

This summary report sets out some of the key findings of research commissioned by Marine Scotland . The purpose of the research is to inform debate and policy development concerning the available options for the management of Scottish quota.

1 Introduction by Marine Scotland

1.1. This summary report sets out some of the key findings of research commissioned by Marine Scotland and submitted between January and April 2014. The purpose of the research is to inform debate and policy development concerning the available options for the management of Scottish quota.

1.2. Marine Scotland commissioned consultants to undertake this study after a competitive tendering process. The terms of reference stated that "the project will consider the options available to Scottish Ministers to amend or reform the relevant quota management systems in ways which provide net benefits to Scotland."

1.3. "The aim of this project is to provide Ministers and officials with a body of evidence to inform current policy making decisions on the future allocation of fish quotas which will meet the Scottish Government's aims of sustainable economic growth through a more productive and efficient fishing sector which supports solidarity and cohesion in Scottish communities."

1.4. The research objectives for this project included:

  • consider and analyse evidence relating to the functioning and impacts of the current system
  • review the lessons from theory and from experiences in fisheries and any other relevant sectors from around the world
  • develop options for Scotland, including for small or incremental changes, which have the potential to result in net benefits

1.5. This summary report sets out the results of the work which has been undertaken with further detail included in annexes.

1.6. Section 2 outlines the options for change;

1.7. Annex 1 provides detail on relevant overseas experience. A consultation programme was undertaken with the fishing industry and the results of that are summarised in Annex 2.

1.8. The opinions expressed in this report are those of the consultants, unless clearly indicated otherwise.


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