
Energy efficiency: Area-Based Schemes

Information about the Scottish Government's Area-Based Schemes. The information is up to date as of December 2024.

We award funding to local authorities to develop and deliver energy efficiency programmes (mainly solid wall insulation) in areas with high levels of fuel poverty. This funding is blended with owners contributions and funding from Registered Social Landlords who may choose to insulate their homes at the same time.

The area-based schemes are designed and delivered by councils with local delivery partners. They target fuel-poor areas to provide energy efficiency measures to a large number of Scottish homes while delivering emission savings and helping reduce fuel poverty.

Since 2013, the Scottish Government has invested almost £675million through our ABS programme, which has supported over 125,000 households and helped hundreds of local communities to tackle fuel poverty.

In line with our commitments in the Programme for Government, the Scottish Government has maintained our annual investment in local ABS projects at £64m in 2025/26. Funding remains at the same level as in 24/25 and is up by £9m from £55m in 2020/21.

Allocations and expenditure

We also publish annual reports on our HEEPS schemes:

Other useful information

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