
Attitudes to Mental Health in Scotland: Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2013

Report on public attitudes to mental health, based on data collected in the 2013 Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, and comparison with data collected through four previous surveys between 2002 and 2008.

Annex A - Detailed Tables

Notes on tables

  • '*' indicates less than 0.5 percent but greater than zero
  • '-' indicates no respondents gave this answer
  • All figures are rounded to the nearest whole number

Chapter 2 detailed tables

Table A.1: Whether know someone with a specific mental health problem? (2008 & 2013)

2008 2013
% %
Depression 45 51
Alzheimer's disease/ dementia 22 30
Panic attacks 26 27
Anxiety disorder 13 23
Severe stress 14 17
Post-natal depression 16 16
Nervous breakdown 14 15
Manic depression (bipolar affective disorder) 11 14
Self-harm 10 14
Eating disorder 9 13
Obsessive/compulsive behaviour/disorder 8 9
Schizophrenia 8 9
Phobias (e.g. agoraphobia) 6 8
Personality disorder 4 5
Post traumatic stress disorder 5 5
Been told he/she had problem but don't know what it was called 3 3
Other 3 1
None of these 26 21
Don't know/ refused 4 -
Weighted bases 1177 1497
Unweighted bases 1177 1497

Table A.2: Personal experience of specific mental health problems (2008 & 2013)

2008 2013
% %
Depression 17 21
Alzheimer's disease/ dementia * 2
Panic attacks 6 9
Anxiety disorder 4 8
Severe stress 3 4
Post-natal depression 3 3
Nervous breakdown 2 2
Manic depression (bipolar affective disorder) * 1
Self-harm 1 2
Eating disorder 1 2
Obsessive/compulsive behaviour/disorder * 1
Schizophrenia * 1
Phobias (e.g. agoraphobia) 1 1
Personality disorder 1 1
Post traumatic stress disorder 1 1
Been told he/she had problem but don't know what it was called 1 1
Other * *
None of these 70 66
Don't know/ refused 3
Weighted bases 1177 1340
Unweighted bases 1177 1340

Table A.3: Whether has a mental health problem by age, gender, income, education and area deprivation 2013

Identified as having a mental health problem Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 32 1340 1340
18-24 35 158 89
25-34 35 211 166
35-44 38 221 200
45-54 39 250 261
55-64 29 208 251
65+ 19 293 373
Male 27 639 595
Female 36 701 745
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 41 264 312
Over £14,300 to £26,000 38 256 280
Over £26,000 to £44,200 29 257 233
Over £44,200 25 277 251
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 32 482 472
Highers/A-levels 37 230 216
Standard Grades/GCSEs 29 354 349
No recognised qualification 31 268 298
Area deprivation
Most deprived 34 216 198
2 33 287 268
3 33 282 302
4 31 282 355
Least deprived 28 273 273

Table A.4: Social impact of having mental health problems (2002, 2004, 2006, 2008 & 2013)

2002 2004 2006 2008 2013
% % % %
Discouraged from participating in social events 12 15 11 10 13
Refused a job 6 4 5 4 8
Discriminated against at work 7 6 5 4 5
Verbally abused within the family 7 6 4 3 5
Verbally abused in public 8 5 2 3 4
Discouraged from taking part in local community life 4 6 4 5 4
Discouraged from going on holiday 3 4 4 2 4
Discouraged from participating in child's school based activities 1 2 2 1 3
Overlooked/refused for promotion 4 5 3 3 3
Physically abused within the family 4 4 2 3 2
Physically abused in public 3 2 * 3 1
Graffiti or rubbish targeted at the home 1 1 1 1 *
Other 2 2 2 * *
None of these 68 64 75 77 63
Weighted bases 415 351 n/a 335 428
Unweighted bases 440 377 384 359 417

Table A.5: Social impact of having a mental health problem by age, gender, income, education and area deprivation 2013

Been refused a job Discouraged from participating in social events Verbally abused within the family Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % %
ALL 8 13 5 428 417
18-24 10 12 10 56 27
25-34 10 8 7 74 61
35-44 3 18 4 83 77
45-54 10 11 5 98 104
55-64 8 17 5 60 76
65+ 5 9 3 57 72
Male 11 13 6 174 150
Female 5 12 5 253 267
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 17 20 14 107 123
Over £14,300 to £26,000 7 10 3 99 100
Over £26,000 to £44,200 3 4 2 75 64
Over £44,200 2 3 2 71 65
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 5 11 3 153 148
Highers/A-levels 15 9 11 85 80
Standard Grades/GCSEs 3 12 6 103 99
No recognised qualification 9 19 3 84 88
Area deprivation
Most deprived 7 17 5 74 72
2 6 16 8 94 92
3 11 7 2 94 95
4 10 12 8 87 100
Least deprived 3 12 4 77 58
Life satisfaction
Below average 7 21 7 185 180
Average and above 8 7 4 243 237

Chapter 3 detailed tables

Table A.6: Main factors supporting recovery by age, gender, income, education and area deprivation 2013

Medication Support from family/ friends Other forms of treatment or therapy Developing my own coping strategies Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % % %
ALL 42 27 26 428 417
18-24 25 55 30 40 58 27
25-34 33 45 25 26 74 61
35-44 36 37 22 29 83 77
45-54 48 42 36 27 98 104
55-64 64 38 25 16 60 76
65+ 41 32 18 21 57 72
Male 31 41 17 32 174 150
Female 49 41 33 22 253 267
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 40 37 26 27 107 123
Over £14,300 to £26,000 47 41 23 30 99 100
Over £26,000 to £44,200 39 44 37 26 75 64
Over £44,200 38 48 22 32 71 65
Highest qualification
Degree/Higher Education 43 43 38 32 153 148
Highers/A-levels 35 45 17 33 85 80
Standard Grades/GCSEs 41 33 26 20 103 99
No recognised qualification 47 43 18 16 84 88
Area deprivation
Most deprived 40 38 34 20 74 72
2 42 38 21 31 94 92
3 49 44 28 25 94 95
4 43 39 31 31 87 100
Least deprived 33 46 21 23 77 58

Table A.7: Factors hindering recovery by age, gender, income, education and area deprivation 2013

Not understanding what was going on Continuing to experience symptoms Negative attitudes of people around me Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % %
ALL 16 13 11 428 417
18-24 19 25 18 56 27
25-34 24 16 12 74 61
35-44 15 9 14 83 77
45-54 11 13 10 98 104
55-64 20 13 9 60 76
65+ 9 5 6 57 72
Male 22 13 12 174 150
Female 12 14 11 253 267
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 20 14 19 107 123
Over £14,300 to £26,000 14 9 11 99 100
Over £26,000 to £44,200 15 17 6 75 64
Over £44,200 24 12 2 71 65
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 18 24 7 153 148
Highers/A-levels 22 7 18 85 80
Standard Grades/GCSEs 8 6 16 103 99
No recognised qualification 17 10 8 84 88
Area deprivation
Most deprived 16 12 11 74 72
2 12 15 15 94 92
3 18 14 10 94 95
4 16 9 9 87 100
Least deprived 19 16 12 77 58

