services at a local and national level to support their needs

Goal 29: Scotland's health and social care workforce better reflects the diversity of its communities

27.1 Promote action to address racialised health inequalities through integration authorities strategic planning.[18]

29.2 Ensure that relevant bodies who will be able to contribute to future work to encourage a greater representation of the minority ethnic population within the social services workforce are identified and engaged with.

Directorate for Social Care & National Care Service

Directorate for Health Workforce/ Adult Social Care Workforce & Fair Work

On track

On track

Goal 27: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience improved access to health and social care services at a local and national level to support their needs

Goal 30: Minority ethnic communities experience fewer housing inequalities

27.1 Promote action to address racialised health inequalities through integration authorities strategic planning.[18]

30.1 Work in partnership with the Scottish Housing Regulator and other stakeholders to make the best use of available housing data and research to identify issues affecting minority ethnic communities and promote race equality.

Directorate for Social Care & National Care Service

Better Homes

On track

On track

Goal 27: Minority ethnic communities and individuals experience improved access to health and social care services at a local and national level to support their needs

Goal 30: Minority ethnic communities experience fewer housing inequalities

27.1 Promote action to address racialised health inequalities through integration authorities strategic planning.[18]

30.2 Strengthen minority ethnic tenant participation and influence in the housing sector by enabling effective engagement with minority ethnic communities to ensure that their experiences and views are reflected in the review of the Scottish Social Housing Charter.

Directorate for Social Care & National Care Service

Better Homes

On track

On track

The REF was originally published in 2016 and a number of actions have been superseded by other work, therefore the following narrative report addresses progress made in relation to REF goals as opposed to individual actions. Furthermore, a focus on goals was a preference articulated by our stakeholders.



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