
Healthcare science - education and training provision: baseline review

This baseline review explores healthcare science education in Scotland to better understand this landscape. It has resulted in 6 key themes which will inform the national workforce strategy for health and social care in Scotland commitment to undertake a HCS Education scoping review.

5. Aim 3: Opportunities to continue education

To identify the different programmes that support the stages outlined in Modernising Scientific Career Framework

Each of the surveys explored how specialities aligned to the MSC framework by posing questions in relation to the provision of opportunity for progression; including the provision for CPD; opportunities for further education; and the infrastructure required.

5.1 MSC Alignment

The returns received supported the concept of continual progression aligned to the MSC Framework. There was agreement on the need for a flexible approach and provision for career progression with the opportunity to "step-on & step-off" at the various stages. There is an understanding that this is a challenge in the current landscape of routes into the profession.

Robust "Return to Practice" routes are available for those who are statutory registered which eases the transition back into service, however this is not standardised across those professions who are voluntary registered via the accredited registers.

There was a consensus that there should be a robust career pathway for all specialisms with education and training programmes available to school leavers and this should be a priority for HCS.

There is a range of opportunities provided across the various specialisms at all of the various stages of the framework. However, this varies between specialisms and regions.

Many of the specialisms rely on programmes currently delivered via NES (leadership and management/early career programmes) or via their professional bodies. Survey responses suggest that more leadership programmes are required.

All specialisms note that accessing funding for further/continuing education is difficult, many rely on self-funding or support through professional bursaries including via NES or access to government funding (Student Awards Agency Scotland/Skills Development Scotland).

5.2 Continual Professional Development

Continual Professional Development (CPD) is required at all levels across the HCS specialisms to ensure that staff maintain and develop knowledge.

Survey feedback suggests that each of the specialisms allocate time for CPD however, this is not a formal arrangement and is dependent on workload/service demand. There is evidence of a wide range of activities delivered and arranged locally including lunchtime talks, journal clubs, and support to attend conferences, leadership and management courses. These are accessed via local organisation, professional body or NES.

Funding is a concern and was raised by all specialisms, with many stating that there is minimal funding to support such activities and staff tend to either self-fund or explore other routes within the organisation for support. Time for CPD is on an ad-hoc basis with no formal arrangements in place.

Very few specialisms noted CPD opportunities for either associate or assistant practitioners.



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