Adult Protection Committees biennial reports 2012-14: summary report

Report summarising the findings from the Adult Protection Committees (APCs) biennial reports covering the years 2012-14.


25. Convenors were asked to include reference to the joint training strategy, and any evaluation that has been undertaken of this. It should include data on who has been trained, at what level; and what awareness raising activity for all staff has been undertaken. This section should identify both single agency and inter agency training.

26. Reports referred to a significant amount of training and development activity over the period covered by the report, including:

  • delivery of training, often modular in make up or through e-learning, to council staff as well as to partners in the locality including service user representatives. Training frequently referred to as involving others such as the police to promote joint working
  • there was evidence too of training in NHS settings and with the Scottish Ambulance Service, with a particular focus on staff groups who were most likely to be in contact with high risk patients/clients;
  • training delivered as part of the training all officers receive when they first attend Scottish Police College, with existing staff receiving training through three e-learning modules;
  • Conferences being used to bring together agencies working in partnership on adult support and protection;
  • the involvement of academic institutions with inter-professional education events involving undergraduate medical, mental health nursing, pharmacy students and police. Training to medical students as part of a new public protection module; and
  • The identification of crossover areas and their inclusion in generic training, including violence against women, drugs and alcohol and child protection, forced marriage, sexual exploitation and trafficking.

27. In light of the issues around GPs involvement in adult support and protection, some Convenors highlighted the need to revise and disseminate the existing guidance for GPs as a way of raising the profile of adult support and protection.


Email: Jean Harper,

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