Audit and Assurance committee handbook

Guidance on the principles and best practise for the organisation of Audit and Assurance committees.

Annex E: Example Annual Core Work Programme

Spring Meeting

  • Review performance relating to risk management
  • Review the Internal Audit charter / terms of reference, strategy and the periodic work plan for the coming financial year
  • Consider External Audit plans for the coming financial year
  • Consider any reports from Internal Audit and management responses
  • Consider financial reports, including relevant information about financial performance and achievement of financial targets
  • Consider any reports from other sources within the "three lines of assurance" integrated assurance framework

Summer Meeting

  • Review performance relating to risk management
  • Review and consider the accounts for the financial year just finished
  • Consider (emerging) External Audit opinion for the financial year just finished
  • Review assurances provided by senior staff for the annual governance statement
  • Consider Internal Audit opinion for the financial year just finished
  • Consider an annual report on fraud and security
  • Advise the Accountable Officer on signing the accounts and governance statement
  • Consider any reports from Internal Audit and management responses
  • Consider a financial report, including relevant information about financial performance and achievement of financial targets
  • Consider an annual report to the Board and Accountable Officer
  • Consider any reports from other sources within the "three lines of assurance" integrated assurance framework

Autumn Meeting

  • Review performance relating to risk management
  • Review the performance management arrangements adopted by the body including, where appropriate, the timetable for reviewing such arrangements
  • Consider any reports from Internal Audit and management responses
  • Consider the External Audit management letter for the previous financial year and the response to/implementation of any recommendations
  • Consider a financial report, including relevant information about financial performance and achievement of financial targets
  • Consider any reports from other sources within the "three lines of assurance" integrated assurance framework

Winter Meeting

  • Review performance relating to risk management
  • Consider any reports from Internal Audit and management responses
  • Consider a financial report, including relevant information about financial performance and achievement of financial targets
  • Consider the committee's own effectiveness in its work
  • Review the committee's Terms of Reference
  • Consider any reports from other sources within the "three lines of assurance" integrated assurance framework



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