
Basic Payment Scheme: guidance

If you intend to take part in the Basic Payment Scheme you must read this guidance carefully and make sure you understand the requirements of the scheme.

12. Activating entitlements

By holding entitlements and submitting a Single Application Form, we will automatically enter you in the scheme.

The deadline for the return of the form (and to receive payment in full) is 15 May each scheme year, unless that date falls on a weekend or public holiday. We can still accept forms until 9 June but we will reduce any payment in order to apply late claim penalties. We must reject your claim if it is received after 9 June.

You must have a minimum of three hectares of eligible land (owned or leased) and match each hectare with an entitlement to make up your claim. You must use each of your entitlements in at least two consecutive scheme years. If you fail to do this, we must take away any that are unused and put the reference amount to the National Reserve.

We will not take away entitlements if you could not use them because of unforeseen events beyond your control (known as force majeure or exceptional circumstances).


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