Table A.8: What recovery means (2006, 2008 & 2013)

2006 2008 2013
% % %
Having a satisfying and fulfilling life 20 18 55
Getting back to normal 49 53 46
Taking charge of my life again 38 24 44
Feeling able to cope in general 32 27 37
Getting more sleep 6 1 20
Feeling more able to socialise 7 6 19
Getting involved in activities I enjoy 8 6 17
No longer needing treatment or services 5 6 16
Fewer symptoms 9 8 15
Getting back to work 6 10 11
Taking up training or education opportunities n/a n/a 4
Other n/a 3 1
None of these n/a 2 5
Can't choose/ don't' know 2 3 4
Weighted bases n/a 335 428
Unweighted bases 384 359 417

Table A.9: What recovery means by age, gender, income, education and area deprivation 2013

Taking charge of my life again Feeling able to cope in general Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% %
ALL 44 37 428 417
18-24 47 45 56 27
25-34 50 37 74 61
35-44 40 40 83 77
45-54 47 36 98 104
55-64 46 35 60 76
65+ 29 30 57 72
Male 38 30 174 150
Female 47 42 253 267
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 38 29 107 123
Over £14,300 to £26,000 44 40 99 100
Over £26,000 to £44,200 49 44 75 64
Over £44,200 43 38 71 65
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 51 44 153 148
Highers/A-levels 55 44 85 80
Standard Grades/GCSEs 39 31 103 99
No recognised qualification 24 25 84 88
Area deprivation
Most deprived 38 25 74 72
2 37 39 94 92
3 46 41 94 95
4 52 42 87 100
Least deprived 45 37 77 58

Table A.10: Positive messages from professionals and family/friends by age, gender, income, education and area deprivation 2013

Completely/mainly positive message from professionals Completely/mainly positive message from family/friends Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% %
ALL 65 66 428 417
18-24 50 58 56 27
25-34 62 64 74 61
35-44 68 65 83 77
45-54 65 65 98 104
55-64 69 75 60 76
65+ 71 68 57 72
Male 64 62 174 150
Female 65 68 253 267
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 50 50 107 123
Over £14,300 to £26,000 67 66 99 100
Over £26,000 to £44,200 82 83 75 64
Over £44,200 76 72 71 65
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 76 73 153 148
Highers/A-levels 56 61 85 80
Standard Grades/GCSEs 56 56 103 99
No recognised qualification 64 69 84 88
Area deprivation
Most deprived 55 60 74 72
2 62 57 94 92
3 76 75 94 95
4 64 67 87 100
Least deprived 64 69 77 58

Chapter 4 detailed tables

Table A.11: Anyone can suffer from mental health problems by demographic, area, mental health experience and social attitudes

Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % % % %
All 73 25 1 1 * 1497 1497
Male 67 30 2 * * 716 669
Female 78 20 1 1 * 781 828
18-24 77 22 0 1 0 177 93
25-34 78 19 3 0 0 238 180
35-44 76 23 1 0 0 248 217
45-54 76 22 1 1 * 278 279
55-64 75 24 1 1 0 232 280
65+ 61 35 2 1 1 324 448
Never worked 79 21 0 0 0 88 72
Managerial & professional 80 18 1 * * 470 477
Intermediate occupations 68 31 * 0 0 182 176
Self-employed 57 42 1 0 1 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 70 26 1 2 1 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 70 26 3 1 * 454 453
Highest educational qualification
Degree/HE 81 18 * 0 * 538 509
Highers/A-levels 79 20 * 1 * 257 236
Standard Grade/GCSE 64 33 1 1 * 395 382
None 65 30 4 * 0 299 360
up to £14,300 73 24 1 2 * 290 346
over £14,300 up to £26,000 65 32 2 0 1 276 303
over 26,000 up to £44,200 78 21 1 * 0 271 241
over £44,200 78 21 * * * 294 260
Don't know 71 29 * 0 168 139
Refused/ Not answered 70 24 4 1 0 197 206
Area deprivation
1 - Most deprived 72 26 * * * 236 216
2 72 23 3 2 0 331 307
3 74 24 1 * * 310 336
4 71 27 1 * * 316 398
5 - Least deprived 75 24 1 0 1 305 240
Large Urban Areas 76 23 1 * * 620 431
Other Urban Areas 73 23 2 1 1 466 390
Accessible Small Towns 69 31 0 0 0 98 101
Remote Small Towns 64 32 3 * 0 56 126
Accessible Rural 68 30 1 0 0 180 283
Remote Rural 72 25 1 2 0 77 166
Anyone close ever experienced mental health problem
Yes 79 20 * * * 967 971
No 61 34 3 1 * 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 87 12 0 1 * 344 341
No 69 29 1 1 * 960 973
Could rely on neighbour to keep an eye on empty home
Agree 73 25 1 1 * 1285 1312
Neither agree nor disagree 54 33 12 0 2 49 50
Disagree 80 17 3 0 * 158 130
Whether think most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 74 25 1 * * 771 822
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 72 25 2 1 * 682 631
Don't know 75 24 1 0 0 41 41
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 68 29 1 1 * 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 67 30 2 1 0 197 196
Disagree 83 16 * * * 497 435

Don't know/Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.12: The majority of people with mental health problems recover by demographic, area, mental health experience and social attitudes

Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % % % % %
All 5 28 32 25 4 5 1497 1497
Male 4 24 34 27 4 7 716 669
Female 7 32 31 24 3 3 781 828
18-24 4 20 38 33 3 2 177 93
25-34 4 27 40 21 2 6 238 180
35-44 5 31 31 26 4 3 248 217
45-54 7 28 32 26 3 4 278 279
55-64 7 33 28 23 4 5 232 280
65+ 5 28 28 26 5 9 324 448
Never worked 8 30 30 26 3 2 88 72
Managerial & professional 6 29 33 22 4 5 470 477
Intermediate occupations 6 22 33 29 2 8 182 176
Self-employed 5 27 39 18 5 6 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 2 26 35 29 3 4 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 5 30 30 26 4 5 454 453
Highest educational qualification
Degree/HE 5 29 37 22 2 5 538 509
Highers/A-levels 7 24 31 28 6 4 257 236
Standard Grade/GCSE 6 30 30 24 4 6 395 382
None 4 29 28 30 4 5 299 360
up to £14,300 7 33 28 24 4 3 290 346
over £14,300 up to £26,000 4 26 33 28 4 4 276 303
over 26,000 up to £44,200 5 34 34 22 4 2 271 241
over £44,200 5 25 36 26 2 7 294 260
Don't know 2 27 29 30 4 8 168 139
Refused/ Not answered 7 24 32 23 3 9 197 206
Area deprivation
1 - Most deprived 8 26 24 31 4 7 236 216
2 5 26 36 26 3 5 331 307
3 4 32 33 23 4 3 310 336
4 6 28 33 23 4 6 316 398
5 - Least deprived 4 28 33 26 3 6 305 240
Large Urban Areas 5 27 31 27 4 6 620 431
Other Urban Areas 5 27 36 26 3 4 466 390
Accessible Small Towns 6 36 30 22 2 4 98 101
Remote Small Towns 5 28 34 20 4 9 56 126
Accessible Rural 5 33 29 24 5 3 180 283
Remote Rural 11 26 29 20 3 11 77 166
Anyone close ever experienced mental health problem
Yes 6 31 31 24 4 4 967 971
No 3 24 35 27 3 7 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 11 33 28 22 4 2 344 341
No 3 27 33 27 4 6 960 973
Could rely on neighbour to keep an eye on empty home
Agree 5 29 32 25 3 5 1285 1312
Neither agree nor disagree 5 15 50 13 14 3 49 50
Disagree 7 23 32 29 3 5 158 130
Whether think most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 6 29 33 23 3 5 771 822
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 5 27 31 28 4 5 682 631
Don't know 3 29 35 23 3 7 41 41
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 6 28 31 26 4 6 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 2 29 37 23 3 6 197 196
Disagree 6 27 34 26 4 3 497 435

