
Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation: fifth interim report - year 6

This report focuses on the Year 6 (2020 to 2021) evaluation of Attainment Scotland Fund (ASF) across Pupil Equity Funding (PEF), Challenge Authority and Schools Programme Funding streams.


1. A logic model is a diagrammatic planning tool that shows how a programme produces change, assisting in articulating programme goals, and helping with planning, evaluation, implementation and communication

2. Survey weighting is used to re-balance survey responses to bring them more in line with the known profile of the wider population. In this instance, and consistent with previous surveys, weights were calculated to ensure response data was more consistent with the profile of all schools in receipt of ASF support, in terms of their distribution across ASF streams and urban/rural geography.

3. Interactions with Education Scotland through Attainment Advisors is addressed in the section on Local Governance.

4. Equity Sway is an online Education Scotland publication which signposts key publications, information and research to inform educators on themes around equity.

5. The Headteacher Survey 2021 achieved a response rate of 25% and this (low) response should be taken into account when considering findings.

6. The Care Experienced Children and Young People (CECYP) Fund was introduced in 2018/19 to support local authorities' work related to improving the educational outcomes of care experienced children and young people. As CECYP is outwith the scope of this evaluation report, funding data on CECYP is not included.

7. The Challenge Authority Programme was extended in Year 2 to include East Ayrshire and Renfrewshire Council. No further additions to the Challenge Authority Programme have been made.

8. There were no further allocations to either East Ayrshire or Renfrewshire Council through the Schools Programme following their introduction to the Challenge Authority Programme in Year 2 (2016/17)

9. Published PEF allocations data is available at Pupil attainment: closing the gap - Schools - (

10. Schools were protected from receiving less than 90% of their previous year's allocations (prior to any top-ups) with a £1.4 million top up.

11. Education+and+Early+Learning+and+Childcare+funding+flexibility+-+May+2020.pdf (

12. The 2020 survey included one overall question on perceptions of extent to which there had been an increase in collaborations.

13. East Ayrshire Council and Renfrewshire Council were added as Challenge Authorities in 2016.

14. As noted in Chapter 1, ACEL data was gathered for Primary 1, 4 and 7 in 2020/21

15. As identified elsewhere in this report, low (and diminishing) response rates to the Headteacher Survey in 2021 suggests the need for caution in generalisability of survey findings to the wider population.



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