Avian influenza (bird flu): how to spot and report the disease

Advice on what to do if you suspect there is an outbreak of avian influenza.


Biosecurity means simple procedures or steps you can take to prevent disease. The risk of bird flu in the UK from wild birds never disappears completely so it is essential that bird keepers maintain effective biosecurity all year round. An outbreak of bird flu in a small hobby or backyard flock can have an impact on the commercial poultry sector through both the introduction of movement restrictions and temporary loss of exports with other countries.

Biosecurity guidance for all bird keepers

Read the biosecurity guidance below, which includes details of measures that should be taken.

There are simple actions that can be taken to help reduce the chance of your birds becoming infected. A variety of further guidance is available:



Email: Animal.Health@gov.scot (However, only report dead wild bird findings via 03459 33 55 77).

Animal Health and Welfare 
Scottish Government
Agriculture and Rural Economy Directorate
Saughton House

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