
Social care inspection: consultation – themes and questions - easy read

We are calling for evidence to support the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR) of social care support which will also include a range of in person and virtual stakeholder events. This easy read guide provides more information about the themes and questions in the consultation.

Theme 1 - A person centred way of working

A person centred approach makes sure the most important thing is giving the care and support each person needs.

What people need and want must be listened to when decisions are made.

Care and support services must be given in a way that respects people and responds to what they want.

We will work in a way that protects human rights and empowers people to know their rights and how to get them

The PANEL principles are one way of understanding what a human rights based approach means in practice.

PANEL stands for Participation, Accountability, Non-Discrimination and Equality, Empowerment and Legality.

PANEL stands for:

P - Participation - people should be involved in decisions that affect their rights

A - Accountability - there should be ways to check if people's rights are being affected, as well as ways to fix things when they go wrong.

N - Non-Discrimination - nobody should be treated unfairly.

People who face the biggest barriers to getting their rights should be the most important.

E - Empowerment - everyone should understand their rights, and be supported to take part in making policies and decisions that affect their lives.

L - Legality – we must work in a way that protects people's rights in law


How can we make sure that people who get care and support services can be part of the way inspection is done and rules are made?



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