
Social Work Anti-racism Oversight Group: statement of intent

A statement of intent outlining the vision for anti-racism in social work, including top priorities to address systemic racism in the sector. It was developed by the Social Work Anti-racism Action Group, which includes Scottish Government, the Scottish Association of Social Workers and key partners.

About this Statement of Intent and the Social Work Anti-racism Oversight Group

This statement of intent is published by members of the Social Work Anti-racism Oversight Group (Annex A). The Scottish Government and the Scottish Association of Social Workers (SASW), together with partners from the social work sector, established this Group in July 2023 to oversee the development and implementation of a national action plan to address systemic racism within the social work sector.

The purpose of the Group is to share its members’ experience and expertise to shape and support anti-racism activity in the social work profession in Scotland. The Group is chaired jointly by the Office of the Chief Social Work Adviser (OCSWA) in the Scottish Government and SASW.



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