
Approaches to rural proofing: review report

This report outlines the findings of a high-level review of international approaches to rural proofing, to support work to develop a rural policy approach for Scotland.


Rural proofing can be defined as ‘reviewing policies through a rural lens, to make these policies fit for purpose for those who live and work in rural areas.’[4]

This short report has a practical focus on approaches taken by other countries to rural proofing, their definition of this process, and the guidance they have provided to policy makers to carry it out.

This report can be read alongside a range of extensive work on this topic by rural academics in Scotland and elsewhere, including Dr Jane Atterton at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), a leading academic in this field, with relevant publications including:

Chapter 2 of this report summarises key points from a number of recent and relevant reports, including on the effectiveness of rural proofing and recommendations in terms of its implementation. A full list of references can be found at the end of this report.

In wider terms, a range of previous and ongoing research into rural policy development, and the challenges and opportunities faced by Scotland’s rural and island communities, has been funded by the Scottish Government through its Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Strategic Research Programme.[5]


DAERA: Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Northern Ireland)

DEFRA: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (England)

ENRD: European Network for Rural Development

EU: European Union

ICIA: Island Communities Impact Assessment

OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

RESAS: Rural and Environmental Science and Analytical Services

RIAS: Regional Impact Assessment Statement

RNIA: Rural Needs Impact Assessment

SG: Scottish Government

SRUC: Scotland’s Rural College



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