Autumn Budget Revision 2024-25 – Supporting Document

Supporting document to the Budget (Scotland) Act 2024 Amendment Regulations 2024. Provides details of Level 2 and 3 budgets.

Social Justice

Schedule 2.1 Total Changes for the Autumn Budget Revision

Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Total Budget in the Budget Act 7,537.655 26.359 7,564.014
Changes Proposed
Funding Changes -160.000 0.000 -160.000
Technical Adjustment 0.076 0.000 0.076
Net Whitehall Transfers 15.029 0.000 15.029
Net Transfers within Scottish Block -137.705 40.000 -97.705
Total changes proposed -282.600 40.000 -242.600
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision 7,255.055 66.359 7,321.414
Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Expenditure Limit:
Third Sector 14.721 0.000 14.721
Housing and Building Standards 492.978 -5.100 487.878
Cladding 41.309 0.000 41.309
Tackling Child Poverty and Social Justice 50.023 0.000 50.023
Equalities, Inclusion and Human Rights 52.781 0.000 52.781
Transfer of the Management of Development Funding 92.245 0.000 92.245
Social Security 473.869 71.459 545.328
Social Security Assistance 5,985.380 0.000 5,985.380
Ukrainian Resettlement 51.749 0.000 51.749
Migration Strategy 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Expenditure Limit 7,255.055 66.359 7,321.414
UK Funded AME:
Social Security (AME) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total UK Funded AME 0.000 0.000 0.000
Other Expenditure:
Total Other Expenditure 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Budget 7,255.055 66.359 7,321.414
Total Limit on Income (accruing resources) 90.000

Schedule 3.1 Third Sector

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 21.077 0.000 21.077
Proposed changes -6.356 0.000 -6.356
ABR Proposed Budget 14.721 0.000 14.721
Summary of proposed changes
Funding to Growth Accelerators required due to the movement of the Enterprising Third Sector team from DG Communities to DG Economy. -6.269 0.000 -6.269
Miscellaneous Minor Transfers -0.087 0.000 -0.087
-6.356 0.000 -6.356
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 14.721 0.000 14.721
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
14.721 0.000 14.721
Budget Analysis
Third Sector 14.721 0.000 14.721
Net Expenditure 14.721 0.000 14.721

Schedule 3.2 Housing & Building Standards

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 578.339 -45.100 533.239
Proposed changes -85.361 40.000 -45.361
ABR Proposed Budget 492.978 -5.100 487.878
Summary of proposed changes
From General Revenue Grant to cover Building Sandards Fees 2.100 0.000 2.100
Funding to Local Government for Discretionary Housing Payments -76.175 0.000 -76.175
Funding to General Revenue Grant to implement their Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan to reduce homelessness. -8.000 0.000 -8.000
Funding to Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service for Housing & Property Chamber - Private Rented Sector -3.170 0.000 -3.170
Funding from Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation for the installation of zero emission heating systems as part of the affordable homes programme 0.000 40.000 40.000
Miscellaneous Minor Transfers -0.116 0.000 -0.116
-85.361 40.000 -45.361
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 492.978 -5.100 487.878
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
492.978 -5.100 487.878
Budget Analysis
Fuel Poverty/Energy Efficiency 1.496 0.000 1.496
Housing Support 65.966 0.000 65.966
Building Standards 4.540 0.000 4.540
More Homes 420.976 -5.100 415.876
Net Expenditure 492.978 -5.100 487.878

Schedule 3.3 Cladding

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 41.309 0.000 41.309
Proposed changes 0.000 0.000 0.000
ABR Proposed Budget 41.309 0.000 41.309
Summary of proposed changes
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 41.309 0.000 41.309
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
41.309 0.000 41.309
Budget Analysis
Cladding 41.309 0.000 41.309
Net Expenditure 41.309 0.000 41.309

Schedule 3.4 Tackling Child Poverty and Social Justice

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 43.019 0.000 43.019
Proposed changes 7.004 0.000 7.004
ABR Proposed Budget 50.023 0.000 50.023
Summary of proposed changes
Funding from Whitehall for Debt Advice Levy 7.324 0.000 7.324
Miscellaneous Minor Transfers -0.320 0.000 -0.320
7.004 0.000 7.004
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 50.023 0.000 50.023
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
50.023 0.000 50.023
Budget Analysis
Communities Analysis 6.080 0.000 6.080
Social Justice 43.943 0.000 43.943
Net Expenditure 50.023 0.000 50.023

Schedule 3.5 SJ Central Government Grants to Local Authorities

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 92.245 0.000 92.245
Proposed changes 0.000 0.000 0.000
ABR Proposed Budget 92.245 0.000 92.245
Summary of proposed changes
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 92.245 0.000 92.245
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
92.245 0.000 92.245
Budget Analysis
Transfer of the Management of Development Funding 92.245 0.000 92.245
Net Expenditure 92.245 0.000 92.245