Refused: Less than 1% for all categories

Table A.13: People with mental health problems are largely to blame for their own condition by demographic, area, mental health experience and social attitudes

Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % % % %
All 2 3 5 26 63 1497 1497
Male 3 3 6 29 58 716 669
Female 1 3 5 24 67 781 828
18-24 4 1 3 23 69 177 93
25-34 2 1 8 26 63 238 180
35-44 1 6 5 24 63 248 217
45-54 1 2 5 26 66 278 279
55-64 2 1 6 23 67 232 280
65+ 1 5 5 33 53 324 448
Never worked 2 5 30 61 88 72
Managerial & professional 1 1 4 24 69 470 477
Intermediate occupations 1 2 4 29 65 182 176
Self-employed * 4 7 34 54 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical * 3 7 25 65 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 4 6 7 25 57 454 453
Highest educational qualification
Degree/HE 1 1 4 22 72 538 509
Highers/A-levels 3 1 3 25 68 257 236
Standard Grade/GCSE 1 5 6 29 59 395 382
None 3 6 8 33 48 299 360
up to £14,300 3 5 5 30 56 290 346
over £14,300 up to £26,000 2 5 7 25 61 276 303
over 26,000 up to £44,200 1 1 4 32 61 271 241
over £44,200 2 * 6 21 70 294 260
Don't know 1 2 2 28 66 168 139
Refused/ Not answered 2 4 7 23 64 197 206
Area deprivation
1 - Most deprived 3 3 3 25 64 236 216
2 1 3 10 27 58 331 307
3 * 3 5 27 63 310 336
4 2 2 4 30 60 316 398
5 - Least deprived 2 4 4 22 69 305 240
Large Urban Areas 2 3 3 24 67 620 431
Other Urban Areas 1 3 7 25 63 466 390
Accessible Small Towns 2 7 5 24 61 98 101
Remote Small Towns 3 13 29 55 56 126
Accessible Rural 1 4 6 37 51 180 283
Remote Rural 3 1 7 28 58 77 166
Anyone close ever experienced mental health problem
Yes 2 2 3 23 69 967 971
No 2 4 10 32 51 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 2 2 2 24 69 344 341
No 2 3 7 28 60 960 973
Could rely on neighbour to keep an eye on empty home
Agree 2 3 5 27 62 1285 1312
Neither agree nor disagree 12 19 68 49 50
Disagree 1 4 5 22 67 158 130
Whether think most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 2 3 4 24 66 771 822
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 2 3 7 30 58 682 631
Don't know 1 5 22 72 41 41
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 2 4 6 32 56 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 1 * 9 33 57 197 196
Disagree 2 3 4 15 76 497 435

Don't know: 2% or less for all categories
Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.14: People are generally caring and sympathetic to people with mental health by demographic, area, mental health experience and social attitudes

Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % % % %
All 4 35 16 36 8 1497 1497
Male 6 37 20 31 6 716 669
Female 3 32 13 41 10 781 828
18-24 2 45 17 30 5 177 93
25-34 7 33 24 29 7 238 180
35-44 5 24 10 47 12 248 217
45-54 1 32 17 41 9 278 279
55-64 5 31 18 38 8 232 280
65+ 6 42 13 32 7 324 448
Never worked 3 28 16 39 13 88 72
Managerial & professional 2 27 15 47 8 470 477
Intermediate occupations 3 30 20 41 7 182 176
Self-employed 5 46 10 27 9 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 4 39 21 28 7 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 6 40 17 30 8 454 453
Highest educational qualification
Degree/HE 2 28 15 48 7 538 509
Highers/A-levels 3 31 16 41 9 257 236
Standard Grade/GCSE 5 39 19 28 7 395 382
None 9 42 14 23 11 299 360
up to £14,300 8 34 13 33 10 290 346
over £14,300 up to £26,000 5 37 16 32 9 276 303
over 26,000 up to £44,200 2 36 16 40 6 271 241
over £44,200 4 29 15 43 8 294 260
Don't know 3 36 18 37 6 168 139
Refused/ Not answered 2 35 21 32 8 197 206
Area deprivation
1 - Most deprived 6 34 20 30 9 236 216
2 5 36 21 30 9 331 307
3 5 35 10 41 8 310 336
4 4 35 15 40 6 316 398
5 - Least deprived 2 33 15 42 8 305 240
Large Urban Areas 4 31 20 37 8 620 431
Other Urban Areas 3 38 14 38 7 466 390
Accessible Small Towns 7 31 8 40 14 98 101
Remote Small Towns 6 28 20 40 5 56 126
Accessible Rural 7 38 14 30 10 180 283
Remote Rural 6 40 10 35 8 77 166
Anyone close ever experienced mental health problem
Yes 3 30 15 41 10 967 971
No 6 43 19 28 4 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 3 23 15 44 14 344 341
No 4 39 16 34 7 960 973
Could rely on neighbour to keep an eye on empty home
Agree 4 34 16 37 8 1285 1312
Neither agree nor disagree 1 23 29 38 6 49 50
Disagree 3 40 14 34 8 158 130
Whether think most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 4 36 14 40 6 771 822
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 4 33 19 32 11 682 631
Don't know 2 39 14 40 5 41 41
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 6 39 16 31 8 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 2 31 17 42 8 197 196
Disagree 2 29 15 44 9 497 435

Don't know: 2% or less for all categories
Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.15: If I was suffering from mental health problems, I wouldn't want people knowing about it by demographic, area, experience of mental health and social attitudes

Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % % % % %
All 10 38 17 26 8 1 1497 1497
Male 10 39 17 25 8 1 716 669
Female 10 36 18 27 8 1 781 828
18-24 13 31 24 27 4 0 177 93
25-34 11 36 19 26 8 1 238 180
35-44 8 43 19 21 9 1 248 217
45-54 9 38 17 24 11 2 278 279
55-64 10 42 14 26 7 0 232 280
65+ 9 36 14 32 8 1 324 448
Never worked 14 36 20 23 5 2 88 72
Managerial & professional 9 40 16 25 9 1 470 477
Intermediate occupations 7 38 19 30 6 182 176
Self-employed 9 44 13 27 6 0 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 13 29 18 29 8 2 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 10 37 18 25 9 1 454 453
Highest educational qualification
Degree/HE 7 40 16 27 8 1 538 509
Highers/A-levels 10 32 18 30 9 1 257 236
Standard Grade/GCSE 12 38 18 24 7 1 395 382
None 11 37 17 25 9 0 299 360
up to £14,300 p.a. 13 31 13 30 11 2 290 346
over £14,300 up to £26,000 p.a. 10 42 16 25 8 0 276 303
over 26,000 up to £44,200 p.a. 7 41 22 25 5 0 271 241
over £44,200 p.a 8 41 15 25 10 1 294 260
Don't know 9 31 22 32 5 1 168 139
Refused/Not answered 10 39 19 22 8 1 197 206
Area deprivation
1 - Most deprived 13 33 16 27 10 1 236 216
2 10 35 20 29 5 1 331 307
3 9 42 16 25 8 * 310 336
4 9 36 21 25 10 1 316 398
5 - Least deprived 8 43 13 26 8 2 305 240
Large Urban Areas 9 39 18 25 9 1 620 431
Other Urban Areas 12 37 16 27 7 1 466 390
Accessible Small Towns 6 35 18 33 8 0 98 101
Remote Small Towns 8 33 27 21 10 1 56 126
Accessible Rural 9 41 17 24 9 0 180 283
Remote Rural 9 37 13 33 8 * 77 166
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 10 37 16 27 10 1 967 971
No 10 40 20 25 5 * 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 15 33 12 26 13 1 344 341
No 9 39 17 27 7 1 960 973
Could rely on neighbour to keep an eye on empty home
Agree 9 37 18 28 9 1 1285 1312
Neither agree nor disagree 9 37 37 15 2 0 49 50
Disagree 19 49 9 18 5 0 158 130
Whether think most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 9 39 17 26 9 * 771 822
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 11 37 18 27 7 1 682 631
Don't know 3 32 12 29 15 10 41 41
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 11 35 18 27 8 1 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 8 41 25 19 7 0 197 196
Disagree 8 41 12 29 9 1 497 435

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.16: I would find it hard to talk to someone with mental health problems by demographic, area, mental health experience and social attitudes

Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % % % %
All 3 14 10 35 38 1497 1497
Male 3 19 11 36 30 716 669
Female 2 10 9 33 46 781 828
18-24 0 13 8 38 41 177 93
25-34 3 14 14 31 38 238 180
35-44 3 13 8 32 43 248 217
45-54 1 9 9 34 46 278 279
55-64 2 14 7 41 37 232 280
65+ 5 21 14 33 26 324 448
Never worked 1 10 8 32 50 88 72
Managerial & professional 2 9 10 38 41 470 477
Intermediate occupations 3 18 14 30 34 182 176
Self-employed 6 18 13 37 27 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 2 14 8 37 39 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 3 18 10 33 35 454 453
Highest educational qualification
Degree/HE 1 10 9 40 41 538 509
Highers/A-levels 2 12 9 31 46 257 236
Standard Grade/GCSE 4 17 8 35 37 395 382
None 5 21 17 30 27 299 360
up to £14,300 6 14 10 37 32 290 346
over £14,300 up to £26,000 2 15 9 33 42 276 303
over 26,000 up to £44,200 1 10 10 36 43 271 241
over £44,200 1 13 7 39 39 294 260
Don't know 2 21 12 31 33 168 139
Refused/ Not answered 4 16 14 28 37 197 206
Area deprivation
1 - Most deprived 3 18 7 31 40 236 216
2 3 14 10 35 39 331 307
3 3 13 11 32 41 310 336
4 2 16 8 38 37 316 398
5 - Least deprived 3 12 14 37 34 305 240
Large Urban Areas 3 17 9 34 36 620 431
Other Urban Areas 2 10 11 33 44 466 390
Accessible Small Towns 4 14 7 41 34 98 101
Remote Small Towns 4 10 15 33 37 56 126
Accessible Rural 2 17 10 35 36 180 283
Remote Rural 2 17 11 36 34 77 166
Anyone close ever experienced mental health problem
Yes 1 10 8 35 46 967 971
No 6 22 14 35 23 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 1 6 7 32 55 344 341
No 3 16 11 36 35 960 973
Could rely on neighbour to keep an eye on empty home
Agree 3 14 10 35 38 1285 1312
Neither agree nor disagree 3 4 18 37 38 49 50
Disagree 1 21 7 32 38 158 130
Whether think most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 2 13 10 34 40 771 822
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 3 16 10 35 35 682 631
Don't know 1 13 10 28 48 41 41
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 4 16 11 36 33 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 0 12 18 28 42 197 196
Disagree 1 12 7 36 44 497 435

Don't know/Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.17: People with mental health problems are often dangerous by demographic, area, mental health experience and social attitudes

Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % % % % %
All 3 16 22 39 19 1 1497 1497
Male 3 18 23 37 17 * 716 669
Female 3 14 21 41 20 1 781 828
18-24 1 15 25 42 18 0 177 93
25-34 3 10 25 39 22 0 238 180
35-44 2 15 20 43 19 1 248 217
45-54 4 12 22 38 24 * 278 279
55-64 3 17 19 41 20 1 232 280
65+ 4 26 23 35 11 1 324 448
Never worked 5 10 33 32 21 0 88 72
Managerial & professional 2 11 17 44 25 1 470 477
Intermediate occupations 4 16 22 45 12 1 182 176
Self-employed 3 21 33 34 8 0 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 5 19 21 40 15 1 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 3 21 24 34 18 1 454 453
Highest educational qualification
Degree/HE 3 9 17 46 24 1 538 509
Highers/A-levels 0 13 23 37 26 1 257 236
Standard Grade/GCSE 3 22 25 39 11 * 395 382
None 5 24 28 29 13 1 299 360
up to £14,300 2 21 22 35 18 2 290 346
over £14,300 up to £26,000 4 21 19 35 21 1 276 303
Over 26,000 up to £44,200 4 12 21 43 20 0 271 241
Over £44,200 3 8 20 46 23 0 294 260
Don't know 4 16 25 43 13 0 168 139
Refused/ Not answered 1 22 29 34 12 1 197 206
Area deprivation
1 - Most deprived 4 16 24 38 17 1 236 216
2 2 17 22 40 18 1 331 307
3 4 13 24 42 16 * 310 336
4 2 16 22 40 20 * 316 398
5 - Least deprived 4 19 20 35 22 1 305 240
Large Urban Areas 4 17 21 39 19 * 620 431
Other Urban Areas 3 13 23 40 20 1 466 390
Accessible Small Towns 2 17 23 41 16 2 98 101
Remote Small Towns 1 16 34 31 18 0 56 126
Accessible Rural 2 22 22 40 14 0 180 283
Remote Rural 2 17 17 38 24 1 77 166
Anyone close ever experienced mental health problem
Yes 2 13 21 41 23 * 967 971
No 5 22 26 35 11 1 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 1 12 20 37 30 1 344 341
No 4 19 22 40 15 1 960 973
Could rely on neighbour to keep an eye on empty home
Agree 3 15 21 41 19 1 1285 1312
Neither agree nor disagree 16 31 28 25 0 49 50
Disagree 4 23 26 32 16 0 158 130
Whether think most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 2 15 20 39 23 1 771 822
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 4 18 24 39 15 * 682 631
Don't know 4 2 34 46 12 3 41 41
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 5 21 25 37 12 * 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree * 10 29 40 21 0 197 196
Disagree 2 11 15 43 28 1 497 435

