
High rise buildings - firefighting arrangements: report

HM Fire Service Inspectorate (HMFSI) report assessing the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service's (SFRS's) arrangements and readiness to fight fires in high rise buildings in Scotland. It contains areas of good practice and recommendations where there is scope to improve performance.


BA - Breathing Apparatus

CSU - Command Support Unit

Dual crewing - An arrangement where more than one fire appliance is crewed by the same crew. The crew having the ability to respond with whichever appliance is required.

EAS - Evacuation alert system

FRS - Fire and Rescue Service

FSG - Fire survival guidance

FSRP - Fire Service Response Plan

a 3-dimensional image of premises as part of recorded risk information; or

a pre-arranged non-generic operational procedure used where generic procedures cannot be followed

GT - Grenfell Tower

GTI - Grenfell Tower Inquiry

METHANE - Mnemonic for Major incident, Exact location, Type of incident, Hazards, Access, Number of casualties, Emergency services

OI - Operational Intelligence

PEEP - Personal Emergency Escape Plan or Personal Emergency Egress Plan

PIB - Premises Information Box

RDS - On-call firefighters working the Retained Duty System

RRU - Rapid Response Unit – a small fire appliance with lower crew and equipment capacity than a standard fire appliance

SFRS - Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

the 2005 Act - Fire (Scotland) Act 2005

Waking watch - An arrangement where persons patrol all floors and the exterior perimeter of a building in order to detect a fire early, raise the alarm, and initiate evacuation. This is normally a temporary arrangement.



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