
Protected areas for mobile marine species: consultation on proposals to designate four new Marine Protected Areas in Scottish waters

An overview of the consultation on proposals to designate four new Marine Protected Areas in Scottish waters, including short summaries of the available documentation.

The Possible Marine Protected Areas (pMPAs)

This section summarises information from the various documents which underpin this consultation. Table 2 provides the name, size, and proposed protected features of each site. The locations are shown on Figure 2.

Table 2: The four possible MPAs

Site Name Size (km2) Proposed Protected Features
Biodiversity Geodiversity
North-east Lewis 907 Risso's dolphins, sandeels Marine geomorphology of the Scottish shelf bed, Quaternary of Scotland
Sea of the Hebrides 10,039 Basking sharks, minke whales, fronts Marine geomorphology of the Scottish shelf seabed
Shiant East Bank 308 Circalittoral sands and mixed sediment communities, Northern sea fan and sponge communities, shelf banks and mounds Quaternary of Scotland
Southern Trench 2,536 Burrowed mud, minke whales, fronts, shelf deeps Quaternary of Scotland, Submarine Mass Movement

Figure 2: The four possible MPAs

Figure 2: The four possible MPAs



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