
Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015: asset transfer requests - evaluation

Findings from an independent evaluation assessing the implementation of Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 – asset transfer requests. The evaluation was commissioned by the Scottish Government and was conducted by researchers at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Appendix 3: Revised list of Scottish Ministers

At the outset of this evaluation, the Scottish Government conducted an exercise to establish the appropriate bodies for inclusion under the category of ‘Scottish Ministers’. During the evaluation, it became apparent that some of these bodies did not own assets in the care of Scottish Ministers. Towards the end of this evaluation, the Scottish Government amended the list of Scottish Ministers to be included in the legislation. It is expected this list will fluctuate as properties in the care of Scottish Ministers change over time. While this this evaluation adopted the original list of Scottish Ministers (presented at Appendix 1), future analysis should use this amended list:

1. Highlands and Islands Enterprise

2. Historic Environment Scotland

3. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh

4. Scottish Prison Service

5. Transport Scotland

6. Visit Scotland

7. Forestry and Land Scotland

8. Scottish Enterprise

9. Scottish Natural Heritage

10. Scottish Water

11. Scottish Canals

12. Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service

13. Scottish Environment and Protection Agency

14. Crofting Commission



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