
Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation - voice of children and young people: thematic evaluation report 2024

This report maps out children and young people’s engagement in decision-making across the Scottish Attainment Challenge to assess the extent that children and young people are engaged in decision-making; how this differs across schools and local authorities, and what is working well.

Summary of thematic evidence

Overall, the evidence considered suggests:

  • A range of activity to engage children and young people in decision-making across the Scottish Attainment Challenge are in progress;
  • Some activity is specific to the Scottish Attainment Challenge, but much is part of wider work around engaging children and young people in decision-making within local areas;
  • Action is taking place at a range of levels, including for example Participatory Budgeting utilised within schools in relation to the Pupil Equity Fund (PEF). Activity through Scottish Attainment Challenge National Programmes also provides a key route;
  • Good practice is developing, utilising work initiated through the Scottish Attainment Challenge National Programmes, through local authorities and other settings;
  • Resources to support children and young people’s engagement in decision-making in relation to the Scottish Attainment Challenge are also developing.



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