
Aquaculture and Fisheries Consultation Analysis - Summary Report

Summary report of the analysis of the responses to the Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill Consultation, partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report

5 Section 2 - Protection of Shellfish Areas

Question 19. Do you agree with the introduction of provisions to protect shellfish growing waters and support the sustainable growth of the shellfish industry?

Sector Yes No No comment
1. Public Bodies 11 0 1
2. Aquaculture 15 1 2
3. Marine fisheries 3 0 3
4. Freshwater fisheries 18 0 32
5. Professional/Academic Bodies 2 0 1
6. Voluntary Sector 12 0 9
7. Individuals/Politicians 14 2 18
8. Other Commercial 2 0 3
Overall 77 3 69

5.1 Of those who responded, nearly all supported this proposal.

5.2 This was based on an agreed need to restore the protection provided by the (to be repealed) Shellfish Waters Directive.

5.3 Some respondents expressed concerns about the potential designation criteria. One in particular was concerned about benefits accruing to shellfish operators resulting in constraints on onshore development.

5.4 One respondent suggested that the regulations be implemented through the marine planning system. Others suggested that the global Bivalve Aquaculture Standards be used as a guide for regulation of shellfish aquaculture.


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