
Health and social care - integration authority guidance consultation: we asked, you said, we did summary- easy read

Easy read version of the 'We asked, you said, we did' summary for the consultation on health and social care integration authority guidance.

Consultation – We asked, you said, we did

We asked

We asked for views on a new guide about health and social care boards’. This was about their plans and performance. This is called a consultation.

The new guide was made with input from health and social care staff. We wanted views from the public.

You said

We got 28 responses to the consultation. 19 of these were from organisations and 9 were from individuals.

Most people said they were happy with the new guide.

We got a lot of good feedback. People told us some parts of the guide could be better.

We did

The responses were put in a report.

We used feedback to make changes to the guide.

Changes included the order of the rules, adding new information, and making information clearer.

Some feedback asked us to change laws. These views will help us when we set up the National Care Service.



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