
Applications to provide NHS Pharmaceutical Services - A consultation on the Control of Entry Arrangements and Dispensing GP Practices - Consultation Responses

Responses received in respect of the recent consultation on Control of Entry Arrangements and Dispensing GP practices.

Publication of responses received from organisations and individuals in respect of the recent consultation paper, 'Applications to provide NHS Pharmaceutical Services - A Consultation on the Control of Entry Arrangements and Dispensing GP practices.'

Consultation response
Consultation response form
Alan Kennedy
Alison McInnes/Malcolm Bruce
Angus MacNeil
Anne Lindsay
B999 Health Trust
Benbecula Medical Practice
BMA Scotland
Boots Pharmacists Association
Boots UK Ltd
Bruce Crawford
Carol Burns
Celesio UK
Charles Colin Lloyd
Community Pharmacy Scotland
Deans Pharmacy
Dispensing Doctors' Association
Elizabeth Bryson
General Pharmaceutical Council
Hal Maxwell
Hercules Robinson
James Bryson
Jean Knowles
Jennifer Foster
Joseph Twaddle
Karen Lynn Lloyd
L Rowlands and Co.(Retail) Ltd t/a Rowlands Pharmacy
Leslie Jones
Lindsay Craig
Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore Community Council
NHS Ayrshire and Arran
NHS Ayrshire and Arran Local Medical Committee
NHS Borders
NHS Dumfries and Galloway
NHS Fife Area Pharmaceutical Committee
NHS Forth Valley
NHS Forth Valley Local Medical Committee
NHS Grampian
NHS Highland
NHS Highland Area Pharmaceutical Committee
NHS Lanarkshire
NHS Lothian Area Pharmaceutical Committee
NHS National Services Scotland
NHS Orkney/ NHS Shetland
NHS Scotland Directors of Pharmacy Group
NHS Tayside
NHS Western Isles
Pharmacy Administration Leads Group
Robert Edwards
Royal College of General Practitioners Scotland
Royal Pharmaceutical Society in Scotland
Scottish Health Council
Sharon Gunason Pottinger
Sheila Geddes
Shionagh Morrison
Susannah Dawson
Tarves Community Council
The Company Chemist Association
The Co-operative Pharmacy
The National Pharmacy Association Ltd
Yuk Chan


Email: Brian O'Donnell

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