
Coronavirus (COVID-19): re-opening childcare - impact assessment

Assesses the impact of actions taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic from March 2020 to the start of re-opening of all registered childcare settings from 15 July.


We know that, alongside schools, childcare provides rich experiences and opportunities, support and safety for Scotland's children and young people.

While it is widely accepted that closures have been necessary for the safety of all members of society at this challenging time, there has been a negative impact on many children and young people, their families and the childcare workforce.

With this in mind, we can conclude that reopening childcare will be having a positive impact on these people.

The impacts of COVID-19 will be felt for some time, and our children and young people will require ongoing support to help them adapt to the return to settings.

We welcome your views and evidence. If you are in regular contact with policy makers in the Scottish Government please feel free to use your normal routes of engagement to provide further evidence or comments.

If you are not in regular contact with policy makers in the Scottish Government or have any more general comments on both the assessment and mitigation activities please send them to



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