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.18: The public should be better protected from people with mental health problems by demographic, area, mental health experience and social attitudes

Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % % % % %
All 6 22 25 29 17 1 1497 1497
Male 8 23 26 28 13 1 716 669
Female 5 21 23 30 20 1 781 828
18-24 4 16 23 32 25 1 177 93
25-34 6 21 23 29 21 0 238 180
35-44 6 13 23 39 19 * 248 217
45-54 6 22 27 26 17 2 278 279
55-64 8 20 27 29 15 1 232 280
65+ 7 33 25 23 10 3 324 448
Never worked 9 27 27 21 15 2 88 72
Managerial & professional 5 19 22 34 19 1 470 477
Intermediate occupations 8 25 24 28 12 3 182 176
Self-employed 10 25 34 21 8 1 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 4 23 20 32 21 1 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 7 23 26 27 18 0 454 453
Highest educational qualification
Degree/HE 5 19 20 37 18 1 538 509
Highers/A-levels 1 14 29 28 26 1 257 236
Standard Grade/GCSE 8 25 25 25 15 2 395 382
None 10 28 29 22 9 1 299 360
up to £14,300 7 23 26 24 18 1 290 346
over £14,300 up to £26,000 9 23 22 29 16 1 276 303
over 26,000 up to £44,200 6 19 27 30 18 * 271 241
over £44,200 5 19 22 34 18 1 294 260
Don't know 5 26 23 27 17 2 168 139
Refused/ Not answered 6 24 29 27 13 1 197 206
Area deprivation
1 - Most deprived 6 23 25 24 19 2 236 216
2 7 23 22 31 17 * 331 307
3 6 19 26 31 17 1 310 336
4 5 20 27 30 17 1 316 398
5 - Least deprived 7 23 23 27 17 2 305 240
Large Urban Areas 7 24 21 31 15 1 620 431
Other Urban Areas 6 20 26 30 17 1 466 390
Accessible Small Towns 4 20 30 25 20 0 98 101
Remote Small Towns 4 22 27 26 19 2 56 126
Accessible Rural 6 23 28 21 21 1 180 283
Remote Rural 8 16 24 35 15 2 77 166
Anyone close ever experienced mental health problem
Yes 4 20 23 30 21 1 967 971
No 10 26 27 27 9 1 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 3 20 22 29 24 2 344 341
No 7 24 24 29 15 1 960 973
Could rely on neighbour to keep an eye on empty home
Agree 6 21 24 30 17 1 1285 1312
Neither agree nor disagree 6 7 48 29 10 0 49 50
Disagree 9 29 22 21 18 1 158 130
Whether think most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 7 20 23 30 19 1 771 822
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 6 24 26 28 15 1 682 631
Don't know 1 27 32 29 10 1 41 41
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 8 28 25 24 14 1 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 6 15 33 32 14 1 197 196
Disagree 3 14 22 37 23 1 497 435

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.19: People with mental health problems should have the same rights as anyone else by demographic, area, mental health experience and social attitudes

Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % % % %
All 52 30 10 6 2 1497 1497
Male 49 31 11 7 1 716 669
Female 55 28 8 6 2 781 828
18-24 56 24 12 2 5 177 93
25-34 53 24 13 8 2 238 180
35-44 56 27 7 8 3 248 217
45-54 55 31 7 5 1 278 279
55-64 55 31 7 6 1 232 280
65+ 43 36 11 8 0 324 448
Never worked 52 28 5 10 6 88 72
Managerial & professional 60 27 7 5 1 470 477
Intermediate occupations 45 38 7 10 * 182 176
Self-employed 36 38 15 11 0 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 51 28 16 2 2 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 51 29 12 7 2 454 453
Highest educational qualification
Degree/HE 60 25 8 5 2 538 509
Highers/A-levels 57 28 9 6 0 257 236
Standard Grade/GCSE 45 35 7 9 3 395 382
None 46 31 15 7 * 299 360
up to £14,300 52 26 12 6 3 290 346
over £14,300 up to £26,000 48 33 10 8 1 276 303
over 26,000 up to £44,200 55 29 7 6 3 271 241
over £44,200 56 29 8 6 1 294 260
Don't know 51 28 10 9 2 168 139
Refused/ Not answered 50 32 11 5 1 197 206
Area deprivation
1 - Most deprived 56 22 9 9 4 236 216
2 51 30 12 5 1 331 307
3 55 27 9 6 2 310 336
4 50 35 8 6 0 316 398
5 - Least deprived 50 31 9 6 2 305 240
Large Urban Areas 52 30 9 6 3 620 431
Other Urban Areas 53 27 10 8 1 466 390
Accessible Small Towns 64 27 6 4 0 98 101
Remote Small Towns 48 32 15 5 0 56 126
Accessible Rural 46 32 12 8 1 180 283
Remote Rural 52 33 12 2 1 77 166
Anyone close ever experienced mental health problem
Yes 59 26 7 5 2 967 971
No 40 35 14 9 1 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 70 22 3 2 2 344 341
No 47 32 10 8 2 960 973
Could rely on neighbour to keep an eye on empty home
Agree 52 32 8 6 1 1285 1312
Neither agree nor disagree 54 25 20 2 0 49 50
Disagree 59 10 15 9 7 158 130
Whether think most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 56 31 8 5 * 771 822
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 49 28 11 8 3 682 631
Don't know 57 32 11 0 0 41 41
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 47 32 10 10 1 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 49 33 14 3 1 197 196
Disagree 64 25 6 3 3 497 435

Don't know/Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Chapter 5 detailed tables

Table A.20: Best sources of help for Andy (schizophrenia), combined sample - % mentioned

