
Attainment Scotland Fund - process evaluation - Scottish Attainment Challenge: local authority leads survey report 2022-2023

This output of the new Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation strategy reports on data gathered through a survey of Scottish Attainment Challenge local authority leads to gain an understanding of the processes and early implementation of the refreshed Attainment Scotland Fund in 2022-2023.


1 Local authority Scottish Attainment Challenge (SAC) Leads are local government officers in a lead role supporting strategic planning for the Challenge.

2 Prior to the Scottish Attainment Challenge refresh in March 2022, Attainment Scotland Funding was distributed via Challenge Authority funding to nine local authorities, Schools Programme funding to 74 schools across twelve local authorities, and via Pupil Equity Funding (PEF) distributed directly to schools. Strategic Equity Funding (SEF) replaced Challenge Authority funding and Schools Programme funding for the 2022/23 session, providing funding to each of the thirty-two local authorities. See Pupil attainment: closing the gap - Schools - ( for further information.



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