
Mobile abattoirs - viability and sustainability: report

The findings of a study carried out to determine whether or not mobile slaughter units (MSUs) would be viable in Scotland.

2.0 Methodology

The study was delivered through two main interlinked research processes:

  • A literature review: this consisted of a desk-based online review to establish where mobile abattoirs currently operate and to examine what evidence and data there is regarding all aspects of their operation e.g. when and why they were established, their capacity and processing figures, the regulations they have to comply with, and the impact they have had on other abattoirs and supply chains. The reasons that mobile abattoirs have ceased operation, and the reasons for this are also reviewed.
  • Interviews with key stakeholders were carried out (e.g. representatives from the beef, pig and lamb sector, abattoirs etc.) to ascertain the current availability of abattoir facilities, distances travelled to access the service, current abattoir capacity issues including sectors concerns, changes that might be required to improve the viability of existing small abattoirs and feasibility and impact that mobile abattoirs would have on the viability of existing processing facilities and the supply chain in Scotland. Key stakeholders were engaged to establish their views regards the implementation of mobile abattoirs in Scotland.



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