Family member Friend or neighbour Family doctor Specialist mental health professional Charity or voluntary organisation Someone with same problem Self-help methods No one could really help Someone else None of these Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 62% 11% 70% 86% 23% 27% 3% * 1% * 1497 1497
Age of respondent
18-24 77% 16% 53% 85% 14% 42% 3% - 3% - 177 93
25-34 69% 9% 61% 86% 24% 28% 3% * 2% 2% 238 180
35-44 58% 13% 71% 86% 30% 28% 4% * - - 248 217
45-54 62% 9% 79% 90% 26% 21% 1% - - 1% 278 279
55-64 58% 10% 75% 85% 24% 27% 3% - * - 232 280
65+ 54% 12% 72% 82% 21% 23% 3% * * - 324 448
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 62% 10% 69% 89% 25% 26% 3% * 1% - 967 971
No 62% 14% 71% 80% 19% 28% 2% * 1% 1% 524 520
Anyone close ever experienced schizophrenia
Yes 68% 12% 66% 87% 28% 15% 2% - 5% - 127 115
No 62% 11% 70% 86% 23% 28% 3% * * * 1361 1375
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 59% 11% 72% 89% 26% 25% 3% - 2% - 344 341
No 65% 12% 70% 87% 23% 26% 3% * 1% - 960 973

Table A.21: Best sources of help for Stephen (depression), combined sample - % mentioned

Family member Friend or neighbour Family doctor Specialist mental health professional Charity or voluntary organisation Someone with same problem Self-help methods No one could really help Someone else None of these Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 65% 21% 77% 67% 20% 28% 7% * 1% - 1497 1497
Age of respondent
18-24 82% 32% 45% 66% 13% 41% 13% - 3% - 177 93
25-34 69% 17% 68% 66% 24% 26% 7% - 2% - 238 180
35-44 65% 30% 84% 65% 18% 24% 5% * 2% - 248 217
45-54 64% 17% 85% 70% 20% 29% 5% - * - 278 279
55-64 66% 19% 86% 65% 18% 28% 6% - 1% - 232 280
65+ 50% 16% 81% 68% 22% 23% 6% * * - 324 448
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 66% 21% 77% 67% 21% 29% 8% * 1% - 967 971
No 63% 21% 77% 67% 18% 25% 5% - 1% - 524 520
Anyone close ever experienced depression
Yes 67% 22% 76% 68% 20% 30% 8% * 1% - 769 753
No 62% 20% 78% 66% 20% 25% 5% * 1% - 720 737
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 66% 22% 79% 68% 18% 27% 11% * 2% - 344 341
No 66% 22% 78% 67% 21% 27% 6% * 1% - 960 973
Ever personally experienced depression
Yes 66% 22% 83% 67% 15% 28% 11% - 2% - 279 272
No 65% 22% 76% 68% 21% 27% 6% * 1% - 1055 1062

Table A.22: How likely Andy (schizophrenia) would harm someone else, combined sample

Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 6% 37% 42% 9% 6% 1497 1497
Anyone close ever experienced schizophrenia
Yes 8% 47% 34% 9% 2% 127 115
No 5% 37% 43% 9% 6% 1361 1375
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 7% 42% 37% 9% 5% 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 3% 30% 53% 5% 8% 197 196
Disagree 5% 35% 45% 10% 5% 497 435

Refused: Less than 1% for all categories

Table A.23: How likely Andy (schizophrenia) would harm himself, combined sample

Very likely Somewhat likely Some-what unlikely Very unlikely Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 15% 58% 20% 3% 5% 1497 1497
Respondent sex
Male 13% 55% 24% 3% 5% 716 669
Female 16% 61% 17% 3% 4% 781 828
Household income quartiles
up to £14,300 p.a. 19% 52% 18% 4% 7% 290 346
over £14,300 up to £26,000 p.a. 19% 61% 14% 1% 4% 276 303
over 26,000 up to £44,200 p.a. 16% 63% 19% 1% 1% 271 241
over £44,200 p.a 10% 58% 25% 3% 4% 294 260
Don't know 6% 65% 18% 6% 5% 168 139
Refused/Not answered 13% 47% 27% 3% 9% 197 206
Urban-rural classification
Large Urban Areas 16% 58% 19% 2% 5% 620 431
Other Urban Areas 14% 60% 19% 2% 4% 466 390
Accessible Small Towns 12% 64% 14% 2% 7% 98 101
Remote Small Towns 15% 56% 21% 1% 7% 56 126
Accessible Rural 17% 52% 25% 2% 3% 180 283
Remote Rural 5% 51% 28% 8% 9% 77 166
Whether think most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 14% 53% 26% 2% 5% 771 822
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 17% 62% 14% 3% 4% 682 631
Don't know 3% 80% 13% 3% 2% 41 41
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 18% 58% 17% 3% 4% 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 11% 62% 19% 2% 5% 197 196
Disagree 11% 57% 25% 2% 4% 497 435

Refused: Less than 1% for all categories

Table A.24: How likely Stephen (depression) would harm someone else, combined sample

Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 1% 9% 48% 39% 3% 1497 1497
Anyone close ever experienced depression
Yes 0% 7% 44% 47% 1% 769 753
No 3% 12% 51% 30% 4% 720 737
Ever personally experienced depression
Yes 0% 6% 40% 52% 1% 279 272
No 2% 9% 49% 38% 2% 1055 1062
Whether think most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 1% 9% 46% 42% 3% 771 822
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 2% 11% 49% 35% 3% 682 631
Don't know 3% 1% 55% 40% 1% 41 41

Refused: Less than 1% for all categories

Table A.25: How likely Stephen (depression) would harm himself, combined sample

Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 6% 31% 42% 19% 3% 1497 1497
Respondent sex
Male 6% 28% 45% 18% 3% 716 669
Female 5% 34% 39% 20% 2% 781 828
Whether think most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 6% 28% 44% 19% 3% 771 822
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 6% 36% 39% 17% 3% 682 631
Don't know 12% 14% 47% 26% 1% 41 41

Refused: Less than 1% for all categories

Table A.26: How willing to make friends with Andy (schizophrenia), combined sample

Very willing Fairly willing Neither Fairly unwilling Very unwilling Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 13% 53% 20% 10% 3% 2% 1497 1497
Respondent sex
Male 13% 46% 22% 12% 4% 3% 716 669
Female 13% 58% 18% 8% 2% 1% 781 828
Age of respondent
18-24 16% 55% 18% 11% 177 93
25-34 15% 49% 17% 8% 5% 5% 238 180
35-44 17% 48% 23% 9% 3% 0% 248 217
45-54 12% 55% 22% 7% 2% 1% 278 279
55-64 14% 54% 18% 11% 2% 1% 232 280
65+ 8% 54% 20% 12% 4% 2% 324 448
Never worked 11% 55% 19% 10% 4% 88 72
Managerial & professional 14% 51% 23% 7% 3% 1% 470 477
Intermediate occupations 10% 52% 18% 17% 3% 0% 182 176
Self-employed 7% 54% 21% 12% 5% 0% 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 17% 51% 21% 7% 4% 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 14% 54% 17% 9% 2% 3% 454 453
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 15% 54% 19% 9% 3% 1% 967 971
No 10% 50% 21% 11% 4% 3% 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 16% 54% 18% 9% 2% 1% 344 341
No 13% 52% 21% 10% 4% 0% 960 973
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 13% 53% 17% 11% 4% 1% 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 9% 52% 28% 6% 2% 3% 197 196
Disagree 15% 52% 22% 8% 1% 1% 497 435

