Avian influenza (bird flu): how to spot and report the disease

Advice on what to do if you suspect there is an outbreak of avian influenza.

Register your birds

There is currently a legal requirement for all poultry keepers with 50 or more birds to register their premises on the Great Britain Poultry Register (GBPR).  

Changes from 1 September 2024: Scottish Kept Bird Register 

From 1 September 2024, all bird keepers - even those who keep a single bird - must register their bird location(s) on the new Scottish Kept Bird Register (SKBR). 

Premises where birds are kept must be re-registered on the new SKBR on 1 September if they were previously registered on the GBPR. 

Keepers must register, or re-register, their bird location(s) online or by telephone between 1 September and 1 December 2024. This is a legal requirement.

Details must be updated at least annually. 

The registration requirement does not apply to birds on the premises that belong to the order psittaciformes (parrot family, including budgerigars) or passeriformes (perching birds, including jays and finches), which have no access to the open air. 

Registration will be free, quick and simple. Once registered, keepers can access their information online at any time. 

A link to the Scottish Kept Bird Register system will be available here from 1 September 2024. 

By registering your bird(s) location, you will receive vital biosecurity information to help protect your flock from disease, along with disease control information in case you are affected by a disease control zone.

You will also help government contain and eradicate notifiable avian diseases, such as highly pathogenic avian influenza and Newcastle disease. 


A GB-wide consultation took place in 2023, facilitated by Defra on behalf of the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the UK Government. The joint-government response and summary of responses to the poultry registration consultation was published on gov.uk.  


Email: Animal.Health@gov.scot (however, only report any dead wild bird findings via 03459 33 55 77)

Animal Health and Welfare 
Scottish Government
Agriculture and Rural Economy Directorate
Saughton House

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