
Public appointment: Chair and Non-Executive Directors of the Board of David MacBrayne Limited

Public appointment news release.

The Minister for Transport, Graeme Dey MSP, today announced the appointment of Erik Østergaard OBE as Chair of the Board of David MacBrayne Limited (DML).  The Minister also announced the appointments of Tim Ingram, Grant Macrae and Sharon O’Connor as Non-Executive Directors of the DML Board.

Chair Appointment

Erik Østergaard OBE is CEO of a transport and logistics organisation.  He has more than 35 years of experience in senior management positions in the shipping, ferry and transportation industry  Originally trained in shipping, he later studied international economics and management at IMD in Lausanne, Stanford Graduate School of Business, California, and Boot School of Business, University of Chicago from where he earned a degree as Master of Business Administration.  He has held and holds office as a Non-Executive Board Member or Chairman of several companies in the shipping and transportation industry, numerous government committees and boards of trade associations.

Non-Executive Director Appointments

Tim Ingram brings a range of health and safety, enterprise risk management and governance skills together with a wealth of energy industry, marine and port operations experience.  He is a Non-Executive Director of Western Isles NHS Board, sitting on various Committees including the Healthcare Governance and Audit Committee, which he chairs.  He worked in the offshore oil and gas industry and joined the Health and Safety Executive in 1992 as a Specialist Inspector becoming the Principal Inspector responsible for the inspection of gas and pipeline facilities across Scotland.  Latterly he held corporate and director level health and safety and assurance roles in Maersk Oil, the Wood Group, Dana Petroleum and the Port of Tyne.  He now runs a specialist health and safety consultancy and is voluntary guest lecturer at Imperial College, London.

Grant Macrae is a Member of ICAS and CIPFA and has extensive experience of audit, risk management and governance.  For many years he led external audit of a wide range of entities owned by government across the public sector. He has participated in the development of international accounting standards.  Since returning to the UK he has been a board member of several bodies where he has chaired finance or audit and risk committees.  He has also been an independent member of the audit and risk committee of two large organisations.  He is currently a Board Member of the Scottish Police Authority.

Sharon O’Connor is a Fellow and Chartered Director of the Institute of Directors and a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Personnel Development as well as being professionally qualified in Marketing.  She was the former Chair of the Education Authority NI and was previously Chief Executive of Derry City Council.  She has extensive experience in capital projects, public services, economic development and tourism.  Ms O’Connor serves on the Accounts Commission for Scotland; is a Board member of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI); and the NI Transport Holding Company (Translink).

The appointments are regulated by the Ethical Standards Commissioner.

Length of Term, Remuneration and Time Commitment

All four appointments are for three years.


Mr Østergaard will be appointed from 3 January 2022 until 2 January 2025.  The Chair of the Board receives £363.00 per day for a time commitment of three days per week

Non-Executive Directors

Mr Ingram’s appointment runs from 8 November 2021 until 7 November 2024 with Mr Macrae’s running from 16 November 2021 until 15 November 2024.  Ms O’Connor will be appointed from 14 February 2022 until 13 February 2025.  Non-Executive Directors receive £320.00 per day for a time commitment of three days per month.

Other Ministerial Appointments

Mr Østergaard is Chair of the Board of Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited.  He receives of £372.00 per day for a time commitment of six days per month.  He will, however, stand down from that role on taking up this role.

Mr Ingram is a Non-Executive Director of the Western Isles NHS Board.  He receives £8,095.00 per year for a time commitment of one day per week.

Mr Macrae is a Member of the Board of the Scottish Police Authority.  He receives £309.00 per day for a time commitment of six days per month.

Ms O’Connor is a Member of the Accounts Commission.  She receives £284.00 per day for a time commitment of two days per month.

Political Activity

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process.  However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.

Mr Østergaard, Mr Ingram, Mr Macrae and Ms O’Connor have had no political activity within the last five years.

David MacBrayne Limited

With over 160 years’ experience, DML is one of Scotland’s longest continually running businesses.  It is wholly owned by Scottish Ministers and is a key component of our transport network, providing lifeline ferry connectivity to our islands and remote communities.  DML employs around 1500 people with an annual turnover of approximately £200 million.  It transports more than five million passengers annually and operates 26 ports within the UK.

The company’s mission is to provide transport and infrastructure services to communities, supporting the aims of the Scottish Government and to make a commercial return to its shareholder, the Scottish Ministers.

DML’s largest subsidiary company is CalMac Ferries Limited (CFL).  CFL is the UK’s largest ferry operator in terms of ships and destinations served and one of the largest transport operators in Scotland.  It provides essential lifeline services and logistical support to island and remote communities, and currently operates the Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Services Contract, which runs until 2024.

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