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.27: How willing would you be to have Andy (schizophrenia) as work colleague, combined sample

Very willing Fairly willing Neither Fairly unwilling Very unwilling Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 12% 52% 20% 11% 3% 2% 1497 1497
Respondent sex
Male 10% 46% 22% 14% 5% 3% 716 669
Female 14% 57% 19% 8% 2% 1% 781 828
Age of respondent
18-24 11% 57% 17% 12% 3% 177 93
25-34 15% 55% 16% 7% 3% 4% 238 180
35-44 16% 50% 22% 7% 3% 1% 248 217
45-54 12% 52% 21% 10% 3% 1% 278 279
55-64 12% 54% 19% 10% 3% 1% 232 280
65+ 8% 46% 23% 16% 4% 3% 324 448
Never worked 11% 55% 24% 7% 3% - 88 72
Managerial & professional 14% 53% 20% 7% 3% 2% 470 477
Intermediate occupations 10% 51% 20% 16% 2% 1% 182 176
Self-employed 6% 44% 22% 22% 5% 1% 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 18% 41% 25% 12% 3% 1% 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 10% 57% 18% 10% 3% 2% 454 453
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 15% 54% 19% 9% 2% 1% 967 971
No 8% 48% 23% 13% 5% 3% 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 18% 55% 17% 7% 2% 1% 344 341
No 11% 51% 22% 11% 4% 1% 960 973
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 11% 51% 20% 12% 4% 1% 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 8% 48% 26% 10% 4% 2% 197 196
Disagree 16% 56% 18% 8% 1% 1% 497 435

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.28: How willing would you be to spend evening socialising with Andy (schizophrenia), combined sample

Very willing Fairly willing Neither Fairly unwilling Very unwilling Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 11% 48% 22% 14% 4% 1% 1497 1497
Respondent sex
Male 11% 43% 22% 16% 5% 2% 716 669
Female 11% 52% 22% 11% 3% 1% 781 828
Age of respondent
18-24 13% 46% 22% 18% 177 93
25-34 12% 49% 19% 10% 6% 4% 238 180
35-44 11% 52% 23% 9% 4% * 248 217
45-54 9% 52% 22% 12% 3% 1% 278 279
55-64 15% 48% 20% 15% 3% 232 280
65+ 7% 42% 25% 18% 6% 2% 324 448
Never worked 13% 51% 24% 8% 4% - 88 72
Managerial & professional 12% 49% 22% 12% 3% 1% 470 477
Intermediate occupations 9% 43% 26% 18% 2% 1% 182 176
Self-employed 8% 35% 31% 15% 11% - 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 13% 50% 22% 11% 4% - 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 9% 52% 18% 16% 4% 2% 454 453
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 13% 51% 21% 11% 3% * 967 971
No 8% 43% 24% 17% 5% 3% 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 14% 53% 19% 10% 4% 1% 344 341
No 10% 47% 23% 15% 4% * 960 973
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 10% 46% 21% 16% 6% 1% 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 7% 49% 26% 12% 3% 3% 197 196
Disagree 14% 51% 23% 11% 1% 1% 497 435

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.29: How willing would you be to move next door to Andy (schizophrenia), combined sample

Very willing Fairly willing Neither Fairly unwilling Very unwilling Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 12% 37% 32% 14% 4% 1% 1497 1497
Respondent sex
Male 10% 33% 34% 16% 5% 2% 716 669
Female 13% 41% 31% 12% 2% * 781 828
Age of respondent
18-24 14% 42% 32% 11% 1% - 177 93
25-34 13% 36% 28% 14% 5% 4% 238 180
35-44 12% 40% 29% 15% 3% * 248 217
45-54 10% 39% 31% 13% 4% 2% 278 279
55-64 13% 34% 37% 14% 2% 232 280
65+ 10% 32% 36% 15% 5% 1% 324 448
Never worked 12% 47% 28% 9% 4% 88 72
Managerial & professional 12% 34% 34% 14% 3% 1% 470 477
Intermediate occupations 10% 35% 29% 23% 2% - 182 176
Self-employed 7% 31% 40% 14% 8% - 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 13% 44% 28% 10% 5% 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 11% 37% 33% 13% 3% 3% 454 453
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 14% 39% 30% 13% 3% * 967 971
No 8% 33% 36% 16% 4% 3% 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 15% 44% 25% 11% 4% 1% 344 341
No 11% 35% 35% 15% 4% * 960 973
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 10% 36% 32% 17% 5% 1% 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 10% 30% 43% 11% 3% 3% 197 196
Disagree 15% 42% 30% 10% 2% 1% 497 435

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.30: How willing would you be to have Andy (schizophrenia) marry into your family, combined sample

Very willing Fairly willing Neither Fairly unwilling Very unwilling Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 7% 27% 28% 24% 12% 3% 1497 1497
Respondent sex
Male 5% 21% 30% 24% 15% 4% 716 669
Female 8% 32% 25% 25% 9% 1% 781 828
Age of respondent
18-24 10% 36% 35% 15% 4% 177 93
25-34 9% 43% 19% 12% 11% 5% 238 180
35-44 10% 28% 33% 17% 11% 2% 248 217
45-54 5% 27% 29% 28% 8% 3% 278 279
55-64 7% 23% 27% 27% 13% 1% 232 280
65+ 2% 11% 25% 38% 20% 3% 324 448
Never worked 5% 25% 39% 23% 7% - 88 72
Managerial & professional 10% 27% 28% 23% 9% 3% 470 477
Intermediate occupations 2% 27% 24% 31% 14% 1% 182 176
Self-employed 3% 11% 35% 34% 17% 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 9% 32% 25% 20% 13% 1% 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 5% 28% 27% 21% 14% 5% 454 453
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 8% 31% 27% 22% 10% 2% 967 971
No 4% 20% 29% 28% 15% 4% 524 520
Ever personally experienced a mental health problem
Yes 8% 38% 22% 22% 9% 1% 344 341
No 6% 25% 29% 24% 13% 2% 960 973
If more Muslims, Eastern Europeans or Blacks and Asians, Scotland would lose its identity
Agree 5% 22% 28% 27% 16% 2% 789 854
Neither agree nor disagree 5% 31% 26% 24% 11% 3% 197 196
Disagree 10% 33% 28% 20% 6% 2% 497 435

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.31: How willing would you be to have Andy (schizophrenia) provide childcare, combined sample

Very willing Fairly willing Neither Fairly unwilling Very unwilling Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 2% 8% 14% 34% 40% 1497 1497
Anyone close ever experienced schizophrenia
Yes 6% 13% 13% 34% 32% 127 115
No 2% 7% 14% 34% 40% 1361 1375

Don't know/Refused: 2% or less for all categories

Table A.32: How willing to make friends with Stephen (depression), combined sample

