
Organ and tissue donation: baseline report 2021

Data about organ and tissue donation in Scotland prior to implementation of ‘The Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland) Act 2019’, organised into three main categories: public attitudes, workforce, monitoring data.

Citizen Panel Figures

Figure 11: Citizen Panel question 1
This figure shows survey responses to a Citizen Panel. The question asked was “To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about organ and tissue donation after death?”

For statement 1; “I feel that I have enough information to make an informed choice and organ and tissue donation”, 47.5% of respondents answered “Strongly agree”, 29.5% answered “Agree”, 7.1% answered “Neither/nor”, 12.2% answered “Disagree”, 2.2% answered “Strongly disagree” and 1.5% answered “Don’t know”.

For statement 2; “I feel able to have a conversation with a family member or loved one about my organ and tissue donation decision”, 58.6% of respondents answered “Strongly agree”, 33% answered “Agree”, 4.5% answered “Neither/nor”, 1.9% answered “Disagree”, 0.9% answered “Strongly disagree” and 1.2% answered “Don’t know”.

For statement 3; “I trust the organ and tissue donation system in Scotland”, 42.8% of respondents answered “Strongly agree”, 32.9% answered “Agree”, 13.8% answered “Neither/nor”, 1.3% answered “Disagree”, 2.2% answered “Strongly disagree” and 7% answered “Don’t know”.

For statement 4; “I support the introduction of an opt-out system for organ and tissue donation”, 55.4% of respondents answered “Strongly agree”, 27.8% answered “Agree”, 5.7% answered “Neither/nor”, 3.7% answered “Disagree”, 5.3% answered “Strongly disagree” and 2.1% answered “Don’t know”
Figure 12: Citizen Panel question 2
This figure shows survey responses to a Citizen Panel. The question asked was “Please select the answer that best applies to you with the following statements about organ and tissue donation after death”. 
For statement 1; “I know how to register my organ and tissue donation decision”; 62.5% of respondents answered “Yes”, 24.2% answered “No” and 13.3% answered “Don’t know”.

For statement 2; “I have had a conversation with a family member or loved one about my organ and tissue donation decision”, 61% of respondents answered “Yes”, 38.5% answered “No” and 0.5% answered “Don’t know”.

For statement 3; “I am aware of the plans to move to an opt-out system of organ and tissue donation in Scotland”, 86.4% of respondents answered “Yes”, 10.3% answered “No” and 3.2% answered “Don’t know”.

For statement 4; “I understand that under the proposed opt-out system I may be presumed to be willing to donate unless I have stated that I do not wish to do so”, 87.8% of respondents answered “Yes”, 8.1% answered “No” and 4.1% answered “Don’t know”.
Figure 13: Citizen Panel question 3
This figure shows survey responses to a Citizen Panel. The question asked was “Have you already registered your decision about organ and tissue donation after your death?”

46.4% of respondents answered “Yes”, 49.4% answered “No” and 4.2% answered “Don’t know”.
Figure 14: Citizen Panel question 4
This figure shows survey responses to a Citizen Panel. The question asked was “If you have not already registered, how likely are you to register your decision about organ and tissue donation after your death?”

35% of respondents answered “Very likely”, **% answered “Somewhat likely”, **% answered “Unlikely” and **% answered “Don’t know”



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