Schedule 3.6 Social Security

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 496.111 71.459 567.570
Proposed changes -22.242 0.000 -22.242
ABR Proposed Budget 473.869 71.459 545.328
Summary of proposed changes
Reduction in Social Security Scotland budget for staffing savings outlined in Fiscal Statement -12.000 0.000 -12.000
Transfer to Local Government Finance to supply support to local authorities to provide the Scottish Welfare Fund -5.373 0.000 -5.373
Funding to General Revenue Grant regarding Disability Benefit applications -3.500 0.000 -3.500
First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Social Security Chamber funding -1.634 0.000 -1.634
Miscellaneous Minor Transfers 0.265 0.000 0.265
-22.242 0.000 -22.242
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 473.869 71.459 545.328
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
473.869 71.459 545.328
Budget Analysis
Scottish Welfare Fund Administration 0.100 0.000 0.100
Social Security Advice Policy and Programme Costs 159.941 66.290 226.231
Social Security (AME) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Social Security Scotland 313.828 5.169 318.997
Net Expenditure 473.869 71.459 545.328

Schedule 3.7 Social Security Assistance

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 6,168.880 0.000 6,168.880
Proposed changes -183.500 0.000 -183.500
ABR Proposed Budget 5,985.380 0.000 5,985.380
Summary of proposed changes
Reduction in Pension Age Winter Heating Payment forecast following change to eligiblity -148.000 0.000 0.000
Transfer to Local Government Finance to supply support to local authorities to provide the Scottish Welfare Fund -35.500 0.000 -35.500
-183.500 0.000 -35.500
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 5,985.380 0.000 5,985.380
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
5,985.380 0.000 5,985.380
Budget Analysis
Adult Disability Payment 3,226.400 0.000 3,226.400
Attendance Allowance 754.900 0.000 754.900
Scottish Child Payment 457.340 0.000 457.340
Child Disability Assistance (DLA Child and DACYP) 450.100 0.000 450.100
Disability Living Allowance (Adult) 420.000 0.000 420.000
Carer's Allowance 411.700 0.000 411.700
Pension Age Winter Heating Payment 32.000 0.000 32.000
Industrial Injuries Disablement Scheme 86.600 0.000 86.600
Carer's Allowance Supplement 55.100 0.000 55.100
Scottish Welfare Fund 0.000 0.000 0.000
Low Income Winter Heating Assitance 24.400 0.000 24.400
Best Start Grant 21.300 0.000 21.300
Best Start Food Grant 18.100 0.000 18.100
Funeral Support Payment 12.200 0.000 12.200
Child Winter Heating Allowance 8.700 0.000 8.700
Severe Disablement Allowance 5.140 0.000 5.140
Young Carer Grant 1.000 0.000 1.000
Job Start Payment 0.400 0.000 0.400
Net Expenditure 5,985.380 0.000 5,985.380

Schedule 3.8 Equalities, Inclusion and Human Rights

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 51.856 0.000 51.856
Proposed changes 0.925 0.000 0.925
ABR Proposed Budget 52.781 0.000 52.781
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers 0.925 0.000 0.925
0.925 0.000 0.925
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 52.781 0.000 52.781
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
52.781 0.000 52.781
Budget Analysis
Equalities, Inclusion and Human Rights 52.781 0.000 52.781
Net Expenditure 52.781 0.000 52.781

Schedule 3.9 Ukrainian Resettlement

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 44.819 0.000 44.819
Proposed changes 6.930 0.000 6.930
ABR Proposed Budget 51.749 0.000 51.749
Summary of proposed changes
Funding from Whitehall in respect of Ukrainian refugee Thank You payments 7.705 0.000 7.705
Miscellaneous Minor Transfers -0.775 0.000 -0.775
6.930 0.000 6.930
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 51.749 0.000 51.749
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
51.749 0.000 51.749
Budget Analysis
Ukrainian Resettlement 51.749 0.000 51.749
Net Expenditure 51.749 0.000 51.749

Schedule 3.10 Migration Strategy

Details of Proposed Budget

Proposed Changes
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Original Budget 0.000 0.000 0.000
Proposed changes 0.000 0.000 0.000
ABR Proposed Budget 0.000 0.000 0.000
Summary of proposed changes
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision
  Operating £m Capital £m Total £m
Gross Expenditure 0.000 0.000 0.000
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
Budget Analysis
Migration Strategy 0.000 0.000 0.000
Net Expenditure 0.000 0.000 0.000



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