Very willing Fairly willing Neither Fairly unwilling Very unwilling Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 22% 54% 16% 6% 1% 1% 1497 1497
Respondent sex
Male 16% 52% 20% 7% 2% 2% 716 669
Female 27% 55% 12% 5% 1% 1% 781 828
Age of respondent
18-24 30% 54% 12% 1% 3% - 177 93
25-34 29% 45% 17% 5% - 4% 238 180
35-44 22% 59% 16% 2% 1% * 248 217
45-54 22% 56% 17% 4% - 2% 278 279
55-64 20% 54% 16% 7% 1% 1% 232 280
65+ 11% 54% 18% 12% 3% 1% 324 448
Never worked 22% 50% 14% 9% 3% 2% 290 346
Managerial & professional 20% 55% 17% 7% 1% 276 303
Intermediate occupations 31% 52% 14% 2% 1% * 271 241
Self-employed 21% 58% 17% 3% * * 294 260
Lower supervisory & technical 21% 55% 15% 8% * 2% 168 139
Semi-routine & routine 11% 54% 22% 6% 2% 4% 197 206
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 25% 55% 14% 4% 1% * 967 971
No 16% 51% 20% 8% 1% 3% 524 520

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.33: How willing would you be to have Stephen (depression) as work colleague, combined sample

Very willing Fairly willing Neither Fairly unwilling Very unwilling Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 21% 52% 16% 8% 2% 2% 1497 1497
Respondent sex
Male 15% 49% 19% 10% 3% 3% 716 669
Female 25% 55% 12% 6% 1% 1% 781 828
Age of respondent
18-24 30% 48% 13% 5% 4% - 177 93
25-34 27% 47% 14% 8% - 4% 238 180
35-44 23% 56% 17% 2% 1% 1% 248 217
45-54 21% 57% 16% 5% * 2% 278 279
55-64 20% 55% 12% 9% 3% 1% 232 280
65+ 9% 50% 19% 15% 4% 2% 324 448
Never worked 21% 50% 14% 9% 3% 2% 88 72
Managerial & professional 19% 51% 19% 9% 2% * 470 477
Intermediate occupations 31% 48% 15% 4% 1% * 182 176
Self-employed 19% 58% 15% 6% 1% * 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 18% 52% 13% 12% 3% 2% 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 11% 55% 18% 8% 2% 6% 454 453
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 24% 55% 13% 6% 1% 1% 967 971
No 14% 48% 21% 11% 3% 3% 524 520

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.34: How willing would you be to spend evening socialising with Stephen (depression), combined sample

Very willing Fairly willing Neither Fairly unwilling Very unwilling Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 21% 52% 17% 6% 2% 1% 1497 1497
Respondent sex
Male 16% 49% 21% 8% 3% 2% 716 669
Female 25% 55% 14% 5% 1% * 781 828
Age of respondent
18-24 28% 54% 14% 1% 3% - 177 93
25-34 26% 46% 17% 5% 1% 4% 238 180
35-44 22% 56% 17% 3% 1% * 248 217
45-54 22% 55% 18% 3% - 2% 278 279
55-64 22% 54% 14% 7% 2% 1% 232 280
65+ 11% 47% 22% 15% 3% 1% 324 448
Never worked 21% 43% 19% 11% 4% 2% 88 72
Managerial & professional 19% 56% 17% 7% 2% - 470 477
Intermediate occupations 30% 51% 14% 4% 1% * 182 176
Self-employed 23% 53% 18% 4% 1% * 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 19% 60% 13% 5% 1% 2% 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 11% 52% 24% 7% 2% 4% 454 453
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 24% 54% 15% 5% 2% * 967 971
No 15% 48% 23% 9% 2% 3% 524 520

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.35: How willing would you be to move next door to Stephen (depression), combined sample

Very willing Fairly willing Neither Fairly unwilling Very unwilling Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 24% 49% 20% 4% 1% 1% 1497 1497
Respondent sex
Male 19% 49% 22% 5% 2% 2% 716 669
Female 29% 49% 18% 3% 1% * 781 828
Age of respondent
18-24 30% 54% 12% 1% 3% - 177 93
25-34 31% 47% 16% 2% 0% 4% 238 180
35-44 26% 51% 19% 2% 1% * 248 217
45-54 25% 51% 19% 3% - 2% 278 279
55-64 25% 46% 22% 4% 2% 1% 232 280
65+ 13% 46% 27% 10% 3% 1% 324 448
Never worked 23% 46% 20% 5% 4% 2% 88 72
Managerial & professional 24% 48% 21% 7% 1% - 470 477
Intermediate occupations 33% 45% 19% 2% * * 182 176
Self-employed 25% 50% 20% 3% 1% * 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 22% 61% 12% 3% * 2% 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 14% 48% 28% 3% 1% 4% 454 453
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 28% 50% 17% 3% 1% * 967 971
No 16% 47% 26% 5% 2% 3% 524 520

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.36: How willing would you be to have Stephen (depression) marry into your family, combined sample

Very willing Fairly willing Neither Fairly unwilling Very unwilling Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 13% 32% 28% 18% 7% 2% 1497 1497
Respondent sex
Male 9% 26% 32% 20% 9% 3% 716 669
Female 16% 38% 24% 15% 5% 1% 781 828
Age of respondent
18-24 22% 36% 26% 11% 5% 177 93
25-34 21% 38% 25% 10% 3% 4% 238 180
35-44 14% 36% 29% 14% 6% 1% 248 217
45-54 9% 35% 34% 16% 3% 2% 278 279
55-64 13% 32% 29% 18% 7% 1% 232 280
65+ 4% 21% 24% 31% 17% 2% 324 448
Never worked 11% 32% 22% 20% 12% 3% 88 72
Managerial & professional 12% 34% 28% 18% 8% 1% 470 477
Intermediate occupations 21% 36% 27% 12% 4% 0% 182 176
Self-employed 14% 35% 34% 12% 3% 1% 106 130
Lower supervisory & technical 12% 28% 28% 19% 11% 2% 153 153
Semi-routine & routine 4% 24% 29% 28% 8% 5% 454 453
Anyone close ever experienced a mental health problem
Yes 16% 37% 28% 13% 5% 1% 967 971
No 7% 23% 28% 26% 12% 3% 524 520

Refused: 1% or less for all categories

Table A.37: How willing would you be to have Stephen (depression) provide childcare, combined sample

Very willing Fairly willing Neither Fairly unwilling Very unwilling Don't know Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 5% 18% 21% 31% 24% 2% 1497 1497
Age of respondent
18-24 10% 20% 26% 33% 11% - 177 93
25-34 6% 25% 18% 27% 21% 4% 238 180
35-44 5% 19% 22% 26% 27% 1% 248 217
45-54 3% 20% 23% 34% 17% 3% 278 279
55-64 5% 16% 21% 35% 22% 1% 232 280
65+ 1% 9% 17% 30% 39% 2% 324 448
Whether think most people can be trusted 6% 20% 21% 30% 21% 2% 771 822
Most people can be trusted 3% 15% 20% 31% 29% 2% 682 631
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 5% 9% 26% 44% 15% 1% 41 41

Refused: 1% or less for all categories


Email: Fiona MacDonald

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