Approaches to rural proofing: review report

This report outlines the findings of a high-level review of international approaches to rural proofing, to support work to develop a rural policy approach for Scotland.


1 Rural proofing - European Union ( European Union “What is rural proofing?” (site accessed May 2024)

2 Rural Scotland Data Dashboard (Scottish Government, 2023)

3 Equality, opportunity, community: New leadership - A fresh start -

4 Rural proofing - European Union ( European Union “What is rural proofing?” (site accessed May 2024)

5 For information on the current programme, see: Strategic Research Programme 2022 to 2027 - Environment, natural resources and agriculture: overview -

6 Rural proofing - European Union ( European Union “What is rural proofing?” (site accessed May 2024)_

7 For a discussion of the wider issues in defining ‘rural’ as part of the rural proofing process, see Atterton et al. (2024).

8 This background paper, Rural Proofing Actions at different levels, includes a helpful table on responsibilities at different levels in addressing rural proofing actions, from national to regional to local.

9 See: Island communities impact assessments: guidance and toolkit -

10 Atterton, J. European Network for Rural Development Thematic Group, Background document: Analytical overview of rural proofing approaches and lessons learned.

11 Bryce, B-A. (2022) Rural and Regional Development Unit, Centre for Entrepreneurship, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Cities, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): Rural Proofing: OECD lessons learned

12 Source: Atterton et al. (2024).

13 For example, see: 'Island-Proofing' your work - Introducing Island Communities Impact Assessments (ICIA) -

14 Final report of the SEFARI Specialist Advisory Group on the Rural Lens. Informing Scotland’s Rural Delivery Plan and Rural Lens: Evidence, Indicators and Evaluation | SEFARI. More information on the group is available here: Informing Scotland's Rural Delivery Plan and Rural Lens | SEFARI

15 Based on the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency 2020 mid-year estimates. Source: Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Key Rural Issues, Northern Ireland 2023.

16 NI Government, 2015 - Thinking Rural: The essential guide to rural proofing | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (

Further work: Sally Shortall and Erin Sherry’s research on rural proofing: Rural Proofing in Northern Ireland - Overview and Recommendations

17 Source: Statistical Digest of Rural England Population - GOV.UK

18 Rural Proofing Report 2020 (

19 Rural proofing (

20 Source: Defra’s 2022 guidance

21 Rural Proofing in England 2020 report: Rural Coalition comments

22 Source: A profile of Rural Health in Wales (Wales Centre for Health, 2007)

23 Source: Rural population (% of total population) - Spain | Data (

24 EU funds are fungible: potential and feasibility of change in Cohesion Policy post 2020 (

25 Source: Rural proofing - Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö (

26 Source: 1st meeting of the Thematic Group on Rural Proofing: Highlights Report | The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) (

27 Full document not available in English.

28 Source: Rural population (% of total population) - New Zealand | Data (

29 Making policies that work for rural communities | NZ Government (

30 Population growth in Canada’s rural areas, 2016 to 2021 (

31 See p.37-8: Learning Lessons from early ICIAs: Final Report -

32 Rural-Lens.pdf (

33 Source: Rural and remote health - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (

34 Source: Rural population (% of total population) - Korea, Rep. | Data (

35 See Moon-Soo Jung, 2021: Institutional Framework and Prospects of the Quality of Rural Life Policy in Korea | FFTC Agricultural Policy Platform

36 Source: OECD, 2021 ‘Perspectives on Decentralisation and Rural-Urban Linkages in Korea' Chapter 3

37 Source: Moon-Soo Jung, 2021.



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