
Autumn Budget Revision 2023 to 2024: supporting document

Supporting document to the Budget (Scotland) Act 2023 Amendment Regulations 2023. Provides details of Level 2 and 3 budgets.


1. This booklet provides information for the Parliament and others in support of the ‘Budget (Scotland) Act 2023 Amendment Regulations 2023’ – the Autumn Budget Revision. The Order is a Scottish Statutory Instrument laid before the Scottish Parliament by the Scottish Government in September 2023. The booklet itself has no statutory force – it is produced as an aid to understanding the Order.

2. The purpose of the Autumn Budget Revision is to amend the Budget (Scotland) Act 2023, which authorises the Scottish Government’s spending plans for the financial year 2023-24.

3. The main changes to the Scottish Government’s spending plans, as set out in the supporting document to the Budget Bill, are explained below:

i) Funding changes to reflect deployment of available resources to portfolios (total net increase to the budget of £361.3 million);

ii) technical adjustments (net increase to the budget of £188.0 million);

iii) Whitehall Transfers and HM Treasury allocations to the Scottish Government (£13.1 million); and

iv) the transfer of resources between Scottish Government portfolios.

4. In total these changes will increase the Scottish Government budget by £562.4 million from £59,643.5 million to £60,205.9 million.

5. The purpose of the Autumn Budget Revision is to seek Parliamentary approval for these changes.

Restructuring of Portfolios

6. Following his appointment on 29 March 2023 the First Minister announced a restructured cabinet with a number of changes to portfolio responsibilities. Table A provides a reconciliation between the previous portfolio budgets, as outlined in table E2 of 2023-24 Scottish Budget, and the new portfolio structure.

7. While changes to a number of portfolios were relatively modest there were some fundamental changes to others. This includes the responsibility for Local Government being transferred to the Deputy First Minister and Finance portfolio and the splitting of the responsibilities of the Finance and Economy portfolio. A full breakdown of movements is included in Table 1.9.

2023-24 Draft Budget Structure Total NHSR, Health and Social Care SJ WE, FW & E E&S Justice and Home Affairs T, NZJT RA, LR &I CEA&C DFM & Finance COPFS Others Total
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
Health and Social Care 19,157.9 19,148.9 9.0 19,157.9
Social Justice, Housing & Local Government 17,496.2 6,695.6 10,800.6 17,496.2
Finance and Economy 1,434.2 1,258.8 5.1 167.9 1,431.8
Education and Skills 4,854.5 4,854.5 4,854.5
Justice and Veterans 3,194.3 3,194.3 3,194.3
Net Zero, Energy and Transport Portfolio 4,696.1 102.1 4,331.8 262.1 4,696.1
Rural Affairs and Islands 964.9 964.9 964.9
Constitution, External Affairs & Culture 299.6 4.0 295.6 299.6
Deputy First Minister and Covid Recovery 45.0 45.0 45.0
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service 196.6 196.6 196.6
Total Portfolios 52,339.3 19,148.9 6,708.6 1,361.0 4,854.5 3,194.3 4,336.9 1,227.0 295.6 11,013.5 196.6 52,336.9
National Records of Scotland 33.0 33.0 33.0
Teachers and NHS Pensions 6,921.0 6,921.0 6,921.0
Office of Scottish Charity Regulator 3.3 3.3 3.3
Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service 147.6 147.6 147.6
Scottish Housing Regulator 6.0 6.0 6.0
Scottish Fiscal Commission 2.5 2.5 2.5
Revenue Scotland 8.2 8.2 8.2
Registers of Scotland 10.4 10.4 10.4
Environmental Standards Scotland 2.9 2.9 2.9
Food Standards Scotland 23.0 23.0 23.0
Consumer Scotland 0.0 2.4 2.4
Total Scottish Government 59,497.2 19,148.9 6,708.6 1,361.0 4,854.5 3,194.3 4,336.9 1,227.0 295.6 11,013.5 196.6 7,160.3 59,497.2
Scottish Parliament & Audit 146.4 146.4 146.4
Total Scottish Budget 59,643.6 19,148.9 6,708.6 1,361.0 4,854.5 3,194.3 4,336.9 1,227.0 295.6 11,013.5 196.6 7,306.7 59,643.6



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