
Aquaculture and Fisheries Consultation Analysis - Summary Report

Summary report of the analysis of the responses to the Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill Consultation, partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report

1 The Consultation Document and Analysis

1.1 The Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill - Consultation Document 1 set out key issues and priorities in relation to Scotland's aquaculture, wild salmon and freshwater fisheries industries. The Consultation Document explored possible legislative measures for a potential Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill during the current Parliament. It also covered wider issues, such as provisions to protect shellfish growing waters. The document built on best practice and voluntary arrangements where appropriate, to protect the interests of those who have invested in the highest standards of management and husbandry.

1.2 The Consultation Document was published on the Scottish Government website on 6 December 2011. The document was accompanied by a Strategic Environmental Assessment ( SEA) Environmental Report 2 and a partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment ( BRIA) 3 of the proposals, published on 22 and 8 February 2012 respectively. The consultation period was extended from 2 March to 13 April 2012, to provide consultees with additional time to consider the accompanying impact assessments.

1.3 This analysis of consultation responses has been undertaken on behalf of Marine Scotland by the Scottish Government's Environmental Assessment Team. The analysis was undertaken in accordance with Scottish Government's Good Practice Guidance (May 2010), and the findings are presented in the Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill Consultation Analysis - Main Report.

1.4 This report comprises a summary of that report and is structured as follows:

  • Section 1 (this section) provides an introduction to the Consultation Document, SEA Environmental Report and Partial BRIA.
  • Section 2 details the types of responses received and the sectors and groups who responded to the consultation.
  • Section 3 provides an overview of the consultation questions and an introduction to the following sections.
  • Sections 4 - 9 provide a summary of the key issues, themes and trends raised by respondents for each of the consultation questions.
  • Section 10 provides a summary of additional comments made by the consultees in their responses to the consultation.
  • Section 11 summarises the main themes and trends identified in the consultation analysis.


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