
Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation - voice of children and young people: thematic evaluation report 2024

This report maps out children and young people’s engagement in decision-making across the Scottish Attainment Challenge to assess the extent that children and young people are engaged in decision-making; how this differs across schools and local authorities, and what is working well.

Next steps

The thematic evaluation will continue to consider engagement in decision-making/voice in the context of the Scottish Attainment Challenge.

In 2023/24, we will continue to progress this exploration, taking forward the learning which has emerged in relation to the sub-evaluation questions outlined above to focus our approach in this next phase.

A detailed programme of activity for this thematic strand will be developed in consultation with the internal ASF Evaluation Working Group and the external Evaluation Advisory Panel. However, a number of key areas are suggested for ongoing focus, including:

  • Families and communities’ involvement in decision-making.
  • What is working well and what could be improved in engaging children, young people and their families and communities in decision-making?
  • What difference did (children and young people), families and communities involvement in decision-making make?



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