
Background Paper to Supporting Healthy Choices

Background Paper to Supporting Healthy Choices




c The promotional detail provided includes the total sold on promotion, split into multi-buys, Y for X, Temporary price reductions, and other promotion (e.g. meal deal, on pack, extra free etc.) and no promotion

d NMES are sugars that are not located within the cellular structure of a food (excluding milk sugars). They include fruit juices, honey, sucrose, fructose, recipe sugars, table sugars and 50% of sugars in canned, stewed, dried or preserved fruits

e Defined (by NPD) as restaurants that usually do not have table service and typically include fast food restaurants like McDonalds, sandwich shops, coffee shops and pizza/Chinese/Indian takeaways

f Total sandwiches include all types (wraps, rolls, baguettes etc.); total burgers category includes all types (cheeseburgers etc.); sausages and pies is a combined category which includes pasties and sausage rolls

g For the purposes of this figure some of the soft drink categories have been combined

h Category includes, sausages, meat pies, corned beef, burgers and pâté

i NMES (Non-Milk Extrinsic Sugars) are also known as added or free sugars and are found in sweets, biscuits, soft drinks, added to breakfast cereals, table sugar, honey and fruit juice. They are not in milk or integrally present in the cells of food such as fruit and vegetables

j Non starch polysaccharide (NSP) as measured by Englyst method

k All values as expressed as % food energy

l NMES (Non-Milk Extrinsic Sugars) are also known as added or free sugars and are found in sweets, biscuits, soft drinks, added to breakfast cereals, table sugar, honey and fruit juice. They are not in milk or integrally present in the cells of food such as fruit and vegetables

m A full list of the breakdown of each of the categories is available in the published paper:

n A full list of the breakdown of each of the categories is available in the published paper:

o A full list of the breakdown of each of the categories is available in the published paper:

p A full list of the KWP food and drink categories is available in Table J of this appendix

q A full list of the KWP food and drink categories is available in Table J of this appendix

r A full list of the KWP food and drink categories is available in Table J of this appendix

s A full list of the KWP food and drink categories is available in Table J of this appendix

t A full list of the KWP food and drink categories is available in Table J of this appendix


Email: Leigh Edwardson

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